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Why does Y! answers violate ones civil rights to playcate to whinny lesbians?

I have had two lesbians who didnt like my answer to their petty, stupid micky mouse questions, turn me in. Now Y! answers has violated my civil right to freedom of speach and deleted my answer. I did not cuss or directly insult ANYONE. I did not violate the terms of service agreement in ANY way...yet if you are a lesbian and dont like my answer you can turn me in and take my civil liberties away?? how pathertic must you be to do something so drastic over such an insignificant thing?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think its an abomination of someones civil liberties to have their answers censored. you have the right, as an american, in america, to say whatever you like, thousands of men have died in wars throughout history to guarantee this freedom to all americans. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO VIOLATE THE CONSITUTION! so i say speak what the H*ll ever you like.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow... get a life. First of all, if your answer wasnt HELPFUL in anyway then it didnt need to be there anyway, thats the whole point of Y!A and secondly quit being emotion, did you seriously waste 5 points to blame lestbians for taking away you "civil rights" america isnt as free as they wish it was. Now go cut and tell the psychiatrist what the mean little lesbians did to hurt your feelings and break your soul

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me first explain that your "freedom of speech" isn't exactly a freedom. We do not have the freedom of speech or the right to say what we want, which is a common misconception. For the most part, we're allowed to express who we are and say what we want, but however, you cannot discriminate against other nationalities of people or people who have a difference in sexual orientation. Another fine example is that you cannot walk into a crowded movie theater and shout, "Fire!"

    To you, one, it might be insignificant, but to someone else it might mean all the world. Remember that everyone interprets things differently, and everyone has different feelings to different situations.

    The most you can do is get over it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo isn't a Public Forum, you have to be a member to post. Yahoo does reserve the right to delete any post for any reason.

    You give up any "civil rights" claims when you sign the service agreement.

    Try actually reading things before you sign, otherwise you'd know that your "rights" haven't been violated in any way.

  • Jyse
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So instead of losing more points posting a question here, I'd suggest that you challange the answer that was remove with customer service. If they agree they'll give you your points back, if not they'll just ignore you. Trust me I've had plenty taken and some returned. As long as you follow Yahoo's rules then you're fine, but since this is their forum, and we have to follow their rules, your freedom of speech is limited to yahoo's TOS... sorry! but good luck :)

  • Kat
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Did your answer violate Yahoo's Guidelines? You are on a Yahoo Forum. If you are going to play the game, you need to do it by their rules. It doesn't violate your civil rights to freedom of speech, if it goes against the rules for the website. If you feel your rights are violated, go somewhere else that does not have rules to protect other people on the website.

    I've posted a few of the guidelines for Yahoo answers. Please pay particular attention to the first "Don't". It already sounds like you are violating that one. Again.

    From the Yahoo Guidelines:


    Be courteous. Yahoo! Answers is a diverse community of people with diverse opinions. It is up to each of us to be polite and treat each other with respect.


    1. Use Yahoo! Answers as a soapbox to vent your frustrations, rant, or otherwise violate the question and answer format. If you prefer to have discussions or chat with others, please use one of Yahoo!'s other community services, such as Yahoo! Groups or Yahoo! Messenger Chat Rooms.

    2. Exploit, solicit, or harm minors.

    3. Post adult, vulgar, or obscene content or use sexually explicit language. Please see "Age restriction" below.

    4. Solicit others for any purpose.

    5. Incite or advocate violence or harm against a person, group of people, or animals.

    6. Harass, threaten, insult, or behave belligerently towards others.

    7. Post racist, incendiary, or otherwise objectionable content.

  • Miz D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have read a lot of insults on Yahoo Answers to straight people and Christians. I guess it's permitted to insult them? I get very tired of it but didn't know I could delete a mean answer. I'll try doing it soon!

    We should all be polite to each other. No one should be using Yahoo Answers to stir up hatred or make insults.

    Source(s): The Community Guidelines for Yahoo Answers
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not lesbian but I am going to report you for ranting because that is the FIRST rule under DON'Ts and you HAVE insulted other users by calling the people that did report you "whiney" and that is the sixth rule in the same section of the community guidelines so you may want to be the one to stop "whining".

  • E_Tard
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I wonder how it is you can assume it was lesbians that reported you. Did you write with the intent to target leasbians?

    I am white, but if I see a rude, unacceptable racial comment, I will not hesitate to report it.

    Perhaps you are whining about someone other than a lesbian...

  • First, only the government has to observe your right to free speech. Second, that right is only good so far as your right of it does not infringe upon those of others. Lastly who's being Whinny now?

  • 1 decade ago

    I got a violation notice and I'm still not sure what I said that offended whoever. Go figure--------

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