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I was starting a new Job today, but they kept me sitting alone for two and a half hours, so I walked out?

After ariving on time, having signed an offer letter, I filled out all the paper work they wanted me to (W-4, I-9, etc.), I had to sit in a cubicle for 2.5 hours with my stomach tied up in knots waiting to see what was going to happen next. The pay was good, bennys good, etc, nice people, would you have walked for been more patient?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Patience is always a virtue and it might have well been a test to see how patient you where.

    Looks as if you failed

  • 1 decade ago

    It wasn't a good idea to walk out. Patience is always better. You would have been better off asking what was going to happen next.

    Now it looks as if the job wasn't important enough for to stay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    big , big , mistake

    you should bring a book for times like that

    if they forget you in that cube, just go to HR, the next day maybe

    make sure the checks and benifits are happening

    then see if they leave you alone to read like that every day

    maybe you get no job resposibilities at all then

    maybe after a few months you find you don't even have to show up anymore

    Source(s): I heard stories of training people at Xerox who had job titles, offices, paychecks, yet they slipped through the cracks when the training ended, so no more job resposibilities employee 966318
  • 1 decade ago

    Wow you left on the first day... most jobs this is what the first day is like while the boss now prepares to work with you and who will be training you etc....

    why exactly did you walk out.. what were you thinking..

    maybe they will call you so that you can explain.... start thinking of something good

    well now to start looking for a job again...

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would have gone to ask someone what to do next. They may have thought that you would taken more time to fill out the tax information. I do NOT think it was wise to walk out. This does not show any dedication to the company. Instead of walking out, you should have found someone in HR or your boss to let them know that you were finished with the paperwork and wanted to know what your next step was.

    Source(s): Talent Managent Rep in my company
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes and no. For me, it would have been a mistake. The fact that you walked out may suggest that even though the pay and benefits were good, you really weren't all that invested in the company.

  • kris76
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would have been more patient if I really wanted the job.

  • 1 decade ago

    that's crazy. you were getting paid to sit there. you weren't getting paid when you walked out. its not about patience; that doesnt make sense. you knew you were going to start working eventually. you could have walked around and introduced yourself.

  • Pengy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Could have been an emergency going on, think you just lost this job.

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