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I'm feeling sad :(?

Did anyone else start feling really sad when they noticed their baby really wasn't a baby daughter just turned two, and she's potty trained, sleeps in a bed rather than a cot, eats all by herself, uses 'big girl' cups for her drinks, okay she spills sometimes, but she knows how to use them...

It just makes me see that she's growing up so fast, and I miss her being little! I was told so many times 'She won't be a baby for long'...but the truth of it never quite hit until now.

So my question is, did any of you feel sad when you noticed your children growing up so fast? How did you deal with it?

I know that she is turning into a marvellous little girl, but it's so depressing! Is there such a thing as the two year blues?

I did ask this in the parenting section, but not many answered...


Final word....take your own advice!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and sometimes i want to cry because of how fast time is flying by. and there are times that i do. but you need to cherish these moments and never forget that she is still your little girl and always will be no matter how old she gets. my 3 yr old is starting a school for gifted children this September and i know that i am going to be an emotional wreck for the first few days but i try to focus on the now and not on the later. i want them to stay this age forever because even tho it is rough some day i would not change any of it or anything. but it is a fat of life that they must grow up and one ay face the world and it is my job as a parent to teach them as much as i can for that day. all i can say is play often and play hard, take lots of pictures and enjoy it while it lasts because it wont be long and you will be sending her off to school. i you want to talk email me I'm always looking for other parents to chat with.

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    Of course!

    It's God's way of tellling us life is short, she's your replacement. That's why they come, to take our place.

    Just do the best you can. Don't project into the future. Live today.

    There is no such thing as the perfect parent. Children are a gambel.....Hitler was once a child.

    Who knows, your little girl might one day be President?

    I don't think there's much chance at her becoming a sick o

    You're just a young mother going through normal fellings.


    When I was young, in my twenties girls said I was cute. Now Girls call me Mr. or Gramps.........That's life!

    I don't mind being a senior citizen. The thought of going through this life again, making the same mistakes.....oh God!

    Once is enough.

    Enjoy her. Enjoy your youth. Youth doesn't last long, Trust me.

    I never saw myself as a old coot when I was twenty. You'll one day be granny....It's a disease, It's going around......Forget about AIDS, lets do something about ageing.

    We can't, thank God.

    Who'd want to be around an old one-hundred twenty old man

    or woman......? Just a mass of wrinkeled up skin! No teeth, a feebel mind, wearing diapers........

    Sound a lttle a description of a baby,, with wrinkels>>>

    Have good life. Don't let the sicko's insensitive remarks get you down. Answere's seems to attract two types.

    Sincere and depraved.

    Consider the source. Remember this is the internet>

    Where a middeleged aged ballheaded, pot bellieed, married man with a PHD in higher mathematics enters a room filled with others like he is and in flash....transforms himself to that ever present one of a kind woman Doona Yawonna

    Source(s): Know my source..........................ya got me there?????? MY source............??????? AAAAhhhhh............Life?.......gee whizz! I hope I answered your question Mr Yahoo. Now....can I go or do you have a test of some kind in mind?
  • 1 decade ago

    It is very common to feel that way. Suddenly, instead of that tiny, dependent baby you brought home, you have a child who is testing her own independence. You've obviously done a wonderful job with her because she is doing the things she is early. They say the time to have another child is when you can't stand to not have one. If that's an option, consider it. If not, know that it won't be long before you are enjoying your daughter even more. Once children become more articulate, they also need someone to teach them things, show them things, and help them make sense of their world. She will always be your "baby" no matter how old she gets. My eldest son is 30, andI still think back to when he was so dependent upon me. I'm so proud of the man he's become and know some of it is due to the care he received from us. Your daughter will always need and want you.

  • 1 decade ago

    My little girl is 13 months old and i do know how you feel she went from being a baby to this little girl so very quickly and sometimes I just won't it all to slow down and for her to stay my little baby, I'm very scared that she is going to grow up to fast, everyday she can do something new and more advanced. I can see the little baby i had slipping away but I realise that as my baby is going this new little girl who changes my life everyday is even more wonderful.

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  • craze
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of we do no longer likely ought to be attentive to each little thing it is rather occurring to the different individual we knew, while there are cases that would in all hazard make us the two uncomfortable to inform issues now and then, we dont somewhat do everytime. yet as we exchange into closer to a minimum of one so of course. we certainly have this style of sensitivity we experience while there is extremely some thing going incorrect with our chum or a chum no count if far or on the brink individuals..i think of this organic psychic skill in our human nature like of that intuitions or telephatic pass of a few energies of course created that we do no longer likely be attentive to what it is. once you merely have no thought in any respect. hence it turns into all so unusual to us notwithstanding we would hit upon with out even listening to the genuine problem of the different individual in contact. you may already conciously or maybe unconsciously experience that specific bond or connection in some or maximum of techniques. it is no longer a loopy feeling if to no longer over react on it. regardless of the undeniable fact that it is barely your experience of coming up expertise approximately what became transmitted via a particular problem that made you felt some thing's at the back of the strategies and thoughts of the particular individual concerning you or possibly no longer even genuine close.

  • Sptfyr
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually, not so much for me. I'm quite happy not to have to change diapers or spoon feed anymore. I like that my children can actually talk to me now and they play by themselves. Don't get me wrong. My babies were precious and I will miss some things, but I so much prefer the more mature toddler. I still get all the cuddle time I want so I am happy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pamela, you only think that it is bad now, just you wait until they attend the first day of school, the first dance, first b/f, first date, and so on. Then one day you will look back and ask yourself where did the time go? My children are now grown up and I will let you in on this secret. SUSSHH, Grand children are 100 times more fun as you can load them up on sugar and then send them back to mom and dad! They are your way to pay your kids back for what they did to you! Cheer up because if I had known that the little grand crumb snatchers were so much fun, I would have went straight to them !!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been going thru this too. My daughter is now wearing big girl pants. I miss her diapers cause it was like her last little baby thing:( I just always try to look forward to the big girl things that we will enjoy as much as the baby things!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is very normal you see your child grow up, I did feel very sad and I do alot of times. I have two teenagers and I wish they were little girls again. That's why I actually go crazy with my neighbours daughter she is seven and I spoil her like she was my own. This is completely natural and you could always have another child. Hey spoil other people's children it makes you feel better. Really.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    at times i feel son just tunred one and we stopped the night feedings, whihc has helped, but he is sleeping in our bed..i gues i still want to hold on to that....i am sad and also axious about the next stage of his life...i love him so much and hope i am doing all the right things at all times i wish it would go faster, and then there are MANY moments, where i just stop and enjjoy where he is. I know he will always be my sweet sweet baby...even when he is 100 years old!!!!!!!

    i guess just try to relax and enjoy..even the hard stuff bec like you said, it goes by really fast.........good luck!!

    Source(s): mother of a son, whose first year has gone by WAY too quickly!!
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