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Sptfyr sculptor of people molded in clay. painter and poet with something to say. teacher by occupation, student of art, favoring creativity born from the heart. yearns for inspiration from an undecided muse, reaching and searching for anything to use. I am a proud Unitarian Universalist. ☪☸e✡ɨ☯✟ I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys whom I love very much. 4 dogs (boxer/pit, dobie, boxer, chihuahua), 2 cats, and 10 fish. I have a BA in English and a BA in Psych w/ a minor in Art. I love to garden and I'm an avid collector of roses both real and painted. I love everything Artsy and poetry is no exception. Thanks to TD Euwaite and Elyslund, I just became a published poet through Tangled Web Press. You can check out my Art, Garden, pets, and guys here: Poems here:

  • How do you legally evict someone...?

    We invited an acquaintance to stay in our apartment until he could get on his feet. There was no contract and no rent being paid. We only asked that he help with some work around the house. He's been there 3 years now and we haven't asked him for any help for the past year. We don't even think he is actually still living in the apartment, only storing his stuff. We've been trying to get into contact with him for the past few months because there is a potential renter and we need him to get his things out, but he won't return any calls and we are 600 miles away so we can't physically locate him. So anyhow, we would like to know if we have the right to have a family member move his things out into the garage, change the lock, and clear the apartment ourselves.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • How to unlock a Jenn Air self cleaning oven?

    I just bought a new house that came with a Jenn Air self cleaning oven. I locked the oven and began the cleaning process, but I completely forgot that I had stored a cast iron skillet and a cookie sheet in there. I stopped the cleaning process and the oven is cooled, but I still can't get the oven to unlock. If anyone has had any experience with this or has a solution, I would greatly appreciate it.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How do you get burn smell out of a microwave?

    My son incinerated a corn dog in the microwave and now it smells like the world's largest ash tray. Is there something I can do or use to get the odor out?

    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Trying again...Spiritually speaking...have you ever heard of the BC (biblically correct) museum tour?

    This is a tour of natural history museums in which they attempt to debunk science and the true age of the earth.

    I was just curious whether or not any christians here in R&S believe this and how many find it ridiculous and funny?

    All opinions are welcome. The video is a bit long, but I think most everyone will enjoy whether you believe in evolution or not.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking...have you ever heard of the BC (biblically correct) museum tour?

    This is a tour of natural history museums in which they attempt to debunk science and the true age of the earth.

    I was just curious whether or not any christians here in R&S believe this and how many find it ridiculous and funny?

    All opinions are welcome. The video is a bit long, but I think most everyone will enjoy whether you believe in evolution or not.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking...Is Jimmy Carter a moral champion?

    He left his church as a result of the mistreatment of women. What do you think about that?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Questions about dog parks...?

    I'm moving to a new state where they have ample dog parks. I was just there for a visit with my Chihuahua who loved the park. I'm looking forward to taking my other dogs, but I'm a little weary because they are large (2 Boxers and a Doberman) and have never been to a dog park before. I didn't worry about the Chi because he is used to his larger brother and sisters, but I worry about how the large dogs might react to a pack. I'm not too worried about the Dobie, but my little girl boxer is a bit skittish with other dogs and strangers. Therefore, I could really use some opinions from those who have had similar experiences or are familiar with behaviors from new dogs. Any information would be most appreciated. Thanks so much.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Could vegetarianism or veganism be considered a religion?

    They seem to have a single mindset and some of them even try to convert omnivores or tell them how evil they are for eating meat. I have nothing against Vegetarians or Vegans because people have the right to eat whatever they want, but do they have the right to call me evil or tell me to drop off the face of the planet because I eat meat. I have a friend who is vegan and his lifestyle seems to consume him. I'm a little worried for him and I'm kinda tired to being chided because I eat meat. It just seems so much like a religion to me. Anyone else?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking...Is your spirit reflected in everything you do and say?

    Is your spirit dull and grey or bright and shiny?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Trinitarians, do you ever wonder....?

    Do you ever wonder if referring to Jesus as God is breaking the first commandment or a bit blasphemous? Do you ever doubt the trinity?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • are you a part of A.R.T. ?

    I just became aware of this association...Association for Religious Tolerance that someone came up with here on Y!A. I wondered why I always like the answers given by those with ART in their names and now I know. I was just wondering how many of you are part of A.R.T.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is a Practicing Shaman?

    What do they practice or do?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here's one from the it seasonally appropriate?

    In The Garden

    Upon Spring's birth, Winter's death.

    Seeds and eggs and babes abound.

    At last we smell Earth's heaving breath;

    a fragrance tilled from from 'neath the ground.

    Seeds and eggs and babes abound.

    Passively, they bide their time

    a fragrance tilled from 'neath the ground

    drink in the fruit of heady wine.

    Passively, they bide their time.

    They labor to reach the highest clouds.

    Drink in the fruit of heady wine

    as Summer draws in the crowds.

    They labor to reach the highest clouds

    Dead heat begins to wane and chill

    as Summer draws in the crowds

    and ushers Autumn over the hill.

    Dead heat begins to wane and chill

    as cool Winter winds begin

    and ushers Autumn over the hill

    Then Spring is born again.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you find this odd?

    Okay, for me, the idea of living forever is just as scary as the reality of death. I've often thought, what if there really was a biblical heaven and I was fortunate enough to go there to live forever. That should be nice and comforting, right? But, as I'm reflecting on the concept, I'd get this almost fearful feeling of dread. I just can't imagine how living for infinity could possibly be enjoyable. This is not intended to be a Theological debate, I'm just wondering if anyone else has imagined the same.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone here a UU in Fond du lac?

    My husband just got transferred to Fond du lac and I would like to meet some new people before I have to move. You don't have to be UU to answer. Anyone from Fond du lac will be most welcome. There are several things I'd like to know. I'd like to know about the Fond du lac UU church, if there is a sculpture studio near by, and what the schools are like. Thanks for your time.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you want to know the truth about Cupid?

    Cupid Wears A Mask

    Angelic cherub

    with face so devin.

    Plump dimpled cheeks,

    flushed roses and wine

    Smooth satin locks

    gold, flaxen curls.

    lusterous wings

    favoring mother of pearl

    You float through our lives

    piercing with darts

    desolate sadness

    percieved in our hearts.

    You fill us with warmth,

    with love, and with joy,

    but sometimes I wonder

    If we're only your toy.

    It seems that's a mask

    you wear o'er your face.

    Are there horns under there?

    Is your facade a disgrace?

    For the love you bestow,

    does soon fade away.

    do you do this on purpose,

    is this a game that you play?

    In love and then out.

    You stab at our hearts

    you mess up our lives

    with your mischevious art.

    You malicious little Imp

    Have you nothing better to do?

    Can't you for once,

    aim straight and aim true?

    ©2008 Dawn Slanker

    14 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago