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Lv 5
jj asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Isn't this exactly what Bush and his supporters said wasn't going to?


WASHINGTON - President Bush envisions a long-term U.S. troop presence in Iraq similar to the one in South Korea


dodge questions much, Freddie D??

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, but Bush always does the opposite of what he promises. I mean geez, this is the guy who called himself a compassionate conservative. Is there any less compassionate person on the planet? He said his tax cut was going to go mainly to the bottom economic brackets, and instead it went primarily to the rich. He lied about Iraq's involvement (lack thereof) in 9/11 and the evidence of WMDs there.

    I could go on, but basically he lies about everything. Just expect him to do the opposite of what he says and you won't be surprised.

  • 1 decade ago

    Exactly. But many knew he was not telling the truth. This is about oil for Exxon and Mobil; long term contracts for Iraq's future oil development. US troops will be necessary to protect the US corporations as they get the oil and then sell it to us and the rest of the world for more record profits! All that death and destruction so US oil companies can improve their profit margins; is that not a High enough Crime?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The person who "trolls" me, constantly calling me a "liberal puke": (and that is one of the nicer things he has said) explained in a long answer the other night that being in Iraq for the long haul (he mentioned decades, even hundreds, of years....) was the "plan" from the beginning. But, just like during WWII, the American people need to be coaxed and goaded into doing the right thing. He said that we are not there to "rescue" the Iraqi people, but to have a foothold in the Middle East, next to Iran (to keep the from getting nukes), to continue to kill terrorists, etc. My liberal friends and I are "naive" and "stupid" to not have seen this whole picture and the necessity of it.

    Well, darnit, I don't like my elected (tho' that is still questionable, isn't it?) officials coaxing me, conning me, lying to me, to get me to do "the right thing" (according to whom, BTW???) I don't want our American sons and daughters, who are not being treated properly by the govt. that hired them, stuck in the godforsaken ME forever. I am told, over and over, that the "Islamofacists" have a dastardly "plan" for the take over of the world, but I see other enemies at much closer range!

    And, once again, the ends DO NOT justify the means. I detest being lied to, especially by my employees. (The Shrub does work for us, doesn't he? Well he's supposed to, anyway.....)

  • 1 decade ago

    What was relevant yesterday can be irrelevant today.What matters will be consequence of the present relevance.

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  • Gemini
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    is anybody shocked by this? not me

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