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do you care that your favorite players dope up?

Just wondering with all the Tour de France riders getting busted. Since football's performance-enhancing dope testing is a joke, does that means the fans just don't care that players are on 'roids and HGH and whatever else?

15 Answers

  • Jules
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it bothers can you feel good about yourself if you are cheating to get there?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't care about the HGH, but do care about the steroids.

    I can certainly understand why the players do it, big @ss paydays! Of course they will realize later that it was not worth it and that they already had enough money.

    Maybe I am naive, but I can order HGH online for my own personal seems that it is more of a naturally occurring substance, so I am not sure I care if guys are taking this.

    However, the steroids are a total different story. Totally synthetic chemicals injected into a body to make it stronger..that certainly sounds like bad news to me and cheating.

    Some of the players that got busted in the Balco thing, Barry Bonds included, I do not hold it against them. Maybe I don't know all the facts, but who does? I just think maybe they given stuff by trainers and told it was OK and not a banned substance.. Certainly some of them knew, but how can we know who knew and who didn't.

    No way Bonds could be on something today and he is still hitting great...not hitting home runs in the 70's, but hey he is 43. He has been the best bat on the Giants it could not all be the Steroids..

    Source(s): One additional thought...How do we know Hank Aaron was clean? We don't. The Babe..not much clean about that dude, fat, smoke, drank,,,who knows what else? Those guys were not tested!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What do 'performance-enhancing' drugs do? They 'enhance' performance, yet only the physical aspects.

    Do they help you hit a baseball farther....sure. But you still have to hit a round ball with a round stick. No real help there.

    Do they help you throw a football farther...sure. But you still have to be accurate. No real help there.

    There are sports where these drugs will definately do what they are intended to do...say weightlifting, running, cycling, etc. Yet does everyone have access to them? If they want them...yes. If a bottle of HGH was left on the table and I took them while you didn't, am I cheating? No. Cheating is being given an unfair advantage over an opponent. If we both have equal access, how is that cheating?

    Does that mean I condone their usage, nope! I know what the side affects are. I know what they do to a human body. If I caught my kid using them, would I smack them senseless, yup!

    Bottom line is, everyone has access to performance enhancing agents, because you choose not to use them doesn't mean the guy that does is a cheater...a la Barry Bonds.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do care. I'm a Raiders fan forever and I remember what steroids did to Lyle Alzado. Chris Benoit is another tragic fate. But, with Barry Bonds, I don't think he deserves to hold the home run title. He's tarnished the sport and he really doesn't seem to care at all. All Hank Aaron can do is sit and watch as this fake and phony takes away a title that he earned honestly. Its going to be a sad day in baseball when that happens.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't bug me as much with football as it does with one football player is going to ruin football...its more of a team on the other hand is being completely ruined by this era and i hope somebody finds a way to test for HGH

    Wouldn't it be great if everyone who juiced up in baseball died at around 50ish...if 15/20 years from now all those big names just started dropping like flies?

    maybe then all the youngsters will think twice before ruining baseball

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, my favorite players are at the 1AA college level and if they're getting doped up it would piss me off because very few of them have a shot at making the pros.

    The NFL, I don't care, I'm not a customer of that league; same with major college football.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't care as far as the performance enhancing portion of it goes, because, contrary to popular belief, steroids don't make you an instant superman, and have to be pretty darn good in the first place to even be in the position where people question your steroid use.

    As far as rule breaking, I dont agree with it, but I can't guarantee that I wouldn't do it myself with millions of dollars on the line.

  • rome
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    are you from france or what? why do you say their testing is a joke they test players every year and if they are caught they miss four games the first time. That could cost them a couple million dollars or more, doesn't sound to funny.

  • 1 decade ago

    I care because that sends a bad example that cheating is a good thing but it's not, if they could take drugs and use it to help them win, then let's see them win without it because that is what a TRUE CHAMP is. And if somebody say's that if you don't cheat you're not tryin' then they are fakers too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently, Barry Bonds fans don't care. I care very much because kids emulate their sports heros.

  • 1 decade ago

    its bothers me alot,I dont like the fact they cheating to be the best,for example when I found out that shawne merriman was taking them,it just angered me,he is getting so much reconigtion,being mention in the best linebackers in the league honors and he had help

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