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Earliest possible time for preg. symptoms?

I am 7 dpo - I am having strange twinges/light cramps in my lower abdomen yesterday and today. We timed "everything" well with the smerm meets egg plan. This is our 9th cycle trying to conceive. What are the chances that these are implantation pains?

What is the earliest date I should do a preg. test? How much earlier will a blood test give a positive compared to a pee test?


I have read TCOYF - but I do not chart BBT because I am on progesterone which keeps my temp high whether or not I am pregnant.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A great site for early pg symptoms is

    You will then be able to compare your symptoms with other women.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its possible it could be Implantation cramps.

    The earliest I got a positive on a home pregnancy test was 12 dpo, but if you can wait, Id hang on til your expected period date. That way you will know for sure! If this is implantation cramps, maybe within a day or so a blood test should show up accurate results! Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was ttc the first time I checked my cervix and that told me to take a test which was positive. It was high, soft and open but if you are not familiar with doing that it would be hard to tell. I would wait to test until 2 days before you are to start your period. I heard that the tests at the Dollar Store are sensitive. I am not for sure on the test results which comes back sooner. It is probably the same if I had to guess. Good luck.

  • Jess
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    well I'm 12 dpo and I've been feeling light cramps in my lower abdomen for a few days now, and just this morning woke up and gagged while I was brushing my teeth. I'm not testing until I actually miss my period just so that I don't get all worked up for nothing.

    I wish you the best of luck!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I started having symptoms 2-3 days before I was due to get my period. The heartburn, the cramping and uncontrollable crying.I found out I was pregnant the day I was supposed to get my period. I took my urine test in the Drs. office where I worked. It was a very faint two lines, but they were there. I got a blood test the next day to confirm that I was pregnant. Blood tests are more accurate than a urine test.

    Source(s): Medical Assistant and Mom of two little girls.
  • 1 decade ago

    go out and buy the book Taking Charge of you Fertility by Toni is an amazing husband and i have been TTC for 6 month with no luck...after reading the book i know why, we were doing everything wrong!!!!

    It tells you how to know when you are ovulating, if you are ovulating or not, and to determine if you are pregnant with out spending a dime on a pregnancy test!!!!!

    It is great...I paid like $25 dollars at borders for it....alot less then i have spent on HPT the last 6 months!!!

  • i would say wait atleast until your missed period, but from what i have been reading some people still get negatives when waiting for their missed, i would wait a couple days after a missed period. dont waste money on pregnancy tests before hand.

    good luck-

    Source(s): ttc#2
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    sure those could desire to probable be early being pregnant indicators. i only found out i replaced into pregnant and that i additionally experienced those alongside with swollen, sore breasts and what i presumed have been era cramps yet while i could flow to the showering room to envision there replaced into only sparkling discharge. you are able to desire to get a attempt and spot.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first time you tell your husband to go get you bon bons and fried pickles, or you start craving dirt.

    Godd luck.

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