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Why is there so much hate for the USA?

This question is not directed at foreigners, but rather at those Americans who hate their own country. I realize that we are entrenched in a massively unpopular war in Iraq and Afghanistan which angers many, but I cannot understand the unabiding hatrid of America by so many. Everywhere I look I hear Americans denouncing America in language that would make Osama Bin Laden proud! They say outrageous things like America is the world's biggest rogue nation, or terrorist state! They compair the US with the Soviet Union, and they denounce Americans as uncaring, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. I simply cannot understand this self loathing. The USA does indeed have its share of deficiencies, but on the whole I think we are a far greater source of good, than a source of evil. Honestly, I don't know of any other country that during a war drops crates of food for the citizens of the country we are at war with, in order to avert starvation! Where did all this hate come from?



This question is not directed at foreigners, or foreign nations, but rather at the hatrid of America from elements from within America herself! I know there are always going to be radicals everywhere, but lately I have been finding more and more people brimming with hatrid for America. These people tend to be natural born multi-generational Americans. I don't know about hatrid from abroad, but I am asking about those in America who say things like "The USA is worse than Nazi Germany" or "America is the biggest terrorist threat in the world".

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I honestly don't understand either... Though you have definitely irritated a few of the "blame America first" crowd and Bush-bashers.

    We are NOT a perfect nation (and our president is not perfect), but overall America is truly a force for good in the world.

    I do have a question to add onto yours though--if we're so hated, why do nations all the world over beg for us to step in and help when there are crises? Of course more often than not, we help without being asked and without any expectation of thanks or repayment. Boy, America sure is a rotten place.

  • 1 decade ago

    contrary to what some have said about other people hating America and Americans, I remember a time when I went into a foreign country I was treated like royalty, today in most country's I try to keep a low profile and not let people know I am American, and travel in groups , ( not alone) our gov, has meddled in others internal affairs so much since ww11 and the fact we have supported Israel unconditionally to kill and maim the Arabic people it has turned almost every one against us,but, as I explained to a citizens group in /Asia recently we the people in America do not condone this any more than they condone what their gov, doe's, they seem to under stand but, the average person on the street don't fully understand. And even tho the people who hate America will try to come here because they know this is the land of milk and honey, most of them don't plan to stay , just earn enough to get ahead and then return to their country, most never do get ahead enough and end up staying here indefinitely.

    Also, we have our so called liberal college professors who teach our young people how evil America is, and has been, so with out any one to counter these allegations how can we expet our young people to really know that every society has did bad or unscrupelous things, and America has did some bad things after looking back at history, but, at the same time America has not committed any where near the atrocities other country's have, when did we starve 50 million of our people to death? have we kept them as slaves for over 50 years, sure we had black slaves, their people sold to our slave traders, but, every society has been enslaved at one time or another, including whites, and some are still in slavery. If you went to Africa today and asked for slaves your boat would be so loaded by voulenteers it would sink,

  • 1 decade ago

    very inconsistent foreign policy especially since the end of WW2 is the main reason. There is a lot that goes under that but among other things we have toppled 2 strongmen we helped put in place ( yes im from the US) in Saddam and also noriega. We say we are for the rule of law then bush detains people in Guantanamo bay and says he can keep them there forever with out any due process what so ever. Unwavering support of Israel even when they engage in activities that are clearly inappropriate. The fact that The US is the only country to have used a nuclear weapon also scares the crap out of a lot of people.

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What country are we at war with. I thought Saddam was dead and a new government in place!

    You have to call them a you see them!

    George Bush isn't America. The haters of the Republican party aren't America. They are everything that is bad about America.

    There is a lot of good here, and I don't hate America! I could do without some of the people who say they love America but can't stand a single person in it but people who are there clones!

    Right now we are a lot of the things you mentioned, but I don't think we said America. George Bush maybe. 70% of America is fed up with Bush, his policies and his illegal war!

    That isn't hard to understand, is it.

    USA, you are part of the problem. Why should anyone have to leave. I did my share. I spent 12 months in combat in Vietnam and I have the wounds to prove it. Exactly what have you done?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To liberals and socialists, America has been on top for too long, too proud, and needs to be cut down to size. We are too big economically and presumably put out the most polution, use the most energy, and no country should be this big or this great. To them, success brings on fear that they are putting other countries in poverty, destroying the environment, and becoming unsustainably big.

    The good news is they are wrong by virtue of their core beliefs in humanity and govt. Liberalism has nothing but contempt for the average citizen and only believes that good living can come about through following the elite of society (liberals) to properly govern us and show us the right way to live. (Through 50-70% taxes, 30% unemployment, massive welfare roles, multiculturalism, inability to wage war against tyranny, and socialized wait-in-line medicine.) To them, achievment should be limited. Business is the true enemy and should be limited and merely thought of as just another social program. But to conservatives, people are what make the country great, not the elite. And it is GOVERNMENT that is our only enemy if it becomes too big. Govt is something to be restrained, not grown.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good Question! I would have thought the hate was caused by raving envy on the part of foreigners, but, as you have pointed out, much of that hate is coming from Americans themselves. That would have to mean these people are envious of themselves. SUch a mental gyration is quite likely with these logic-challenged people, what I have seen and heard of them.

    I think the self-hate is coming from the high gullibility factor of the people being spewed out of our public indoctrination system (formely the public schools). They are NOT being taught analytical thought, or any way of questioning what they are told, and so are completely vulnerable to the machinations of the so-called media, which has been pretty much hijacked by a group of people with an agenda not friendly to the principles that America was founded on.

    These self-hating Americans appear to think that if the right cultural icon, along with enough bobble-head followers spew soma sort of nonsense, that makes the nonsense true.

    We need more independant thinkers, and fewer sheeple following the sayings of the Chairman-Of-The-Week. If America is so horrible, and these people want to live in a failed or failing socialist state, why dont they exigrate to the hellhole of their dreams. There are plenty of them in Europe, Africa-pretty much anywhere on earth. Why do they want to take the one remaining free nation on earth and make it like all the other sheeple states?

  • 1 decade ago

    Wonderful question. Why would anyone want to make terrorists (including Bin Laden) proud. I truly think it is a blind hatred for our President that has pushed people over the edge. I think with people on TV like Rosie and Michael Moore influencing others hasn't help with patriotism at all.

  • grubbs
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    united statesa. is a republic it replaced into in accordance with thinking authority as an occasion British authority. Its a land based by utilising rebels what do you assume everyone to take a seat down around and function tea? Your motto is existence, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Why are you complaining whilst your guy or woman fellow electorate are putting it into prepare? Your united states of america relies by utilising many distinctive people who all have their own thought what the u . s . a . would desire to be. that's what united statesa. is that's no longer something it modifications with the cases and what fits the present demographic appropriate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hate is the wrong word for it. The people who fit your description, and I'm one of them, genuinely believe we could do a whole lot better, and that we should at least try. The cowpeople in the current administration aren't trying - they're acting out some tired old John Wayne script where you kick down the bad guy's door, shoot him, and ride off into the sunset with the rescued heroine in tow. They have oversimplified very complex foreign policy issues, and attempted to silence those of us who do not agree with their "vision."

    After six years of it, we're angry and frustrated and our freedom of speech, what remains of it, compels us to object in perhaps overly-strident terms. We want a country we can love, and BTW, hatred is spelled with an "e,' not an "i."

    Okay, so maybe we hate Bush - he's not the country. Not OUR country. No way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would suggest that this is a refreshing change from the blind patriotism that has existed in the past. I would also suggest that Americans have been forced by the views of other countries and by the actions of their own president to take a critical look at their beloved homeland and see it as the rest of the world sees them.

    Self criticism can lead to positive its not a bad thing. America is no longer the Greatest Nation in the World...but if she wants to be again, she has to take stock of her current attitudes and situation.

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