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An immigration question...?

I am married to an illegal immigrant. Fool that I am, I fell for all his lies. That being said, I am now in the process of divorcing him. Here is my question, how do I remove him from my house? The house is a rental,and he moved some of his family here too. His daughter, his sister,and his cousin (no I did not agree to this) All of the family members along w/him are illegal. What do I do? Where do I go from here? (There is no lease, I am renting from my boss, and we both work for her). Please help, and don't bash me....please!


no papers to legalize him have been filed.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know what state you are in, and, laws vary from state-to-state. If there is no lease, I would speak with your boss and see if she would ask him to leave (since she also has a personal relationship with him). Please contact your local police division and ask them about eviction. Where I live, if you own the home, you have to give 72 hours written notice, and, then, the police will help you remove them if they are still there. I don't know how it works with rentals, though. I fear that you are hoping to get people to tell you to call INS. I think this would cruel- particularly to his daughter and sister. Handle this issue through your local police department. Tell them exactly what you told us and they will guide you through the process. Good luck, and, hold your head high. Divorce is never easy. God bless you

  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So you are renting from your boss and you both work for her? Did your boss know she hired an illegal alien? What does she think about him moving so many people in? I'd say you should arrange with your boss for her to fire him and ask you to move out of the house.

    Then move your stuff and yourself to a separate location and file for a divorce and protective order.

    If you have any immigration applications pending, you can "withdraw" them after you've filed and if he violates the protective order, you can call ICE to have him removed. Otherwise have a happy divorce. (was that a bash?)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's not much you can do. Most laws prohibiting renting to illegals have been struck down in federal court. The only thing you can really do is move out yourself. Remember that if you married him for the purpose of keeping him in the country, YOU have committed a federal offense. I'd suggest divorce quickly and get away.

  • tuxey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    first of all, call ice. he lied, you fell for them, and now you know the truth, as a good citizen, you want to divest yourself of this knowledge, and let the authorities deal with the problem. you are legally married? how did you manage to do that? check with a lawyer if the marriage can be annulled, or dissolved. are you depending on his check to help with the rent and other bills? if so, then start looking for another living situation. get rid of him, and his family, give him up to ice, and get on with your life.

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  • 1 decade ago

    when you signed the forms [assuming that you have begun the process of having him made legal] it states that it is a federal offense to marry solely for the purpose of remaining in the can approach the immigration office and tell them that your husband has told you in no uncertain terms that this was IN HIS eyes just that............they will do the rest.

    regards and what ever you do stay safe.........for instance ensure that people at work KNOW that this is the action you are going to well as your family................also maybe your boss will take you side in this matter.....if the boss does not and fires you then you can of course report her for employing illegals and you being fired unfairly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honey, I'd call ICE in a New York minute! If he moved his family in without your consent, have them all removed. You can't be blamed for making one mistake. Just get rid of it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Call the Police immediately. They will all be removed from the house. You Can get a divorce with out his permission.

  • 1 decade ago

    How is this an immigration question?? He's not an immigrant, he's an illegal alien.

    Report him!!! I would think that would get him out of your house...

  • 1 decade ago

    "I fell for all his lies" If you think he only married you hoping you would legalize him. Then contact ICE that is a crime. I agree with Candy.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a hard one. If you can afford it I would see a lawyer and see what you can do legally.

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