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Health question.?

Before I go to the doctor I want to get some ideas what I'm up against .

When I press on any part of my body with my fingers ( espcially the rib cage) and other bones , It hurts so bad and the pain takes awhile to go away . I didn't hurt myself in any way .Does anyone know what this is ?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    this sounds like what happens when a person has Fibromyalgia.

    Here is a brief list of common symptoms of this disease:

    Chronic pain throughout the body

    Burning, numbness and tingling

    Tenderness when pressure is placed on or around the neck, elbows, hips, thighs and knees.

    Sleep disorders

    Chronic fatigue or exhaustion



    Facial Pain

    Jaw Pain (TMJ)

    Memory Loss

    Irritable Bowel

    Tension or Migraine Headaches

    High sensitivity to foods and medications (allergic type reaction).

    Minimal tolerance to heat and cold

    High sensitivity to bright lights and sounds

    Hair Loss

    Ask your doctor to check the eighteen trigger points that diagnose Fibromyalgia.

    Source(s): Retired doctor Naturopathic medicine
  • Andee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have that problem and I have Fibromyalgia. My friend has that problem and he has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Whether or not you have one of these two disorders would depend on what other symptoms you have, if any. You can do an internet search on these two syndromes to find out if you have any of the other symptoms.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no medical background, but have had the same symptoms and I can have them, or make them go away by what I eat. When someone told me it was "possibly" a food allergy, I just laughed because I didn't have hives or anything I thought was a typical food allergy. I finally went to an allergist who specialized in hidden food allergies and this is what I found out. The symptoms I had like constipation for a days and then diaherria (sp?), sore joints (here one day, another place another day), dark circles under my eyes, inability to think "clearly" (kind of foggy) sometimes, weight gain, etc. were all symptoms of hidden allergies. He also explained that it takes 7-10 days to get the effect of a food/exposure to chemical, etc. out of your body. He actually showed me an expierment done by a patient of his. The pt. wrote a letter and they then exposed him to formaldehyde (a know allergy of his). Waited 20 minutes and had him write the same letter. It was amazing!! The penmanship was really effected. The writing was no longer in a straight line, words were misspelled, etc. The Dr. put me on a food elimination diet. It's tough, but if you feel bad enough you can stick to it for 7 days. I had to eliminate many things. He used a story of a little girl who was "a little bit" allergic to her cat and a "little bit" allergic to milk. Now, she could drink milk, but if she happened to play with her cat that day she would have a reaction. So--for 7 days you have to eliminate the following: wheat, corn, dairy in all forms (if I remember correctly this includes turkey and chicken both), all artificial colorings, all citrus fruits and things containing citrus, sugar and preseratives. I think that is about it. All I know is that my children had oatmeal with grapejuice (with no sugar). Sounds awful I know, but when you are hungry you will eat it. The whole family went on the diet because I felt we all had some allergies, and it would be "easier" if we all did it. We stuck to this for 7 days. Needless to say there were some withdrawal symptoms! After 7 days you add one of the food groups back in. Eat it for every meal. If you are allergic to it you will react (since it will seem concentrated to your body). We all reacted to things with corn. Some of us had diaherria and some had runny noses and itchy eyes. If you react, you have to wait a couple of days before introducing a new group. We added wheat in the form of pancakes, just before going to breakfast. I thought I wouldn't make it to the church bathroom in time and church was 20 min. away! For lunch we had spagetti. I might as well have sat in the bathroom and ate it! That is how quickly I reacted. So, one by one we went through the groups. Like I say, it is tough, but what a benefit. I can still eat wheat & corn, but if I over do it. (Like 2x a day) all of those very painful spots come back. Many general Drs. poo-poo the idea and many allergists will just want to skin test you. My allergist said that you cannot skin test for everything and food elimination is the only way to go. A friend had a son and they put him on the diet. Couldn't fig. out why he reacted when he had ice cream. He hadn't tested allergic to milk or sugar. Here it was the vanilla! He is/was hyperactive. Whenever he went off his diet he really got wild. He was doing real well and all of a sudden got bad again. His mo. couldn't fig. out why. Finally found out he had told the neighbor lady that the Dr. said he was fine now and could have the chocolate chip cookies she had just baked!!! Darn kids. He is now in his 40s and still has to watch his diet. The mother has written book on allergies. Her name is Phyllis Robb. You might be able to do a search for allergies and her and find help. Hope this helps you and you can find someone or some information to help you and also hope you have the courage to get through it!! Best-----

  • 1 decade ago

    please look up the following conditions: lupus, fibromyalgia, ms. the closest one is fibromyalgia where there are up to 18 different sites on the body that get tender points. a good anitinflammatory, taken for months will help you. have the md prescribe one for u, as otc ones may not be enough. there are blood tests for autoimmune disorders and low thyroid function. goodluck;)michele

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