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What was the worst gift you received for you wedding ?

I am not talking monetary but thoughtless. We received a gift certificate for a free haircut from the person's own beauty salon which was an hour plus from where we live. What was more thoughtless was he didn't show up, my wife considered this person family. He was the son of her mother's long term boyfriend who passed away. I guess I am more insulted he did not come, because he meant a lot to my wife who is an only child. I heard him call my wife family.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, yea. I can answer this one!!! We got a GIANT jar of peanut butter from my cousin!!!! It wasn't even wrapped up or anything. She just walked up to us right after we walked into the hall, and handed it to us, with this big, proud grin on her face (she's 45!!!!) It was insane. We don't even really eat peanut butter that often!!! Oh, and yes, that was the ONLY gift from her and her daughter (who's almost 25).

  • 5 years ago

    It was 30 years ago, but I remember one of the worst - well, cheapest, anyway. I had an aunt that was quite well off, so we expected something fairly nice. Her gift? A blanket from a local discount store. THAT thank you note was written with gritted teeth! I'd do as others have suggested, or perhaps look to see if a local charity has an upcoming auction and is looking for donated items. You could also list them on your local Freecycle chapter. If you knew where the items had been purchased you could return them for something else more your taste, but I wouldn't tell the giver you were doing so.

  • tired
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I didn't have any horrible gifts and I was really thankful for what we got from everyone bc we were the type of couple that hadn't lived together and really didn't have anything.

    However, I did get one gift that was kind of like your situation. We got married in July and this lady who was REALLY close to my husband (kind of like a second mother) gave us a Christmas candy dish..and it was kind of dirty and the box looked worn. I am pretty sure that it was something she had used before. She also didn't come to our wedding. We found out later thought she was having some personal/family issues.

    You never know what the situation is. It does kinda hurt though. However, I washed the dish up and I do use it every Christmas, so I guess it turned out to be an okay gift.

  • 1 decade ago

    My worst was this hideous cut-crystal bell a friend of my mother's gave me. It had colored bands that clashed rather horribly. I'm not fond of heavy cut glass or crystal as a rule, and this was somewhat conservative in taste for the Victorian age..but it wasn't even good period kitsch which I could have appreciated on some level. No, this was just a poor example of something completely foreign to my taste and that of my beloved.

    On top of that, there was the frightening explanation that I should use this eyesore to ring for my husband to act as my servant. Ick. I only ask him to do the things I can't do for myself; not to be subserviant to me. We're a partnership. What's more, I'm the one who changes washers, deals with spiders, paints walls, and takes out the garbage. If I'm not too dainty to do those jobs, I sure as shootin' am not going to come over all coy and ring for my man to open a pickle jar for me.


    She meant well, and of course I sent a thank you note with as gracious a response as I could possibly write. Then I quietly hunted down the place where she'd bought it and exchanged it for something I could actually use. I wound up with a lovely set of serving bowls that I use all the time.

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  • sylvia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Wow - that IS a thoughtless gift! Sheesh!

    I've been sitting here thinking about this question. I honestly can't think of a single thing! I must have been one REALLY lucky girl, because we got some lovely, lovely wedding gifts.

    We did get one re-gift (when they wrapped it, they left a couple pieces of tape with small bits of wrapping paper attached to the box, still - so we KNOW it was a re-gift) but it was still and All-Clad grill pan, so I can hardly complain!

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say it was the worst gift, we had nothing when we got married and needed everything and anything but it was a little odd, we got a box full of bits and pieces, lots of mis-matched second hand glasses (prices from a charity shop still attached) a few odd plates and cups, some very well used cutlery, and some sheets that had worn out patches on them, you know when they go thread bare, like that. To be honest we had to use them as we had nothing else, but as soon as we got new sheets we cut the worn up ones in to squares and used them as dusters lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow, some of these gifts are pretty awful. my pick for number one right now is the the crazy relative with the peanut butter.

    i do not have a worst gift, but i do have one that made me the most mad. but it requires a little bit of side story to make it make sense.

    My favorite color is the world is blue, as is my husbands. we sent blue save the date cards, blue invitations, and the bridal invitations were blue. so my now grandmother in law shows up....with the ugliest brown towels that have ever existed on the face of the planet. I smiles, she did not know, then proceeded to open up ALL THE TOWELS OFF MY REGISTRY. I had them ALL! as a wedding gift, she gave me MORE BROWN TOWELS! 0_o First off, I LIKE BLUE! Second, she watched me get about 15 towels at my bridal shower, WHY DO I NEED MORE?! i smiled and wrote a thank you note. The towels are used to sit under the cat litter box and to clean up kitty messes. :)

    the one my mom was most mad at was her sisters, my aunt. she got us candle holders and my mom found out she got them at the dollar store. :P they were pretty ugly. (oh, and not blue, more like puke...everything). and she was pretty sure the bag was regifted, she saw my cousin rip the little tag off the handle when she put it on the table. she wants me to save them and give them to my cousin when she gets married.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not my wedding but I heard about because they were asking for advice to write in the card. Kinda funny because the people throwing the wedding where cheap ars.... and combine invitation to save money so they kinda deserved it. Someone gave them a bottle of booze with the dust on it from their house.

  • Blunt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I got the world's ugliest vase.

    It was doo-doo color (not joking) with a weird clay spotting. It was so ugly that a flea market wouldn't take it.

    It was my best friend's gift.... !!!

    Her wedding was just a couple of weeks after mine, so as a wedding gift, I gave her the corniest, cheapest, ugliest set of glass bowls, yes, those like look like cabagge.

    We are even now. We are still friends 10 years later and get a laugh everytime.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I got a set of matching salt and pepper shakers in the shape of grain silos with John Deere logos on the sides.

    I regifted them to people I didn't like very much.

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