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how long did it REALLY take?

How long did it REALLY take for you to lose all your baby weight?

I know 9 months up, 9 months down is a good rule of thumb, but I know women who were back in bikinis within 6 weeks (lucky them!) and others who clung to an extra 15 pounds for life. So I just wanted some real peoples' real experience.

Were you overweight/underweight/average in the beginning?

How much did you gain?

How long did it take you to be back to your prepregnancy weight/size?

What did you do to lose weight (diet, exercise, breastfeeding)?


10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With my first pregnancy, I was at 115 before I got pregnant. I got up to 155 during my pregnancy. I went back down to 120 within 6 weeks after having her. But I lost it so quickly because of my metabolism and I breastfed, which is excellent for burning calories. I will never fit in a size 2 again because my hips widened. I average at a 5 or 7 now, depending on the jeans.

    Now with my second pregnancy, which I am JUST about done with, I started out around 130 (I had put on a little weight before fluctuates a lot more now after having one kid) and I am up to 173 now. I hope it will come off as easily this time, but we will see won't we!

    Like I said, I breastfed my first so that helped me lose weight. Anyone will tell you that will help. I also walked and danced which helped me burn the rest off.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have three children, ages 6, 2, and 7 weeks. For the first child, I may have been a little underweight to begin with so this was the one I gained the most weight with. Before I had her I was a size 2 and after I had her I was a size 4, I can't remember how much I weighed because it always fluctuates, I just remember what size clothes I wore. But I do know that I gained 54 pounds that time. The second child I only gained about 30 pounds and after I lost it I wore a size 6, probably took about 2 months to lose the weight, but still had a bit of exercising to do before I was bikini ready. The most recent baby that we had, I only gained 18 pounds and have lost all of it already, so I am going to try and lose a little bit more. I haven't started to exercise yet, just running around after all 3 of them is enough right now. But, the only downfall is that having babies leaves your skin a little looser on the belly and sometimes stretch marks that are not so flattering. But really, after about a year you can expect to have your body back to yourself. Also, I breastfed all three babies.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was average weight with my first son. gained 60 lbs. still clung to an extra 20 when i got preg with my second son. lost a ton of weight that i gained back, total gained for that preg from start to finish was 20 lbs. lost all preg weight from second pregnancy, still have that stubborn 15 left from baby #1. i work in a physically demanding job thats helping me lose some weight, but eating on the go (i work 12-16 hr shifts) has me maintaining more than losing. breastfeeding helped a lot with the second baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was a bigger girl to begin with... I gained 32 lbs while I was pregnant and lost most of it right away. However, I decided to get the Depo shot after I had the baby and I have no gained all the weight back plus some!!! I haven't ever been able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes yet, despite eating right and exercising. I finally decided that I am going to come off Depo and hopefully get rid of all of this weight!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry , I haven't had my baby yet but I was just talking to my mom about this a few nights ago.

    She was 5'7" & 115lbs. (really skinny...) With her first baby it took her 10 months to get back to 115 and it took about the same maybe a little less with her second child. With her last two it came off in no time - like 3 months or so.

    She exercised while she was pregnant and after she was pregnant she kept that up.

    She said after her 3rd child her metabolism raised. Same with my grandma (on my mom's side) who had 6 kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Proper structure and motivation can offer the much needed boost to shed the remaining mommy pounds. If you haven't already checked it out, I would visit They have some great advice as well as workout and diet plans that really work and for cheap. Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    I breastfed and walked with my baby, but I don't know how much weight I put on, but I was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes two weeks after having my daughter. I had to hold a little in, but honestly, I never weighed myself so I never knew how much I lost in whatever amount of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was back to my pre pregnacey weight the day i gave birth, all tho i only put on 8-9 Kg so most of that was baby and sack/water.

  • Actually i got a crappy deal out of this! My first kid i was 130lbs i gained 40lbs 30 of it stayed! So then i was 160lbs! My second child i gained forty pounds again then had the baby and this time none of it went away! So now i am 5/8 200lbs YIPPEEEE but its ok i love my kids so its worth it!

  • 1 decade ago

    i kept 10lbs each with my first 2 kids i dont know what happened with the third but i weigh only 5lbs heavier now then i did before my first child. good luck

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