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What's the difference between Michael Schiavo and Billy Graham in pulling out their wives' feeding tubes?

Yesterday, Ruth Bell Graham lapsed into a coma, suffering complications from pneumonia. Earlier this week, with a doctor's approval, Rev. Graham and several of the children, including Franklin, decided to withdraw the solids and liquids from her feeding tube.

When Michal Schiavo decided to have the feeding tubes pulled out to let his wife die, the radical Christians and the Right Wing Media were raising hell. Now that Rev. Graham and his children are promoting faster death for Mrs. Graham, the same radical Christians remain as quiet as church mice.

What is also shameful is that Rev. Graham and his son, Franklin, are not even honoring her years of dreaming to be buried in her beloved mountains at the site she said she favored as recently as a week and a half ago. Instead, she's going to be buried as a site by the Billy Graham Library that she has refered as "a Disney-like building in the shape of a barn, "a circus" in Charlotte & as "under no circumstances am I to be buried in Charlotte, N.C."


Could she not be mentally capable when she was made/cohersed to sign a paper in March and in the presence of an attorney and a doctor with her such sudden change of plans to be buried in Charlotte?

Update 2:

My note to Judge Judy of Y/A: If you do your research, you'll know that she wasn't in a coma till yesterday. Her feeding tube was removed much earlier and the coma could have occured as a result of the feeding tubes removal. And guess what? She isn't even dead and Rev. Graham is already behaving as though she's a gonna case. Love the way this man has always talked about miracles, but goes to show that when it applies to his wife, miracles no longer do exist. Instead, he and his son Franklin, are more interested in talking about burying her and killing off his wife's dreams, too.

Update 3:

oudidnot, only fools will miss out the article's comment that "her beloved mountains at the site she said she favored as recently as a week and a half ago." People who have for years talk about their dreams and wishes don't just suddenly change their minds when they are 1/2 dead!

Update 4:

Guess a lot of people are missing the point. The question is about the act of pulling off feeding tubes that could support life till the person's last breath. Pulling off feeding tubes is merely a pure act for letting a person die quicker. It's no more different from mercy killing which a lot of radical Christians are referring as murder. Is Rev. Graham exemplifying that mercy killing is now okay for all Christians?

Update 5:

Bo-Dean, perhaps you're still a kid and don't understand that the issue of 'mercy killing' is very controversial today. If Christianity condemns mercy killing and Christian leaders allow it to be practised within their own family members, then, it's about the hypocrisy in the preachings. For many terminally ill Americans, mercy killing is away out to prevent burdening their families further. And you might not be aware that many who applaud to mercy killing are Christians, too. The question is raised because, Rev. Graham, a respected Christian in the eyes of so many American Christians, has resorted to mercy killing, an act that has be crucified by radical Christians. The question now is whether Rev. Graham is in fact sending a message to the radical Christians, too, that mercy killing may just be okay.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are so right it leaves me speechless. I didn't know until I read your post. How dare they go against Ruth's wishes. And how dare the church condemn Michael Schiavo for doing the same to save he and his wife from further torture. I can still remember the circus that was the right-wing and Christian media spreading their horrific hatred everywhere and lying about Michael and Terri's relationship. How dare he be made to wait so many years to give his beautiful wife respite. Those who say the Bible is out of the court are Christian. And we know they've twisted more stories than almost anyone.

    I'm so glad you asked such a terrific question. Just the mention of Michael Schiavo made my heart beat quickly - the disgust with how he was treated is still fresh within me. The hypocrisy is never-ending and is destroying our earth. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

    Midge, you nincompoop, Michael Schiavo could do nothing to help his wife until he received the settlement due him because lawyers who might have to against the word of your precious Bible are more expensive than Porsches.

    And for whoever of you said MIchael had moved on, do you realize how many years later that was? How dare you deny his grief. You have never been through such tragedy. I really wish you'd keep your mouth zipped.

    United_Peace - I hope you don't mind but I linked to this question. I believe everyone should read it and then speak their piece.

    Source(s): *Waits to get reported* Go, United Peace, go!
  • 1 decade ago

    There is one difference. By all accounts Ruth Graham wanted the tube removed whereas with Terri Schaivo there was abundant evidence that she would NOT have wanted her feeding tube removed. In the Schaivo case the trial judge ignored all of the testimony except that of her estranged husband and his brother.

    Concerning the charges of hypocrisy I believe that these charges are justified. Starving someone to death violates Christian ethics. Conservative Evangelicals should understand this better than anyone else. As one who has been an an Evangelical Christian for 26 years and who will never ask for the removal of a feeding tube of either myself or a loved one (although I view with compassion those who are faced with such choices) I can say with confidence that Evangelicalism today is not the same as it was 25 years ago. (Schaeffer:1). Leadership, however retains the same form of theology and politics.This inconsistency between form and substance is revealed when Christian moral principles are selectively applied.The difference in how Evangelicals and Conservatives treat Billy Graham and Michael Schaivo is one such case.


  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As usual, a lot of people seem to be missing the points you've made.

    Point one: Billy Graham is doing exactly what the fundies jumped all over Terri Schiavo's husband for doing, but they seem to be ignoring what Billy's doing. That's the hypocracy.

    Point Two: I think that burying dead bodies is ridiculous, yet those who don't feel that way seem to have no problem with Billy's wife's being denied her wishes (even I wouldn't do that). If you know that someone's wishes on such a subject have been the same for years, you don't suddenly have them sign a paper to change them at a time when they may be incompetent. That's simply taking advantage of the situation. Hypocracy.

    The problem with some fundies is that they never see anything they don't want to see.

    By the way, Terri Schiavo was not in a coma. Her brain had turned to mush -- she no longer existed. Machines were keeping the body alive, but no one was in there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ruth Graham lived a long and fulfilling life. She had been very sick for a very long time. No doubt she had medical testing done, unlike Terri Schiavo. (The agony could have been spared with a simple scan, which Michael Schiavo did not allow.) Billy Graham has his own money, too, and no woman on the side (he couldn't do anything with his conditions, either--do you see what a wreck he is right now?), and absolutely no reason to cash in on her condition. And I don't recall him speaking out on the Schiavo case. All this is to say, I don't see hypocrisy, just an elderly couple with only bad choices. Most of us hope to grow old with that special someone. Well, this is the kind of thing that happens when you get there, regardless of religion or politics. I can't really judge what people do at that stage.

    That said, it's awful that she's not being buried where she wants, and I think that "library" looks awful, too. Maybe Billy Graham really wanted to be buried there and she decided to go along with that, I don't know. At any rate, she's at least out of her agony and beyond caring.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The article is a bit of a jumble of different things. It contradicts an article I read yesterday which unfortunately I can not find again. I do remember reading months ago that she and her husband had decided to be buried at the library (which seems so sick to me, a bit egotistical).

    The article you posted says that on Sunday it was her birthday and she received visitors. The article I read yesterday said that she was awake and fully aware on Sunday making the reporting of this tube removal strange...since one would have to assume she agreed to removing it and who the hell would do that? Wouldn't that be suicide then (being a bit extreme I know)?

    Okay, so there is no difference between the two men regarding this issue (Schiavo and Graham); both are messed up because liquid should never be stopped.

  • 1 decade ago

    How many of you have actually worked in such a situation and cared for someone on a feeding tube after a stroke, etc?? I have done that work for many years, have watched the families and the patient, etc. I don't give much credibility towards the news reports of such things. Since a husband and wife of many years would know of each others wishes in this regard. It is insulting when the rest of the world views such a painful time as something different.

  • 1 decade ago

    Death is a sure event for all of us. My being a theist and your being an atheist can not change the divine law.

    When one pulls out the tube, it is in most cases, not out of one's real voltions, but mostly out of compulsions. Tell me why don't we keep the dead body of a dear one with us instead of burying him? The compulsion here is that the body is of no use to us now, in fact we fear that it will rot and make our life miserable. So we are selfish in disposing off the body.

    We are hypocrites in everything that we do, and that includes our donations etc. If we have a sudden fall from our present position we will be repenting for the donations that we made. We all are actors in this world. Some, like atheists can act better, some are theists like me are hams.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Billy Graham's as huge a phony and liar as any of the other, more lurid fundy preachers. He just pals around with our "president" (not elected by majority) and other big-wigs, so people THINK he's a good guy.

    This is a HORRIBLE story and shows his true colors! He oughtta have a buggy whip taken to his and his son's fat a**es and I hope her family steps in, if she has any, and takes the posers to court!

    This sad, sordid tale: just another example of the hypocrisy & double-standard of the Xtian-right!

    At least now we all KNOW Billy Graham's a friggin', selfish, lying PIG!

  • Midge
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's interesting that Michael Schaivo was all for caring for Terri , according to court documents at her settlement hearings until he was rewarded the settlement then he immediately proceeded to spend 70,000.00 for an attorney to try to have her killed. He never has had to answer to important questions like what did he do between the time Terri fell unconscious and the time he called 911, a 4 hour stretch by the way!!. There is much about the Terri Scaivo case that is very disturbing. Billy Graham though is not a Catholic so I cannot say why they are acting like this. Did they at least leave an IV in for some fluids?

    Catholics are for life and this denomination is iffy

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's quite horrible that in order to "let someone die" you starve them to death. I'm more understanding on behalf of the late Mrs. Schiavo's case because she suffered alot of brain damage. However that's as far as my understanding goes because she was still functioning, and if I'm not mistaken, the only life support she was on was her feeding tube.

    I think it's quite odd that the Reverend would remove his wife's feeding tube in this situation. The article says "Earlier in the week, she was talking and asking for Coca-Cola, chocolate and gravy, Ned said, and staff members occasionally slipped a bit onto her tongue." She was still in and out of consciousness, it's not as if she was in CVS or on full life support. If this story doesn't stir up controversy, the I have to say I'd be quite disappointed in his followers. At the very least for not standing up against someone who preaches righteousness and does something so wrong.

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