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Lv 58,047 points

Amanda h

Favorite Answers19%

Dedicated wife, and a loving mommy to 4 wonderful angels (1,3,7, & 9) that are being taught the true meaning of life and being human: It is not about doing what is easy, but, doing what is right. People come before anything else, and, to help every chance they get- and, look for chances! May they grow into incredible assets to society~ I married a wonderful man who is also my dear friend and soul mate. We have perfected a level of communication without word- only emotion. We have been blessed by one another. Professionally, I am a family advocate and teach classes in English & Spanish. I am beginning courtroom interpretation in Wisconsin. I do public speaking for non-profit agencies, and, promote healthy decisions for children. I was an exchange student in Querertaro, Mexico, when I was in high school. I was fortunate enough to travel throughout Mexico, and, have returned on several occasions to live with citizens of Mexico and experience the life of the "average" Mexican fam

  • How long can a bank freeze funds because of large withdrawal setting off alerts?

    On Friday, I withdrew roughly 13K from an ATM. After doing this, I found out that Chase had blocked my account because of the atypical size of the withdrawal through the ATM. I need to withdraw an additional 12K and was told at the local branch that my card was being blocked by their system- from cash advances and from all activity. I need to know how long this will remain frozen and if there is anything that I can do to expedite the process? I am purchasing a vehicle from an independent seller, and, need to get it done... Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Universities across America are participating in Islamic Awareness Week- is this required or not?

    During Islamic Awareness week (across America), is participation necessary or is it optional? Can you show me any links to support it?

  • Are we really "meant" to be happy?

    I have thought about this for awhile. Are we, as human beings, MEANT to be happy? Is that what is intended for us? With all of the religions out there and the different philosophies, it seems to me that perhaps we are meant to suffer. Isn't it only after suffering that we can appreciate the happy moments? And, since we learn from our mistakes, don't we need to fall down before we can start back up the ladder again? People say we are meant to be happy- life is too short- it should be enjoyed- all of the cliches, but, are we really? And, how can one ever really be happy with all of the sadness out there? Isn't being happy akin to burying your head in the sand?

    19 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Undocumented and University acceptance - how does keeping them "out" have a long-term positive effect?

    I see the posts about keeping undocumented children from going to school or to college. What makes no sense to me is that these are the same people that are complaining that the "illegals" have children here and that the children qualify for public assistance.

    I understand these kids are illegal, but, they were brought here through NO CHOICE of their own. If they are competent enough to be admitted into a college, shouldn't they be allowed to go? If they can out-score other children with the advantages of English being their first language, etc, isn't it in our best interest to allow the best and the brightest to go to school? IF we don't, and these kids are forced to work menial labor jobs, isn't that going to ASSURE they be on welfare? It is hard to raise a family on $5 an hour. I don't understand how this serves the "greater good" aside from the stance that their parents did something wrong. Do you punish the child? And, doesn't that economically punish taxpayers more?

    16 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Appropriate behavior for a 9 year old girl? Makeup, dying hair, ripped jeans?

    I have a 9 year old daughter that attends a very competitive school in a city of 70K. She is in 4th grade. In her class, about HALF of the girls have started wearing makeup. They are wearing eyeshadow, blush, with lip gloss and mascara. Many of the girls have been dying their hair and getting highlights. The girls are wearing ripped jeans with tights underneath. Some of the girls have started having "boyfriends". I am appalled by this behavior from these little girls. I CAN'T BELIEVE that their parents are encouraging this! Luckily, my daughter thinks it is as ridiculous as I do. Am I just out-dated, or, should our little girls be little girls as long as they can? WHAT is the rush to have them putting chemicals on their heads and painting their faces like clowns? WHY- oh WHY would a parent rush to make her child look "grown up"? Don't they grow up too quickly already? What about protecting from pedophiles? Isn't it more important to developing a person- not an image at 9?

    28 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • If Bush were to sign a "blanket amnesty" before leaving office, what would you do?

    I have read a few other posters say that they thought/feared that Bush may sign a blanket amnesty before leaving office. If he were to do this, would we still be having conversations about illegals? I have heard people say that there would be a revolt? Politically? Or, in the streets? And, would this lead to racially motivated crimes (people seeing a Latino family and attacking them)... I personally don't think Bush would do it, but, if he did, what would you do?

    23 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do you really believe that any of the presidential candidates will do anything about illegal immigration?

    I hear them all pandering for votes, and, they all seem to say whatever appeals to their audience. There is so much hypocrisy among them. If they were to be elected, would ANY of them truthfully do anything- and, if you think they would- who and what would they do?

    I am so sick of having to choose between 2 idiots in every election. WHY must I always vote for whomever will mess up our country and destroy our Constitution the least? I don't think that this is how it is supposed to work. He who lies the best and has the most $ wins!

    17 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • A man was hit by a car while crossing the street. Legally what to do?

    Here is the situation as I have had it told to me: About a year ago, there was a gentleman (in his 50s) crossing the street in the town where I live. He was hit by a car driven by an elderly lady who was not drinking, just not paying attention. He was in a coma for weeks. Since he came out of it, he has had many health problems. He can't speak (because he can't move his mouth), he has had a couple of surgeries for hernia and other health problems. He barely walks, and has mental problems. Previous to this, he worked.

    So, now he is unable to work. He and his friends came to ask what to do (I do interpretation). I am not sure if he is legally here or not. When I asked, he said he was a citizen, but, there was a problem with his social security number (?) and his friends seemed to think he may be illegal.

    I just need to know where to send him. To an attorney, I suspect, but, if he is illegal will that be a good move? I know he can't be deported, but, can he sue?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • New residents and social security ?

    I was approached nearly a week ago and asked (by an undocumented woman from Mexico) the following: She would like to marry a man from the Dominican Republic. She is under the impression that she can get citizenship if she marries him, since he recently brought in his parents from the Dominican. She is late 40s, and, hopes to be a citizen in time to collect social security when she turns 65. I told her that she would have to go back to Mexico for the 10 year wait regardless of who she married, and, I asked her why she thought she should collect social security and if she was saving money for retirement. She is not, but, she owns her home with only a very small amount owing to the bank (under 20k). I am opposed to her using this man, lying, and, to her less than honorable intention with social security. I doubt I will ever see her again. I think she was offended by my remarks, but, would she be able to do this? She also mentioned going to the domincan and buying an ID to say she

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • NOt to do the work for the "antis", but, this story sickens me... Should we deport him?

    Or, should he be "disappeared"? Let's hope if he makes it to Mexico los federales help him to go missing.

    Blood in his room, and, he is running with his 16 year old pregnant girlfriend? WTF?

    Bless the family of this poor girl.

    22 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Would you deny food to a hungry person because of their (or their parents) legal status?

    I agree that the undocumented should not be receiving public assistance. To come here and be a burden on our tax system and our country is simply wrong, and, I am proud to live in a state where we immediately check with federal system when someone applies, and, if anything is "fishy" the appointment ends.

    An answerer to a previous question stated that "the people would be more than livid if they knew that food pantries and churches were giving food to the undocumented. This disturbs me. Isn't the point of giving to help someone? If a child is hungry, should he be denied food from a food bank?

    I understand trying to terminate their employment, perhaps going after people that rent to them, but, begrudging people of donated food or water seems beyond morally corrupt. If you are giving because of WHO is receiving, aren't you missing the point? Would you want to choose who gets food and who goes hungry?

    25 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why are people outraged about someone choosing to have a nanny or housekeeper?

    Someone earlier asked a question about employing "house staff"- people that care for the children, clean their home, and, do lawn care. I am amazed at how many people are outraged by this issue. I understand it if it was because they were employing the undocumented, but, calling her lazy because she elects to have someone else do these things? Is it because she is employing the undocumented, or, do you generally look down upon people that hire help?

    18 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • If a man has a very bed relationship (or none) with his mother, does that mean he will be a bad husband?

    I grew up with the adage that a way a man treats his mother is how he will treat his wife (in regards to respect). So, I am wondering if you think that a man that hates his mother, or has no relationship with her, if he will be a poor choice for a husband.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you make your opinion "known" - against perceived illegals, or Spanish speakers?

    I see a lot of people on here that are very opinionated about the undocumented being here, or, about people speaking Spanish (and I only say this one because it IS THE most commonly spoken language among the undocumented in the US). My question is this: would you approach someone that you thought to be here illegally and face- to-face tell them to "go home" or similar?

    I like to think that we are a more "civilized" country than to attack people when the policy is the problem.

    33 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • My daughter is very tall and "solid". Should I be concerned?

    Hi, MY daughter (oldest) is 9. She is 5'2", and, weighs around 110 pounds. She is very intelligent, and, athletic. She seems unaware of her weight (but is well aware that she is taller than most 4th graders). I can't help but be concerned for her. I am only 5'4", so, she is nearly as tall as I, and, my worry is about her weight, really. She has always been a big child (was 18 pounds at 17 weeks, 32 pounds at a year). And, has always been "off the chart" with height. I worry that she is "too big". She eats with the rest of the family and none of us have weight issues. We are all smaller- framed people. My father (who she must take after- is not- and is 6'4"). She has a bit of a pot-belly, but, not too much. I wouldn't put her on a diet, because that would upset her and draw attention to it. Is there anyone else dealing with this situation? Thank you for any input you have.

    22 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Time alone with mother and children- normal?

    Hi. My husband and I are having a disagreement. Here is the situation: my mother lives 30 minutes from us. She occasionally treats the children and myself to go places (Six Flags, goes with us Trick or Treating, we go to her house a couple times a month for dinner). My husband has a huge problem with this and says it is "abnormal" and that he feels left out. I sympathize with his feelings, but, this is something that is important to my mom. She is very sentimental, and, she likes having time with the children and I. She considers it special bonding time, and, hopes that when she is no longer here that we will remember these times. MY husband constantly says how it upsets him. So much so that I dread even telling him when I want to do something with my mom. What do you think?

    16 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Benefits of Bilingualism?

    I have heard people on here comment that they would NEVER learn another language. And, others say they specifically will never learn Spanish. This is a great article that explains what business fields search for which languages, and, explains the obvious reasons for employers to seek bilingual employees. Truthfully, I was surprised that Spanish wasn't the most sought after language professionally. Will this affect your learning a second language- or at least not see it as "unpatriotic" to speak another language?

    17 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Queen Anne house with planked area (Where rug used to be), how do I finish this area?

    HI. I have an 1886 Queen Anne. It is a historical home, and, has beautiful parquet floors using 6 woods throughout. The problem is this: When I pulled up the carpeting in the living area, there is the beautiful parquet wood around the outer 24" of the room. On the inside of this, are 8" - 10" (varying) wide planks that go the length of the room, and, are shaped around a bay window. There are cracks between the boards- some are perhaps 1/4" or more. I was told that this part of the floor wasn't finished because carpeting would have been placed there as an "exhibit" since carpeting was very expensive then. My question is this: I don't want carpeting there. I have 4 small children and have a hard enough time with it like this. I need to know what to do with it. I am considering painting it, but, what do I do about the cracks between? Could it be refinished? Or just painted brown? Has anyone dealt with this before? Thanks.

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Undocumented paying taxes and our governments unwillingness- or incompetence - to help?

    Illegal aliens pay in taxes every year. They work through a (fake or borrowed or stolen social) and then, at the end of the year, they file taxes through an ITIN. I assist several people in my area with these taxes, and, we staple the W2 Form to the state & federal returns, and mail it.

    My question is this: Every year the government receives the W2s which have the ITIN (and the person's REAL information), and, attached to it they receive the W2 which has the social security number of the person whose name they are working under. IF our government wanted to stop any of the undocumented, or to warn people whose socials have been stolen, wouldn't they do so? They are given this information. I don't know of any illegal that has ever even gotten a letter, or a call, or anything about this. What do you think? Does our government simply not care? Or are they so incompetent they cant figure it out?

    All about ITINS:,,id=96287...

    16 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • MTV tres forum to aire on Saturday- undocumented workers & minutemen. will you watch it?

    The forum was set up after surveying the viewers about what is of most interest to them. 60% voted for immigration. The board will consist of actress Ana Ortiz (Ugly Betty), Congressman Xavier Becerra, representatives from National Council of La Raza, Cal State L.A. Chicano Studies Professor Ester Hernandez and students from Cal State L.A.

    Beyond Borders: An MTV Tr3s Immigration Forum” premieres on Saturday, September 29TH at 6 PM and directly follows “True Life: I Live on the Border,” which will be simulcast on MTV and MTV Tr3s at 5 PM. A member of the Minutemen, will also be in attendance at the forum to give their perspective on how the topic affects young people’s lives.

    Comments? There is a link for that, too:

    The link in Spanish talks about the importance of education and voting for next president.

    The combination of the minuteman, La Raza, will u watch?

    17 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago