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Why do people think we don't support immigration just because we don't approve of illegal immigration?

Also, I'm so sick of people using the race card. Race has nothing to do with it, but yes, while there are illegals of many different nationalities, we all know for sure that a majority in mass numbers are hispanics. Is the "race agenda" just a method of pointing fingers at opposers while diverting attention away from the real truth?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok, first off no negative comments, because people start getting offended when you ask such touchy questions, but if you can keep it respectful, then you will get a respectful answer.

    first of all, there are a lot of people like yourself that do not support immigration, but that doesnt mean that you would yell at a "mexican" just because he is standing outside of a home depot looking for work (some of those guys are legal) some not all and not many but some. anywho that is not the issue. im glad that you do not phrase your question in a degrading matter and that is very respectable.

    ok.. now to the nitty gritty. i am a female, now 24, who came to the united states as a 4 year old, with my 2 year old brother and 9 month old baby sister (mom was still breastfeeding i remember) anywho, in my case, i was illegally brought to this country from a poor area of mexico where i would have never learned the english language, where i would have never gone to a middle school (everyone in mexico only goes to 6th grade because of $$ issues ) in mexico people dont get free school supplies or anything FREE... in our particular situation, it wasn't like my dad and mom were like "yea lets go to this new country and TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE BENEFITS" no. My dad had been working in california since he was 15 years old, paying social security and taxes since he filed for a social(which at that time was easier to attain) and after working here so many years, went back to mex. married at 24 w/ mom. We stayed in mex and were poor while he came to work for less than minimum wage waiting on tables. etc. so what my point is, is that "immigrants" like myself had really no choice. I do know your stance in that immigration should be all LEGAL, but when a fee is involved and the people dont have means of paying that fee, its really difficult to MAKE THEM do that, they will find an easier way to cross over. Now, just like there are democrat supporters of immigration there are republicans and also the MINUTEMEN , from the SAME RACE, but different ideas. there are immigrants that DO consider (file their taxes, paperwork, go to school, etc) and there are immigrants who come to sell drugs, fake id cards, smuggle immigrants across, and blame the "anglos" for all their WOE's, i am not one of those people but they are out there and they are giving immigrants a bad rep. i came here in the 80's and sometimes i "wish my dad would have brought my mom right when they married" so that i wouldnt have gone through all the emotional and psychological stress that i did go through but it is my fate, and you cant change your fate or the past, you just have to see how you can fix what is already the way it is. and be compassionate for people that are just here to feed their families and that are looking for something a little better than a less than mediocre life in a third world country.

    so to answer your questions, yes people use the race thing as a method of pointing fingers, but the allegations are not totally untrue, there are other immigrants that don't get the bad looks that a dirty and poor mexican does. my Danish boss is big, tall, white, blue eyed, does speak english and all, but he has money and he came here legally that is the only difference between him and the immigrants that are working for him in his shop. the money. money talks, bullshit walks, thats the way it is. and there will always be racism, whether you "legalize" the illegals, there will always be a barrier!!!! (a cultural one that we as a civilized america cannot break)

    Source(s): my life
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm pro-immigration.

    I get affended when people only point out one race..I dont care who the majority is.

    I know that not everyone is like this but most people that say they are only against Illegal immigration talk badly about Hispanics. And that makes all fingers point to racism. Thats why Pro-Illegals pull the race card. People make them do it. If someone could come up with a good arguement and not say one raciest word about them then that would be nice.

    So I dont think that they are diverting attention anywhere. They are just defending them because so many people are so mean to them.

    In alabama (where I live) they caught a group of 5 men planning an attack on Mexicans, or anyone that looked like a Mexican. The police recovered a room full of guns and ammo...It wasn't even about or not...It was about racism.

    Source(s): Pro Immigration not Pro Illegal Immigration.
  • 1 decade ago

    You're right race doesn't have to do with anything but a lot of times when anti-illegals are ranting about mexicans or other illegals they say stereotypical and racist things in the heat of the moment and it makes others think that it is a race issue. I've read many comments from people that are anti-illegal and have said things like " go back home and work in your taco stand", "all mexicans drive piece of crap cars with 2000 dollar stereo systems." Those are racist/stereotypical comments and coming from people that aren't acting adult about the issue. It's a political issue and people are saying things out of emotion and not being nuetral about the situation. It is not racist to be against illegal immigration but unfortunately a lot of your fellow people that are against illegal immigration as well, they give the rest a bad name...

    Take for instance how a lot of you talk about how mexicans commit so many other crimes, and drain welfare, and clog up our schools and hospitals...You're taking your frustrations out on them as a group of people without stopping to think that there are plenty of mexicans here that aren't committing those other crimes that you speak of. So therefore, the bad ones are making the good ones look just as bad. It's called Guilt by Association.

  • 1 decade ago

    People only hear "immigration" and don't listen to anything else you happen to say in the same sentence, which is why they are quick to judge you and/or call you a racist. Illegal immigration has nothing to do with race at all, if any race were coming here illegally (by the millions I might add) we'd tell them to stop as well.

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  • m d
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The funniest thing about all this is the fact that if we do pass some sort of immigration bill that allows all current illegals to become legal how much it will blow out the US government's Treasury department.

    Just using one example, social security, and the reason I pick this is most people who what an immigration bill to pass are the same who want to "protect" SS Insurance.

    If we say that 100,000 illegals are now legal, and they only have to pay back 3 years of taxes of the past 5, they will still be eligible for 5 years of SSI. But where is that other 2 years worth of $$$ supposed to appear from??? Oh yea, my pocket that's fair right!

    But the $$$ is factored in for immigrants who come in on visas and stay after completing school or whatever other reason they have for entering our country LEGALLY. They only can collect SSI based on their workload since coming into the country, thus not taking any extra money outta my pocket>

    Oh and just one more thing, I'm a registered, and I vote democrat (go figure?).

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason they do this is to ensure that the emphasis is taken away from the fact that illegal immigrants are lawbreakers and don't deserve anything except the contempt of the U.S. Citizens and law-abiding immigrants. By playing the race card, they believe they can change the complexion of the illegality of their actions. We just keep letting them know that it is about the law and not about anything else. We don't want to associate, live next to, have our children associated with, or otherwise have to deal with lawbreakers. Their children learn what they live and that is, as is readily apparent, how to circumvent the law and how to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. They are not citizen material and never will be, regardless of what the government decides. If the people refuse to recognize or deal with these lawbreakers, they won't have any ability to continue their subversive tactics. The truth cannot be diverted. The fact is that drug cartels are in charge of our borders today and the corporations -- in particular, foreign owned corporations -- who are not subject to US Law are controlling our Congress. Our personal information is sent off shore so that the theft of our identities by these mob rings can be facilitated. Until we get a handle on all these illegal acts and until this government decides to enforce the laws of the land, the USA will remain a lawless land that is intent on destroying the lawabiding citizens while rewarding the lawbreakers. The country is on the verge of a civil war and that is evident in the streets, at the tax offices, in the stores, at the schools and is evident by the increase in violence among the gang bangers and people who feel threatened by having the laws enforced. The message is there. The government is ignoring the citizens and lawabiding immigrants and the end result in anger, hatred, mistrust and the country being brought to the verge of a civil war. Perhaps that will be George W. Bush's true legacy -- he destroyed the integrity of the USA and caused the first civil war since Slavery.

    Source(s): Senate's own reports that drug cartels control our borders. Reports of 32 students killed in Chicago Schools. Sanctuary Cities protecting lawbreakers as is evidenced by the recent identity theft rings that include the father of a Chicago alderman, etc.
  • J.C.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Oh Yeah,

    "The race card", i know, i know,

    We should ask people that were affected by Hurricane Katrina is the help they received (on time) was because of the "race card"

    or maybe

    The Japanese Americans that were put in camps because they could be spies during the war about the "race card"

    or maybe

    Why is so hard for a black male to get a taxi in NY (yeah the race card)

    or maybe

    to some people in the south: why they still have the Confederate Flag.

    is just my beautiful country.

  • I'm for Immigration Reform, but I don't think that everyone who is anti-illegal is also anti-immigration. There are a few radical, illogical people out there who says that it is time to stop all immigration, but those are few and far between. As for the race part of it, not all antis are racist either, but there are some.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, they don't have facts to back up why they are pro-illegal so they pull the race card, and I'm tired of it. I'm white and I've had a hispanic male harass me and say stupid things like they're going to take over our country, outta nowhere too. Just because I'm white doesn't mean i'm racist and I don't speak for my whole race. I also have legal mexican friends that are angry at the illegal immigrants because they had to work hard and learn english to get into the country and a lot don't even attempt english.

  • Skooz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Using the race card is the favored tactic of those who do not wish to discuss the illegal immigration question honestly.

    They know that they can never win a rational, honest debate on the matter because they know they are defending those who break the law and have no right to be here.

    Therefore, they sideline the debate by calling you a "racist," which puts you on the defensive. The more you try to use reason, the more they plug their ears and yell "RACIST, RACIST" at the top of their lungs.

    It keeps them from having to deal with facts.

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