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Hiding 3 year old!!?

Yesterday my mother-in-law, who watches my 3 year old 2 days a week, called me in a panic saying she couldn't find my daughter! I ran out of the office to her house which is only 2 miles away. Turns out she was hiding in the house the entire time and did so because she didn't like the lunch her grandmother served her. Anyone else been through this hiding/running away phase and how did you deal with it? I've spoken to her many times now about why not to do those things and she seems to understand. Hopefully it won't happen again! Scariest moment of my life!!!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My son is 2 and would run off and hides any time we were at a store. Of course I was scared to death when I didn't see him. When I found him he was usually under a clothing rack. He saw it as a game. I explained to him how bad is to run off like that and that someone could take off with him. He understands but just to be on the safe side he now has to sit in his stroller or in a cart while we are out. We try every once in a while when we are out to let him walk by me and the second he tries to run off it is back in the cart.

  • 1 decade ago

    She is acting out like a 3 yr. old should.

    Kids like to think they are in control, so play along and think like one.

    Give them a choice on what they want to eat, if there are no dissapointments, they are less likely to go and pout somewhere where you cannot find them.

    Keep grapes, crackers & peanut butter on hand. Take some mayo & food coloring to make like a finger paint with food. Let them stir it up and eat it with celery sticks or such. Yougurt is a fun item that most kids love too.

    Kids love finger foods and especially when they can fix it themselves. It also teaches them about mixing flavors and their own recipes. How cool!

    I would also go around the house and resort some areas that the child is hiding. Place large objects in the way, stack items in closets, place containers under beds where they go

    hide until you see the pattern dwendeling. If they see the oportunity is not there, they will not do it. Keep old refrigerators & large appliances off of the path of the child. They will hide anywhere! Place locks on doors to keep from possible smothering or getting locked in.

    Biggest thing is let them know that their opinions count and they have a say in matters too, cause after all they have feelings too.

    Otherwise, if they are spoiled, keep a chart of behaviors you expect of them to perform. If they fail, punish with taking some of their fun time too. They need to know that their actions have consequences like every body else. Be firm yet gentle. No yelling aloud or spankin!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yikes, I bet that WAS scary, for both you and your mother-in-law! I do think that kids this age love to hide, and get a big kick out of scaring adults. But if she hid so well that no one could find her, you did the right thing by giving her a serious lecture.

    Incidentally, my five-year-old loves to hide and have me come and look for her. Every morning, I drop my oldest daughter at school, so I'm gone for about 10 minutes, and the middle child watches the five-year-old. When I get home, she is always hiding, and I have to go around the house looking for her. But the giggles always give her away!

  • 1 decade ago

    Boy do I know how scary that is! you need to speak with your 3yr old. Tell her how this can hurt her. (meaning if there is an emergency and no one can get to her, it can be unsafe for her). Encourage her to speak rather than run/hide. Tell your mother in law to keep closets and doors lock so your child can't get into them. Baby proof her home. Make sure that if your mother in law has a pool to please keep it gated and to keep an extra "eye" on your child. (to many horror stories of accidents.) Please speak with her the best way you can letting her know about the hiding. Just keep doing it and praise her when she does speak up. Best wishes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    get one of those remote beebers that help you find your keys and put it on her.

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