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I’m sorry – YOU fill in the blank?

What are your thoughts about this? Yesterday I asked a question that was meant to be a little humorous, paraphrasing these lines from the movie “The Sixth Sense” :

“I see _____ people. All the time.

They're everywhere, walking around, like regular people.

They don't know they're _____.”

Of course, in the movie the word is DEAD. I committed the unpardonable sin of substituting the word FAT. Many people were offended and called me mean and disgusting. NOT ONE PERSON seems to have caught the reference to “The Sixth Sense”. And, by the way, I did not say anything mean, cruel, hateful, or judgemental about the _____ people, only that I SEE them, asking if you see them too.

So I am taking this opportunity to apologize to the ____ people I offended.

Okay: Am I mean, cruel, disgusting, callous, judgemental, and shallow?

42 Answers

  • Runa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    on seeing all of this for the first time....I think it is kinda funny. A little on the rude side, but people are too sensitive. Besides fat isn't a birth defect. There are some people that can't help it and my heart goes out to them, but the majority of us can help it. I was pretty fat at one time. I did something about it. Even when I was fat I would have thought this to be funny. There are far too many candy asses in this world any more.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you were right on. Although, I am sure that ___ know that they are ___ they just don't feel like doing anything about it. But you could have also substituted in these words:



    badly dressed







    On the other hand, these words would have worked as well:









    You just chose one path. Nothing wrong with that. Just some people didn't like your path, so, I say fill in the blank with "close minded" and you're all set to cover all grounds!

  • 1 decade ago

    “I see brain dead people. All the time.

    They're everywhere, walking around, like regular people.

    They don't know they're brain dead.”

    You are not callous or mean. And you are not brain dead either. You just have a fat sense of humor.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Peggy Sue,

    You are not superficial, capricious or without compassion for making a general statement about people that are fat slobs. I see fat people everyday myself; in fact, I work with a fat girl in my office. She's so fat, she has to wear a hoola-hoop for a belt. She eats everything in sight. The chinese buffet goes on red alert whnever she walks through the door. But, she is a sweet person and very knowledgeable in my line of work. I never call her names or anything. It doesn't matter to me. Whatever I think is my right. I may joke on her behind her back to my woman or to my brother, but so ******* what? She knows nothing of it, and I will never hurt her feelings. I hate that this nation has become so "politically correct" and sensitive. I was born in 1974 and can remember times when people weren't ridiculed or shunned for saying even the slightest remark that could be interpreted as negative.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people that you were referring to are VERY sensitive. I didn't see it as mean either. I've seen much meaner and callous things being said on here, but have never seen an apology appear afterwards! Kudos to you. Don't give them another thought. Have a great day!

  • Vol
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you dont think you were offensive, mean, and/or disgusting...then what did you think you were?


    Do you think its funny to make fun of someone else because they dont fit into your standards? Or because they are different than you?

    The answer lies with the people that got offended. You made an offensive comment and you offended people. Live with it. Dont come on here and try to defend your stupidity with more dumb comments about how you couldnt possibly be mean, cruel, etc.

    Perception is reality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honey,i'm not thin and some may wanna call me fat and i am not in the least bit offended...

    STAR FOR YOU for such grace when not even needed......

    “I see SENSITIVE people. All the time.

    They're everywhere, walking around, like regular people.

    They don't know they're SO DARN SENSITIVE.”

  • 1 decade ago

    No !!! Ya're funny ! I like ur style !!! I sometimes do that too !!!

    Just change a word and smile !!! Like this : A member of Yahoo ! Answer asked a question that she has a really funny name like Bee Bee and instead of calling her Bee Bee,I called her Beep Beep and Beef Beef !!! (^.^)

    About FAT PEOPLE ? That's not soooooo serious !!! I am fat too and I don't care much when people call me fat ! That's true ! Why don't we have to get mad anyway ? I think that's funny !!!

    Source(s): I am 16 and my weight is 76 Kg !!!
  • 1 decade ago

    No your not a mean person. You are only human and what do humans do? We make mistakes all the time. This is how we live and learn. Then hopefully one day when it is all said and done ,we can put this stuff we have learned to good use in God's Kingdom! God Bless You! Smile!

  • 1 decade ago

    No you are not mean, cruel, disgusting, callous, judgemental, and shallow. You have a sense of humor.

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