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Lv 6
Lyn asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Parents do you have a secret junk food stash?

Do you have a junk food stash hidden from the kids? Where is it? (I promise I won't tell...)

14 Answers

  • Sylvia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely!!!! I keep my junk food stash in one of the kitchen cabinets over the stove & behind the cans so they can't see it when I open the doors. I have a horrible sweet-tooth and don't want to encourage my kids to be that way so I don't eat much candy/junk in front of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    After dinner I go into super sugar craving mode, something to due with the fact that I am a Vegan and might just need a little extra sugar than. Surely I don't want juice, I want Vegan cookies and stuff. I'm idea of junk is pretty mild, healthy cookies, raisins, sometimes a little vegan fudge, not into salty snacks, unless it is pistaschios.

    I don't think I would even 'hide' these items, as they aren't terribly bad (might change if our family goes back to being vegetarians with the little ones around, but you never know), but I do think I might keep them away from little fingers so they don't get them right before bed (like myself).

    I remember when I was a kid, my mother hid nothing from me, chocolate syrup in the fridge, cookies in the cubboard, sweets, you name it. They weren't all unhealthy and we never had much, but I loved dipping into them when I thought she wasn't looking. I would open the fridge and open the bottom drawer to the vegetable crisper and pull out a carrot, and then take a huge slurp of chocolate sauce. Ha. Maybe she didn't say anything because I just walked away eating a carrot too! strange.

    Anyways, sweets are nice, especially when they are not around so often. Halloween treats are extra fun!

    I go really go for some dark chocolate now.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't go into chocolate cravings but normally I'l eat about 2 apples and 2 oranges, and two or three handfulls of raisens and a bottle of water before I go to bed...Atleast it's more healthy than doing the same with sugar gumdrops...Considering I'v actually lost weight from that for doing it for a year my immune system must be as strong as an ox from all thoose oranges!

  • 1 decade ago

    No! if I had a junk food stash I'd be too tempted to keep tucking in, so I find it easier not to have one and go for the health options. "How boring is that"

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  • 1 decade ago

    That funny. Yes, I do but since my daughters only two, my stash is more like I only eat it when she is in bed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes and no. My daughter knows where the candy jar is (in my bedroom) but it isn't there so that I can eat it, more like so she doesn't get into it. I am no longer allowed to eat candy or sweets until this baby is born in 11 weeks...

  • 1 decade ago

    i doubt my mom's been hiding the good stuff.

    and if she tries, i usually find it. (: i'm effing sliiiick.

    anyways, i have my own stashes.

    i've got a bed with drawers underneath, and a 9 dresser drawer.

    i have a stash in one drawer in the bed and another in the dresser.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, I got rid of ALL the junk because we all tend to have weight problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    of course. Mines in my bedside draw so when i go to bed and the kids are asleep i can indulge into chocolate in peace.

  • haha. in the closet or under the window seat...although some stuff does get hot in there! Exspeacially marshmellows!

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