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Why do they think it is about race?

Those of us who are against the amnesty bill, and against illegal immigration, are constantly being called racists.

I want to know why.

We are in favor of legal immigrants, and encourage the over half a million that enter the US legally every year.

We simply believe in treating people who break the law, like they are people who break the law.

The distinguishing factor between those we support and those we oppose is not race, but whether they choose to act legally or illegally, and yet we are still named racists?


Well, I guess that "whatagreatday5" answered the question.

The real answer apparently is that idiot racists also happen to support the same thing that intelligent Americans support, IN THIS CASE.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    An accusation of racism is meant to silence debate and is often used by those who know thier possition is logically untennable.

    The rationale is simple: Hispanics make up the majority of illegal immigrants, therefore anyone who doesn't cater to illegals must hate hispanics.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because they call themselves "the race" and only fight for things that profit their race. They include anyone with a similar mixture to them. They dominate many things in California and have a lot of political power. They blur the lines between legal and illegal by such terms as undocumented immigrant or undocumented American. They get special services such as Medi-Cal of a type that is only given to undocumented. Yet these kind feelings and benefits are not given to undocumented, impovershed, displaced Americans or people of all races in the same situation. Only to so called Hispanics. They set up the racism and clever people point it out or mirror it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with lemint on it being ignorant to believe being against illegal immigration s racist. I also would add that for peole to call all those who oppose illegal immigration racist are most likely racist themselves. They use the same generalization that racist use. Rscist is a word of hate and should not be thrown around so lightly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whoever is calling racism is ignorant. This is NOT about race it's about tax paying citizens money going back to help citizens of the US not illegals who give nothing back to our country. I do not think this bill will resolve anything. The only way to really resolve this issue is to focus our attention at helping out Mexico instead of policing the world. Raising their wages and improving their quality of life would dissolve most of the immigration issues.

    Source(s): My opinion.
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think you have got it to a point. One of the reasons anti-amnesty people are such big targets is that they often use the term Mexican to describe illegal immigrants. If they would focus on illegal aliens from all over the world, it would be harder to peg them as racists.

    Another tactic to deflate the racism comments is to express your support for expanding the number of legal immigrants permitted into the country.

  • 1 decade ago

    How come most of you Anti's when saying this, will also just use the word Mexican?

    Granted Mexican is not a "race", but you should be able to understand my point.

    Just stick with the words "illegal" or "legal" and you shouldnt have a problem. Its when you start assuming that all the "illegals" are only Mexican, that it makes you look "racist".

  • 1 decade ago

    It's because the race card is the only argument illegal immigrants have.

    But since when are illegal immigrants a race?

  • 1 decade ago

    Its just the liberal intelegeista giving vent because they lost again. The coasts think everyone must think like them or they or crazy or racists.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right, but I absolutely have to roar laughing (keeps me from screaming) when someone like one of your answerers said "I am pro-Illegal" How can anyone in their right mind say that sentence???????

  • M.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm pro-illegal.(Yes I said it I don't care what you say.)

    But I don't call everyone who doesn't agree with me racist, that would be ignorant.

    I call the bad apples of the bunch racist.

    For example: Whatagreatday5 is RACIST.

    He won't stop calling people trashy wetbacks.

    and people only saying mexicans instead of illegal.

    I only call the ones who are blatantly racist a racist.

    I am not stupid.

    I'm aware that there are retarded racists on BOTH sides of the border.

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