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  • Windows XP Repair Install Problem?

    I was working on a computer that wouldn't boot. Numerous system files were corrupted, so it required an repair instillation. The instillation worked well, and the computer is now boot-able, and all files are still present, however, Windows shows that there are no programs installed on the computer, despite the program files being in their respective install folders. Is there an easy way to get back my programs, a registry fix or something, or do I have to reinstall all the programs again? Will I even be able to reinstall the programs given that all the files are still there?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • I need to know where to get an icon to a website to a facebook profile!?

    I am trying to put an facebook icon on a webpage I'm coding, which will take people to my facebook profile. When I check facebook, however, all I find is facebook connect stuff... which will allow people to share the site on their page... this is not what I want, at least not right now. Does anybody know where I can find such a button?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • No POST, won't boot. What is the issue?

    Yesterday I performed some serious upgrades to my desktop computer. I installed a new motherboard, new processor, new video card, and new memory. Here are the components I installed:

    -ECS IC780M-A AM3/AM2+/AM2 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard

    -AMD Athlon II X2 250 Regor 3.0GHz 2 x 1MB L2 Cache Socket AM3 65W Dual-Core Processor

    -DIAMOND 3450PE512SB Radeon HD 3450 512MB 64-bit GDDR2 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready Low Profile Ready Video Card

    -Crucial 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500) Desktop Memory Model CT25664AA1067

    The problem is that after I installed everything, and tried to boot, the computer wouldn't boot or even POST. The fans start, but aside from that I'm getting no response. No beeps, no video. The problem is I don't know which component could be the single point of failure in this issue (I'm hoping there is only one point of failure). Does anybody have any idea what the problem is?

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • How to redeem code for Rock Band Track Pack?

    I recently bought the Rock Band Track Pack Classic Rock (for XBox 360), with the idea in mind that I would be able to play those tracks in Rock Band. There are instructions on how to download the tracks, and a code, but I cannot figure out where the songs are to download in the Live Marketplace, and I can't figure out where to redeem the code. Has anybody else done this before? What are you supposed to do!?!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why does the media keep saying Fiat bought out Chrysler?

    When a "purchase" is made one party generally transfers money (or some other asset) to another party. As far as I can tell though, Fiat paid nothing for the good assets of Chrysler. The only thing anyone ever says is that Fiat is contributing the technology to make small cars to Chrysler. But since they own the company, that's like taking money out of one pocket and putting it into my other pocket. These companies are no longer separate entities, and Fiat is transferring these technologies not to "Old Chrysler", or to any of the stakeholders of "Old Chrysler" (ie Cerberus, the Federal Government, bondholders), but rather to "New Chrysler", which is a subsidiary of Fiat. So from my reckoning, that's not an actual transfer of assets outside of the company, and thus not a sale. So my question is, did Fiat actually pay anything for Chrysler? If not, why is it called a sale, and not a gift from the Federal Government?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Multiple gamertags in XBox Live?

    I have a Gold XBox Live account, but I want to have an gamertag for both me and my girlfriend. Is it possible to do this with one account, or do I have to buy multiple subscriptions in order to do this? If it is possible, then how do you do it?

    3 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • What is the best XBox 360 game without a number in the title?

    That means, no sequels, no prequels, only original titles!

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How to disable mouse buttons?

    I reciently purchased a new mouse, which has 5 mouse buttons. Buttons 1 and 2 are in their normal positions, and the scroll wheel/button 3 are all fine with me, but the problem I have is there are two additional buttons that are located right where I grip the mouse on the side. This is really frustruating because the buttons are mapped to function as forward and reverse buttons in my web browser, so as I'm reading a website I'll constantly end up moving backward and forward when I don't want to! I tried to use the included software to set the buttons to have no function, but for some reason it doesn't work. Is there any other way to disable these stupd buttons?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • What type of RAM do I need?

    I have an old laptop that I'm thinking of adding more memory to. It is a Pentium II, 333 MHz, but I am not sure if it needs SDRAM or the older EDO RAM. I know when this processor was introduced was about the time the switch was made from EDO to SD, but I can't tell which one I need. Does anybody know?

    Oh yeah, BTW, if you're going to reply with an answer like, "DUDE, that's a dinosaur, get a new computer all together..." or "Why would you want to?", or something like that, keep it to yourself.

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Questions about the gold standard vs. fiat money?

    If we were to switch away from a fiat money, would it stop our money from inflating? Is inflation necessary to keep the economy going? If there is only a set amount of prescious metals on earth wouldn't it cause our money supply to slowly deflate, as there would be the same amount of money (gold specie) chasing more and more goods? Wouldn't this cause the economy to always lag? Would it be better to return to a gold standard, or remain with our constantly inflating fiat money? Aren't fiat money and gold esentally the same thing, both are almost useless things that only have value because we believe they do (tinkerbell effect)? If we want monitary stability without pegging the dollar to gold couldn't this be achieved by simply requiring a ballanced federal budget (so as to avoid inflation by the money multiplier effect), and not allowing the fed (or whoever would be in charge of printing money in such an example) to ever increase the amount of dollars printed? Thank you!

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Can you have a fiat currency without a central bank?

    Currently the United States dollar, and (as far as I know) the rest of the world's currencies are fiat, that is there are no commodities (gold) supporting the value of the money system. This system is enforced by the Federal Reserve System in the United States, as well as by the other central banks in other countries, who are charged with maintaining monitary stability. They, however, do not seem very well equiped to do so, as can be attested to by all the problems created in the economy by their bad policies (for instance the current "housing crisis" that was caused by the Fed keeping interest rates too low for too long post 9/11). I believe a market based solution would be a better way of insuring monitary stability, however, I can see no way to do this with our current fiat currency. I believe it would be possible to do so with a commodity based currency, however, to do so would require deflating the dollar enough to a point that the USA would be destitute.

    7 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Democrats vs. Republicans...?

    Reciently I heard it put this way... "Republicans want to be your daddy, they want to tell you what to do, who to be, and how to act... Democrats want to be your mommy, they want to feed you, care for you, make sure you feel good about yourself... Libertarians want to treat you like an adult." Interesting way to put it... what do you think?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are the questions in the Politics section of Yahoo! Answers getting so stupid?

    I mean, come on... nobody is asking real quesions here anymore... every question is loaded, and for that matter really insultingly stupid... here's a few very recient examples of questions being asked:

    -Do Y/A neoconservatives really believe we are spreading DEMOCRACY??

    -How many douches per square mile in the South?

    -Why is my neighbor who is a Republican and church deacon always inviting kids over for nature pictures?

    -Are Guliani and Romney redneck enough?

    Come on, what happened to real questions, or at the very least, real political debates, on real issues... this entire forum is becoming about as devoid of intelligent thought as is the surface of Mars, and as mature as a school-yard full of 3rd graders! Lately here you could call the president a Poopy-head and suprisingly you would NOT be the least intelligent sounding questioner here! Shouldn't we be striving for a higher standard?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why so much hate for Capitalism?

    Really, I'm astounded at how much hate there is for capitalism out there. All other economic systems have been largely discredited... and capitalism has been able to create the greatest amount of wealth for the greatest number of people the world has ever known... Capitalism has allowed the average person to live a decent life in places like the USA, UK, Australia, New Zeland, Hong Kong, Chile, Japan, Germany, and other capitalist nations... Socialism has made it so there is a small class of elites with great wealth, and the vast majority of the populas is destitute... look at North Korea, the Soviet Union, Zimbabwe, China, India (both are moving toward capitalism and thus improving, yet look at their history)... In nearly every case you'll find the more government intervention in economics there is, the less well off the average people are, yet everywhere I go people hate capitalism! Why is this?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Joke. A woman is shopping at a supermarket...?

    and she sees a display for tampons. Above the display is a sign... 5 Boxes for $1.

    She is amazed by the deal, but suspicious. So she asks the cashier, "Is this right? 5 Boxes for $1?"

    "Sure it is..." the cashier says "... 5 boxes for $1, no strings attached..."

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • If not the War on Terror, then what?

    Ok, so lately everybody has seemed to slip into an isolationist frame of mind. With things not goining perfectly well in Iraq and to a much lesser degree Afganistan, the mentatlity today appears to be largely that of pre 9/11... that is, why are we bothering them... if we just leave them alone they'll leave us alone... maybe they'll even love us! So what should we do... if we don't want to agressivly take on terrorists, what's the alternative? Should we stop supporting Israel? Should we bomb Israel to show our support for the muslim extreemists? Should we help Iran and North Korea develop nuclear weapons? Should we help overthrow the Saudi Royal Family and help to replace it with a theocracy like in Iran? And perhaps we should save the terrorists the trouble of flying planes into our buildings and just nuke our own cities... maybe then they'll love us, ya think? Let me know... is this a better alternative to the War on Terror?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What happened to Federalism?

    In days gone by the governmental power in the United States was divided between the States and the Federal government. But today the Federal government has grown to a point that it completly domniates the country as a whole. Today there is almost no difference from one state to another, and state governments have been reduced to little more than administrative divisions. What's the point of states anymore... given that there is practically no state soverigenty any longer, wouldn't it be more efficient to replace elected state government with appointed administrators from Washington? And isn't it about time we changed the name United States of America? That would imply that there is any autonomy of states... how about Americaland? Or how about the People's Republic of North America? What do you think?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Expanding the United States?

    Alright, here is a question thats going to get some angry replies, I'm sure. How would people feel if the United States expanded by admitting other nations in as states? I have always been a big advocate of expanding the United States by admitting Canada, and/or the UK, and/or Australia, etc. in as additional states. For this to work of course the Federal Government would need to be weakened to accomodate greater autonomy for the constitutant states, however, I believe that a greater union would result in prosperity for all. Everybody can see that the economy/security has improved in Europe as a result of greater economic and social integration resulting from the European Union. Why not expand the United States, at least to those nations who share similar modes of government, economics, societies, and values? I feel this would be a great improvement for both the current United States, and the new states that would be added. What does everybody else think?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • If you were in control of US foreign policy what would you do?

    Lately everybody seems to be fighting mad about US foreign policy, and they all have the answer that would make the world a Utopia. So what would you do? Would you take an interventionalist position, attacking countries that are a threat to the US? Or would you be a non-interventionalist... shut the border up completly, cut the transoceanic telephone/internet cables, make sure nobody comes or goes from America, stop all foreign commerce, shoot down the communication satellites, and make sure the rest of the rest of the world has no idea that the USA even exists? Or would you throw money at the problem, giving into every nations threats by draining the treasury, and buying off dictators and tyrents with gigantic bags of cash? Everybody thinks they have the right answer, now is time to give that answer.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much hate for the USA?

    This question is not directed at foreigners, but rather at those Americans who hate their own country. I realize that we are entrenched in a massively unpopular war in Iraq and Afghanistan which angers many, but I cannot understand the unabiding hatrid of America by so many. Everywhere I look I hear Americans denouncing America in language that would make Osama Bin Laden proud! They say outrageous things like America is the world's biggest rogue nation, or terrorist state! They compair the US with the Soviet Union, and they denounce Americans as uncaring, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. I simply cannot understand this self loathing. The USA does indeed have its share of deficiencies, but on the whole I think we are a far greater source of good, than a source of evil. Honestly, I don't know of any other country that during a war drops crates of food for the citizens of the country we are at war with, in order to avert starvation! Where did all this hate come from?

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago