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Aiethests, why do you post on religion?

If you profess to believe in no god or spirit then why bother?

If you post just to harass other people then thats immoral, something I know many aiethests claim they arent.

If you are trying to inform others then why be antagonistic?

Im being serious and want honest replies. Not sarcasim or hate please


Yes i get it i misspelled a word.

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Searching for the truth and God which they finally have to call upon from their death bed.

  • Atheism relates to religion directly.

    If I had questions about the rolling stones, I wouldn't go to the automobile section to ask a question, I would head to Music.

    The problem with your assumption that answers are harassing, is that any believer of any faith who runs into varying opinions that are based on facts always claim harassment.

    Hopefully you don't find this too harassing, but it is an honest and serious answer.

    When your belief system is challenged, you should be man enough to stand up and intelligently defend it. If you can't do that, then maybe you should re-evaluate your belief system.

    I am being serious. I answer, and sometimes put in a shot or two, depending on the demeanor of the question, but always defend my answers with reason.

    I answer questions about atheism and religion because I believe in humanity. I believe that discovery and truth have value, and I believe that religion, has a consistent history of relegating both. Therefore I find value in exposing the hypocrisy of religious believe, typically using doctrines from the chosen religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I post here because:-

    1) I want to learn about other peoples beliefs and faith systems. The best way of doing this is to speak to people who follows these religions, and this is a place where you can do that.

    2) I think that some religious issues are contentious and it is important that a balanced range of opinions are put forwards - including those of athiests.

    3) I will admit that I dislike fundamentalists and hypocrits. Therefore from time to time I like to rain on these people's parade by giving them a dose of reality. I feel that by arguing agaist these poeple, I am helping to maintain secular western society - something which I think is an important goal.

    Remember, just like Christians, athiests can get antogonised. Noone likes being the subject of sweeping generalisations, or being told that they are immoral by someone who doesn't know them. Respect is a two way thing - and I honestly think the ratio of disrespectful and foolish athiests and Christians on this forum is around 50/50.

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists in general have never professed that they are not spiritual. Simply that they do not believe that any god exists.

    Yet people of religion affect our lives. We are assumed to be immoral, animalistic beings who do not have to "answer to " anyone. That is far from the truth. So if it's OK with you, we are indeed allowed to come here and defend ourselves from the outright lies being told here.

    We also have every right to voice our opinions on the way religious fanatics affect the laws of the nation. Laws that we must live by whether we believe in the religion that caused them or not.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm religious and I'm glad that the people who aren't post here too. Sure sometimes some of them can be jerks, but a lot of times they are thought provoking and other times they are funny, a breath of fresh air when dealing with fundamentalists. It's nice to have a wide array of opinions, if it was just other Christians here I'd probably leave.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If nothing else, we might be able to teach people how to spell atheist.

    Seriously, where are we supposed to post? People who believe in a god have plenty of places to go; they're in the mainstream of our society. Where can we go to try to explain things to people, to at least get them to think about things a bit? Atheists know about religion because we're surrounded by it every day and most of us were raised in a religion, but most people don't understand the first thing about people who choose not to believe in a god. For example, you can't even understand why we'd post on the religion boards.

    There's a lot of misunderstanding about atheism; I post here to try to provide information to people who clearly know little about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many of the Buddhists I know are atheists, yet no-one would deny them the right to post in these forums.

    At the core of it, all atheism is, fundamentally, is a belief that there is no God.

    Where it's taken from there is up to the individual.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Let me ask you this:

    1) If you're liberal, do you have an opinion about George Bush?

    2) If you're conservative, do you have an opinion about Bill Clinton?

    Chances are, one of the above questions applies to you. If you answered 'yes' to either one, why? If you're conservative, how can you possibly have an opinion about Clinton? I mean, you're not a member of his party, you don't agree with him on anything, so why bother, right?

    No. That's not how it works. You can dislike something or disagree with something and still have an opinion about that thing or person -- and, therefore, be able to debate it.

    If you understand that, then why is it so hard to believe that someone who isn't religious can have an opinion about religion, just like a person who isn't a conservative can have an opinion about Bush?

  • 1 decade ago

    What, Atheists can't proselytize? Every time a christian quotes scripture about how non-believers are doomed that is antagonistic. If you want discussion about your religion without input/feedback from atheists then I suggest you find a nice church group and avoid YA.

    Moral's are different for everyone.

    Focus on your own damn family.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that I must help the delusional.That is not sarcasm or hate.It is a fact that I know to be true.So, I seek to dispel the arrogance and ignorance and to let people embrace a higher calling- humanity.

    By the way, what is a "Aiethest"?.. I do believe the word is spelled Atheist.Try that button that Yahoo Answers has just for you to use.It's called "Check Spelling".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because religion has an effect on our daily lives. It's trying to be in schools, in laws, in courtrooms. We have every right to discuss anything that is so pervasively affecting our lives.

    Beyond that, atheist simply means lack of belief in a deity. Buddhists have religion, but no deity. I'm Pagan and I'm not a deist, therefore I'm atheist.

    Atheism=no gods. Not no religion.

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