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Delivery at 33-34 weeks?

This is my 3rd child, baby dropped 2 weeks ago and doctor says he could come any day now. Has anybody or know anybody who has delivered 33-34 weeks? Were there any complications and how long did baby have to stay in hospital? Thanks!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People who deliver this early are usually people with a mature baby now. Guess the baby is big and ready to be out.

  • 1 decade ago

    i had 2 of my children at 35 weeks and they both came home with me within a day and a half i had a c section too was ready to go home running circles around the nurses. i had another child who was born really tiny at 36 weeks and was in the nicu for 2 weeks. it all depends on whether the babys lungs are muture , whether he is eating what he should be and how is apgars all. It will probably have to do on how much the baby weighs too i know that some hospitals will not let a baby go home if they weigh under 5lbs. but then again you might not have him for a couple of more weeks my 5th dropped at 33 weeks and i held off till i was 38 weeks that was just the way that he was comfortable.

  • 1 decade ago

    A friend of mine had a baby at 34 weeks and he weighed about 5 1/2 lbs. Everything was fine and he had to stay in the hospital for about a week for monitoring before he could be released. But luckily there were no problems and he was able to go home! Good luck!!

    Source(s): A friend's experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I lost my mucous plug at 29 weeks with my secong one. I have been experiencing pre-labor symptoms since then and still have not gone into labor. I am currently at 32 weeks and hoping for delivery any day. I read that at 28 weeks a baby has a 91% survival rate and with each passing week, the baby gains another %. As long as the babies lungs are mature and is a minimum of 5 lbs. you will be able to take the baby home. You are far enough along that you shouldn't have to worry about anything.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My daughter substitute into born at 34 weeks. She substitute right into slightly growth limited by using preeclampsia, and weighed in simple terms over 4 lbs. She substitute into exceedingly healthy for 34 weeks, and in basic terms necessary slightly of help respiratory till now each thing. She had the common preemie jaundice and sluggish learning a thank you to eat, yet did o.k. and spent 2 weeks interior the NICU. She's been appropriate ever because, and continues to be breastfeeding at 22 months. With preemies, there is often the greater effective hazard of developmental delays down the line, yet so some distance we've not had any concerns (my first substitute into born at 32 weeks and had lots greater matters). reliable success!

  • 1 decade ago

    If your baby has dropped it is possible you can deliver any day. have you lost your mucas plug? Or any contractions? 34 weeks is pretty close to your due date. Your baby depending on how the lungs are developed will prolly stay in 2 days if not complications. if there are complications then your baby will stay in for as long as the hospital decides its best. good luck.

    Source(s): mommy of three girls and TTC
  • 1 decade ago

    i delivered alittle girl at 35 weeks and she was fine she was just a little small she came home 2 days later if youre baby was born now the survival rate is 95% if born now the little fellow will be just fine. another thing the doctor probably has you off by about a week or two so you could be 36 maybe 37 weeks doctors think they can tell you the exact day you got pregnant but they cant

  • 1 decade ago

    My twins were born at 34 weeks. They were in the hospital for 11 days only, but don't forget that every baby develops differently and that only your baby's progress will determine how long he or she will be in the hospital.

  • 1 decade ago

    i had a friend that delivered 4 weeks early and she had a healthy baby girl she just had to be in an incubator for a week because she was early but a healthy 2 year old now

    good luck im sure things will be fine

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always heard that babys more than 4 weeks early have to stay in the hospital until they are strong enough to breath on their own since the lungs are one of the last things to fully develop.

    Good Luck to you.

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