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How do I get my husband to quit smokeing. He doesn't want to?

I thank the others for there trying to help and it would be great if it was me ,, because I am willing to try. If you told him you were going to dump gas on him and light him on fire if he didn't quit he would go for being lit on fire before quiting. Help I need real answers I can not stand the smell anymore. it has to be a drug he will never quit on his own. What will work for sure. doesn't even matter if it kills him because the cigs will anyway. He is not willing to try anything. his mother bought him the patch and he smoked with it on. Didn't work. So far the person saying welbutrin was the best answer. Is there any other answers?

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Your husband won't quit smoking until he is ready. But, if you can talk him into taking a couple pills daily, I guarantee he will eventually quit. They recommend you take these for six months to be sure you're over the addiction. I only took them for two and a half months and didn't smoke the entire time. When I quit taking the pill I slowly got back into smoking. I am starting the pills again next week. They must be doctor prescribed and they are called Chantix. They totally block the urge for a cigarette. All that is left is the habit to light one up, so that is why they recommend them for 6 months, to get over that habit. They are expensive and most insurance companies don't cover them, but in the long run they're much cheaper than smokes.

    Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    There's more going on here than his smoking.

    It's a Power Play.( That's why he's so defiantie. smoking with patches on. That was cool giving himself a double triple nicotine fix. That will kill him pronto).He intends to win it if it cost him or more importantly you your life. Because he's infecting your airways your body every time he smokes near you, or any children. It's picked up in their clothing too when you hug, you breathe it in.

    What you need to decide is what's important to you. Act upon that. If it means moving out then do it. Because everyone elses' health is at stake. He is so ignorant and isn't concerned about nobody but his needs. He's not going to change until you show him that his family and way of life is at stake . You can't just talk about it you have to do something about it. Right now he's got all he requires and no reason to be more thoughtful. When he really sees he has something important to lose and you do act he will certainly want to change. That's if his Family are really important or if he doesn't give a Rat's a....He'll get stuff to help him quit when the time is right for him. Not before. Getting on his back is only egging him on the show he's top dog in the house.

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You cannot make someone quit smoking any more than you can make a person quit drinking. If he doesn't want quit then there is not much you can do but tell him he cannot smoke in the house or car etc. If he doesn't want to quit you can give him anything you want it and won't make him quit. One thing that might be funny though is find the t shirt that says kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

  • 1 decade ago

    Trying to stop smokeing is hard enough to do anyway. When you really don't want to do makes it that much harder. He has to want to do this to get up the will power to try. Just tell him one more time how you earnestly feel about him doing this and then drop it..he's a grown man and can make his own decisions. You just need to pray that he will not become sick.

    Source(s): my 55 year old husband has been smokeing for 45 years. He doesn't want to quit either. Sometimes my nagging made him smoke more.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Good luck with this.

    My family always talked and joked with my Dad trying to get him to quit for years and he never quit.

    My Mom spent the last four years of his Life helping him get through painful chemo and radiation therapy until it finally spread from his lungs to his brain and he gave up and died.

    She loved him a lot.

    Both you and your husband need to make those decisions carefully.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He has to be willing before he will do anything. Or just give him the whole speech that you love him and would rather not lose him to cancer. Do you two have kids.. they could be a BIG reason to stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    dont tell him to stop smoking because he will just refuse it.

    try to say lessen the amount of smoking and provide facts about lung cancer and other illness that he can get from smoking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Won't he smoke outside?

    I don't think you can make him stop smoking (as if you didn't know).

    Interesting angle about the drugs. I didn't know there was that remedy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he doesn't want to quit he wont quit. You shouldn't try to change him unless he wants to, I know it's bad for his health but if he doesn't care then maybe you shouldn't care about it either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can't make him want to quit.

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