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Will people ever evolve beyond revealed religion?

I think that learning your faith (ie. religion) from a book which has been translated by Man over and over again,is to say the least, unwise. Religious dogma causes tension and arrogance.

I am a Deist, and I just want opinions.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Alot of the stuff that is written in the bible have been changed and is incorrect. Although I believe in God, religion is somewhat corrupt like politics, so I just stay away from it. You can still believe in God without being religious.

    In many ways, mankind itself is the reason why they don't believe in God. It's not because God doesn't exist. If people would have kept the original words of God in the bible, then we wouldn't have this problem.

    It is not wise to trust anything that a person wanted to change for themselves, which is what happened to alot of parts in the bible. After all, God did say "trust in NO man".

    Due to corrupt religions and the changes in the bible, this caused people to doubt that God even exists. I know this is pretty off topic but what people don't understand is that we had to have a creator. Mankind DIDN'T just evolve out of nowhere. How could we? That is like saying WE are our own Gods and created ourselves....BULL! If we would've created our ownselves, then we would be perfect now would we?

    According to revelation, the spirit of the antichrist will surface and fool people into thinking that we can enjoy humanly pleasures and do as we wish because we are OUR own Gods. Also, many religions will fall as well. The bible did say that. That surely is happening now, so those parts of the bible in particular surely aren't incorrect.

    In conclusions, some part of the bible are inccorect due to mankind, and some parts remain true to God's original words.

    I guess to answer your question, the only thing you can trust is God. Not an object or a religion that will soon fall.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Will people ever evolve beyond revealed religion?"

    Not all change is progress.

    "Religious dogma causes tension and arrogance."

    Pot, meet kettle. Or is this statement supposed to create/reflect something other than "tension and arrogance"?

    "I think that learning your faith (ie. religion) from a book which has been translated by Man over and over again,is to say the least, unwise."

    There is nothing wrong with new translations as long as they stay true to the original manuscripts. But to a certain extent, new translations are desirable since we are still learning new information about the original languages and social conditions in which they were written and because our language constantly changes and modernizing the language makes the bible more accessible to those unfamiliar with the outdated words and expressions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you are spouting platitudes that have no real meaning for you. Religious dogma does indeed cause tension and arrogance, but it also causes conviction, altruism and hope. The fact that it has been "translated" is innocuous, it is still the same message as when originally revealed. Our faith is revealed by God in His chosen medium, so it would be unwise to discount that.

    If you're a deist and believe that God has just wound up the universe and allows it to tick, why do you ultimately care?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably not but revealed religion has evolved to a point most have no clue they follow the words of a man named John Calvin and not the words from the bible they claim as truth.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, I believe that God real.

    There is tension and arrogance no matter where you go or who you encounter. Even Atheists create tension with me when they display their arrogance in the belief that my faith is "Stupid" in their eyes.

    My faith directs me in how I should live and act towards others, not how others should live and act.

    Source(s): IMHO
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we have a desire for a relationship with our creator is that an evolutionary mistake? Is it a cosmic whoops? If we have to discipline ourselves and train ourselves for years to feel ok about the immoral practices we do, does that mean we are devolving ourselves or forcing a correction of our wondrous mutations that resulted in life?

    I love questions like these.

    The simple plain truth is that we can have a real relationship with a real GOD if we can step outside of our self made universe for a second and look around.

    This was a fun question. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well I think religion is over rated-yet there is something in searching for God that appeals to mankind

    as a Jew-I am being told I am not a Jew yet=

    interesting-there have been Jewish people by faith looking forward to the coming of Messiah Jesus. And since then Messianic Jewish people who according to the Jewish Scriptures are the only actual 'Jewish' by faith people..

    Moses stated that there is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Leviticus 17:11

    He will lay down his life to make atonement for our sins. Isaiah 52:13=53:12

    At the comming of the Messiah for my people and all people, many of our Jewish people came to believe in him. The other made new religions rejecting Moses and Isaiah-Today they claim to be Jewish-along with even athiest Jewish by birth people, who are accepted by the others that reject the Messiah as Jews.

    Thank God that truth will always win, and we have the joy of salvation and the Messiah as our best friend.

    in the Messiah's amazing grace, John 3 repented of sin and asked messiah Jesus into my heart to be my best friend, amen,

    Have a great day and thanks for the question, praying for you and pray for me please too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of us already have. About 10% of people seem to have the 'critical thinking' gene gene... the rest do not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is happening. but evolving is a very slow process.

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