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Do you think it is fair that Paris Hilton was released 31 days early? I'm curious about your thoughts.?

It does bother me that it appears that with money and connections your children can break laws habitually and always receive special consideration. Where at the news at times shows me that the poorest kids are beaten and jailed and sometimes killed for the smallest of infractions.

What has happened to justice? Has it evolved into only the wealthy who can afford the best legal representation receive the best treatment?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No she shouldn't have been allowed out early...she's a citizen, just like everyone else. just because she's famous doesn't mean she should get treated better. it's not like it would've killed her. she should've had to serve the time till the end. if it had happened to u or me, we would have had to serve the full time allotted, so why should she be able to get off early?

  • honeyb
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am completely sickened by the justice system we have. It's obviously a separate justice for the celebrities and people with money. Since when has someone with no money been aloud to turn them selves in anytime. What the crap could be wrong with her that she didn't go to a hospital for. Anyone else would be in a hospital with a police officer outside the room. Going home with a ankle bracelet for her is not a punishment. She can watch cable and have friends over.

    This is not justice at all. They wasted time even putting her in jail. If I was the correctional officers working there I would sue for them waisting my time finger printing her, searching her and what ever else they had to do to accommodate her for that blur of a jail time. Like you said there are children in jail doing time and loosing their lives.

    The fact that he courts are so bold about what they're doing even though they know it's not right is what kills me.

    god--(who calls yourself that)--you must have a yellow license plate on your car! Or whatever identifies you as a convicted drunk driver in your state!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    She is an uncaring, except for herself, spoilt brat. She could with her wealth, help so many others who are in dire straights, but being the thick ***** that she is, she would not know how to do anything for anyone except herself. I wonder how many soldiers lives it cost, to make the world a safer place for her to abuse and use laws of the country that she is allowed such a priveliged life in?. I do not recall any of the Hilton family winning medals for selfless valour, in any conflict. I sincerely wish that she could be humanised again and do something usefull with her life instead of being just another rich, selfish,slag. What sort of an upbringing did she have? did her parents have no time, or interest in her during her adolescense, is she really is the saddest example of the old saying "poor little rich girl". Maybe the world would be far better off without her or her kind. A final thought! she is the product of her parents ideas of childcare, she was not born to become the way she is now, she must have been an innocent little kiddy at some time in her sad life.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am totally livid. What a circus..... What a mockery.....

    One for the rich and another one for the poor in our justice system?

    It was OJ Simpson who got off from the murder charge. There are many out there still firmly believe he committed murder. Money bought him freedom.

    Now, it is Paris Hilton. Not quite murder, but justice is definitely not served. Next time, some one is going to use this as a basis of argument to get off lightly.

    She is thumbing her nose at us. If we are going to take this lying down, we deserve it. I think we should all petition that judge and ask him/her to put this woman behind bars.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It just goes to show you; money, power and fame can get you puts you in a completely different "justice" league. If that was me or you (someone that's not Paris Hilton or anyone in her category) we would still be sitting in Jail for 22 more days until our sentence was complete. It's not fair, but that's the reality of being rich and powerful.

  • 1 decade ago

    Welcome to the United States justice system. Now will all inmates get the idea to have a hunger strike so they can be released? Wait - they already do that sometimes and the court orders IV feeding. That is -unless they are a celebrity and have money. This is a sad commentary on our courts system!

  • 1 decade ago

    I want to know who got paid off, and how much it cost daddy Hilton. Released for 'medical reasons'?? Wow, i haven't been in jail, but i assume that 99.9% of inmates that say they have a medical condition, they'll be told to shut up and go back to their cell!

    Justice is granted to those with the deepest pockets, apparently!

  • 1 decade ago

    YES and it hurts my heart to think that we as a free people put up with all of it .Some day the gap of those that have and those that do not will grow to far and THE PEOPLE will have to adjust lady Justis's blind fold. To day if you are not making 22.50 an hour, your are considered lower class people. The middle class is supporting the whole ball of wax lol I heard a word today that sum it all up, SHEEPLE, history has a way of repeating itself.

    Source(s): ME ST.
  • Sunset
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As we have seen in the past with other celebrities. Money gets them out of there problems. If she were poor she would be locked up. We all know that.

  • 1 decade ago

    What precisely is being criminalized? Not bad driving. Not destruction of property. Not the taking of human life or reckless endangerment. The crime is having the wrong substance in your blood. Crime : Blood-alcohol 0.08 percent and above

    What have we done by permitting government to criminalize the content of our blood instead of actions themselves? We have given it power to make the application of the law arbitrary, capricious, and contingent on the judgment of cops and cop technicians. Indeed, without the government's "Breathalyzer," there is no way to tell for sure if we are breaking the law.

    drunk driving has to be illegal because the probability of causing an accident rises dramatically when you drink ? The answer is just as simple: government in a free society should not deal in probabilities. The law should deal in actions and actions alone, and only insofar as they damage person or property. Probabilities are something for insurance companies to assess on a competitive and voluntary basis.

    Despite the propaganda, what's being criminalized in the case of drunk driving is not the probability that a person driving will get into an accident but the fact of the blood-alcohol content itself. A drunk driver is humiliated and destroyed even when he hasn't done any harm. And please don't write me to say: "I am offended by your insensitivity because my mother was killed by a drunk driver." Any person responsible for killing someone else is guilty of manslaughter or murder and should be punished accordingly. But it is perverse to punish a murderer not because of his crime but because of some biological consideration, e.g. he has red hair.

    In the same way, drunk drivers cause accidents but so do sober drivers, and many drunk drivers cause no accidents at all. The law should focus on violations of person and property, not scientific oddities like blood content.

    There's a final point against Clinton's drunk-driving bill. It is a violation of states rights. Not only is there is no warrant in the Constitution for the federal government to legislate blood-alcohol content – the 10th amendment should prevent it from doing so.

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