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Answer me this... some one wrote this question"Why are the divorce rates higher than they were 100 years ago"

My answer was, " Beacause there's more of us????" Well doesn't that make sence to this person??

Well I was reported, I'm a bad girl!!! BOOHOO!!!! What do you think about this answer I gave, how would you answer this queston???

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because women are no longer considered property of men and have the ability not to put up with our chauvinistic crap.

  • 1 decade ago

    More people doesn't have much to do with rates, since rates a just a percentage of the total. In other words, even though there are more people today, if no one got divorced the divorce rate would be 0%. And if there were only 100 people in the world and they all got divorced it would be 100%.

    Anyway, I think it has to do with a whole lot of social factors, but not necessarily population growth. Still, I don't think that warrants being reported!

  • 1 decade ago

    The asker thought you were smarting off. Both of you would seem to be pretty dim--difference between actual numbers and rates. Even though there are 300 million people now, the gender ratio (or rate) is the same as in 1730. about 50-50

    The actual answer to the question about divorce is that marriages last about long now as they did 100 years ago. What's changed is the reason they break up. Used to be death, now it's divorce. And, Americans have always divorced more than most other peoples--part of the restlessness and dissatisfaction that led most of our ancestors (sorry, descendents of slaves) to choose to come here.

  • dawnb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If your answer was reported the person must have been nuts. Of course, there are not only more of us than 100 yrs ago but morals and morays have changed....unfortunately. I can't imagine why you would have been reported for such an honest answer but there are strange people out there looking for some sort of recognition on these channels be there good or bad. I'm sure you have also noted there are questions put out there from people who are expecting some sort of answer to fit their needs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think to say that because there are more people we have a higher divorce rate is really rather silly.

    Divorce rates are tracked (most generally) by PERCENTAGE of the total population not just by total numbers of divorces. The percentage of couples getting divorced is higher, which has nothing to do with how many people there are compared to 100 years ago...

    if she was reporting you for abuse, that was really stupid, though.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have to say that it's because as a society, we are taught to look out for ourselves, think about ourselves, everything that we do and think about is based around ourselves. That right there is the recipe for divorce. For any relationship to work, both individuals should be prepared to sacrifice self and put the other first. Also, people living together before they are married is very common. Statistics will show that 80% of poeple who live together before they are married get divorced. That's the truth that nobody hears(or wants to hear). I guess it wouldn't boost many tv ratings.

  • 1 decade ago

    Divorce rates are a percentage, so more of us would make no difference. The real reason is that people rush into marriage now, and know they can easily get a divorce. Divorce used to be difficult. Now if you both agree you can get divorced quicker than you got married.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, the percent is up, she did not ask why there were more of us divorced. Because percent is like say 30 people out of 100 are divorced, that means 30% of people are divorced. And 300 people out of 1000 is still 30%.

    Source(s): I had to study percents this year.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well that is partly true,but back then and even in the 60's when I got married and had kids, you stuck it out, for one the welfare system didn't provide you with rent and a check to support your kids, so you better have had the bucks to take care of all of that. So my generation stuck it out and worked it out.As far as being reported for your answer, it was because they didn't like your answer. And they shouldn't ask questions if they can't except others opinions

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that cars play a big part in it. 100-years ago, people walked and rode horses, and 90-percent of most peoples' lives took place within about 5-miles of home.

    Especially in smaller communities, living your life in such a small area meant that the people available, to a man, for instance; to have affairs with would often be his wife's sister; his wife's cousin; or somebody that they went to church with. And a person would have to be much more heartless to have an affair with in-laws especially.

    Also living in such a small community, 100-years ago, and not having seen a lot of the country or the world, like people are capable of nowadys, people tended to be better behaved within their community, because if you really messed up in Florida the prospect of moving to Texas and starting over, didn't seem as realistic as it does nowadays. Moving three counties away was a big move 100-years ago. And nowadays people can drive three counties away in an hour.

    Modern travel leads not only to more people to have an affair with, but also sometimes to some sloppiness in trying to hide the affair. Cheaters don't allow for how easy it is for other people to travel too. The cheating spouse may have driven an hour away to meet a lover, and they go out to a public restaurant, without it occuring to them that a friend or relative of their spouse might see them out and report back to their spouse.

    And sometimes people just decide to leave their spouse to marry their lover too.

    Not as much of this went on 100-years ago because people wanted to keep their good name, in these smaller communities that seemed inescapable - almost like they were the whole world - to them. If they did have an affair, they were likely much more careful to keep it secret because of the smaller community involved. If a man were going to have an affair with his wife's sister, the stakes of getting caught are raised enough to where they just almost wouldn't allow themselves to get caught, even if it meant only seeing each other once in a blue moon - like twice a year, when circumstances worked out favorably. Nowadays, easily mobile lovers expect to see each other that many times a week, if not more, but they are not nearly as careful so they are found out.

    Also publications like: Penthouse; Hustler; Playboy; Playgirl and others; x-Rated movies, and networks like HBO have given the average person a better knowledge of sex than they had 100-years ago. 100-years ago, your spouse may have been the only person you ever saw naked, or were gonna see naked. Now all of these publications and shows, contributing to peoples sexual knowledge, make men wonder what it would be like to have a woman with larger breasts, or make women wonder what it would be like to have a man with a larger man-organ. Knowledge like this also makes it more probable that people will stray, and eventually divorce because of hard feelings from one or the other spouse straying.

  • 1 decade ago

    100 years ago, people stayed in the marriage till death do them part. They had higher morals than we do today..and often stayed together no matter what.. But your answer is appropriate and I see no reason it was reported... Somebody just didn't like your answer and reported you just for spite.... Hopefully YA will agree with you>>

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