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Einstein said: "We can't solve our problems w/ the same thinking we used when we created them." ....
How might these words apply to the problem of religion? If you don't think religion is a problem, please don't waste your time and mine answering. Thank you.
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
— Albert Einstein
James P: Nice thoughts. Thought you might like this one too: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." (Albert Einstein)
AngelTress: I wish I had more faith that you and your friends in the mainstream could clean up your own mess, but unfortunately I haven't seen any evidence of this. Frankly, I think you need all help you can get.
MasterShake. I've always agreed with that quote, but that doesn't answer the question. Stopping dialog is not a solution.
Pangel: I always feel slightly guilty for some reason when I read your wisdom, especially in reply to a question that would cause most believers to be filled with animosity. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
15 Answers
- Maricel SLv 41 decade agoFavorite Answer
One needs to get out of their box, their programming or their comfort zone and explore new territories with an open mind.
The saying: "Both views are but two sides of the same coin. The trouble with coins is that it takes a mirror to see both sides at the same time."
- 1 decade ago
Albert Einstein was more than a genius, personally I consider him a prophet. This question and statement are so clear to me, yet I can understand how some people would have trouble comprehending. Einstein functioned mentally on a different plane from average individuals. His personal consciousness was more like what we experience in dream state. I am convinced that he spent his waking hours in the Alpha, or Delta state of consciousness.
There is not one human on the face of this earth that can deny the fact that there are problems with religion. But it is the people applying the religion, and their less than perfect opinions that cause the problems. First, Sir, all the people who have created these "problems' would have to admit that there is a problem, or that there are problems, and then would have to embrace and accept the fact that this one simple philosophical statement, made by one of the most gifted and intelligent men that ever lived, would solve all problems. Then all those who proliferate these probs would have to come togather to work cooperatively to solve these probs.. Good luck getting that to happen in the next five years. It is all about observation and application of solutions. A genius is NOT a person who knows more than the average person, a genius IS a person who can produce workable solutions and become more productive than the average individual. Power is not knowledge, power is knowledge applied wisely.
- 1 decade ago
I myself am not a 'religious' person as perceived by society and the laws and rules that bind it but i do believe in a power greater than self which is referred to in religion as God. I will however try to answer your question with total unbiased opinion. You (and Albert Einstein of course) make a valid point. However, is it not possible to assume that in this day and age there is a different level of consciousness as to that of the past? Try not to associate the term 'level of consciousness' with religion but rather with the mentality/consciousness of people themselves of the past, then you will begin to see and realize that religious people of today have advanced their level of consciousness and begun to also dig deep into their own hearts and the energy of 'God' and restructured/improved many of the religious beliefs of old. Many religious people and leaders will even admit that there is a problem (as in any belief/government/society etc.) because they themselves have realized it, which is why they can be seen as having a DIFFERENT level of consciousness as to those of the past and will now be able to tap into the knowledge they have uncovered in order to solve the problems they and others have uncovered.
Note: Religious/non-religious people please do not view my answer as an attack on your beliefs or an attempt to belittle them.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Here's the kicker; it WAS being solved in the 50s, but something happened to cause the evangelical movement that collectively saw everything take a turn for the worse.
Do you realize that a higher percentage of the US population believed in evolution 50 years ago than today? How sad.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
Now, how do you expect to "solve the problem of religion" without solving the problem of religionISTS?? Silly child, you and these other atheists are not the cause of the problem, although you do seem to exacerbate it...that is, you rattle the cages of those fringe lunatics that claim to speak for all people who follow Jesus, and then they think they need to retaliate in kind...don't you think that, if you just left them alone, they'd deflate?
It is our problem...that is, the problem of those who follow Jesus. We have expected them, you know. Our prophecies talk about how these false messiahs would turn up (those guys who claim to have "special anointing from God" are actually claiming to be "christos" or messiahs), and deceive many with their "signs and wonders". Jesus Himself warned us.
I know you don't understand any of this, but seriously, just relax. Your day is just about here, when "it is given unto the beast to make war with the saints and overcome them". We know this....but it's OK, because we also know that, in the end, death and hell will be tossed into "the lake of fire" along with anything else that doesn't fit into God's New Creation, and we will live forever in a paradise where there is no religion, no war, no disease, no poverty, no death....where there is no government but our own benevolent Prince of Peace, Who loves all His kids, and they all love Him. Yeah, I think "heaven sounds boring"...but then, you haven't met the King.
You will.....
- Anonymous1 decade ago
We must rise above the mentality of control & conform, to a new world consciousness of "For the good of ALL humankind".
- 6 years ago
Ok. first of all, as llewellynlewis, i consider myself agnostic/buddhist (go figure), and per Wikipedia, religion is just "structured political superstition". But, can you guys please define atheism?
- God is love.Lv 61 decade ago
Einstein was a man with like passions as a man.
Source(s): God is.....the answer. - Anonymous1 decade ago
never argue with an ignorant person, you have to sink to their level and they will beat you with experience