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For those of you who think citizens should never have a firearm?

What do you think of this story? When I see things like this it makes me glad my husband has his concealed handgun license. Now I just have to get mine.


didya read the story? they BROKE into his home. he was defending himself. Being an armed citizen is NOT the same as taking the law into your own's called doing what you have to do to protect yourself and your family.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been raised around guns all my life.....Someone makes the mistake of breaking in my house or trying to carjack me will make that mistake once.I've the right as an American to defend myself,home and family.

    Guns are to be respected and safe guards put in to place to avoid accidents.......

    I have a concealed weapon permit.

    I don't feel dressed without my gun.

    they only place I don't take my gun is inside my workplace and church.

    What if someone at Virginia Tech had a gun to defend those innocent people from being slaughtered.

    One needs to take gun safety courses and respect a gun.

    If you do pull a gun in self defense you better be prepared to use it.You meet deadly force and danger with the same.

    you have to be really care full with guns. keep them out reach of children

    If someone in your family has mental issue, domestic violence better think hard......

    A bullet has no eyes....... and it can go Thur walls and hurt,maim or kill innocent people..If you do get a gun you need proper training,,, Dont be going around and telling people you have a gun.

    Walk softly, say nothing


  • 1 decade ago

    Law abiding citizens do have a right, to have a legally issued handgun or rifle to protect his or her business, family or property. The link to that article I've read is just an example of a justifiable defense.

    Who knows what would have happen, if the homeowner haven't had a weapon? When the home invasion took place. Sometimes the police aren't always around when we really need them, sometimes we just have to take the law into our own hands. Those who should denied of having any type of firearms are those who are convicted of felonies.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe every law-abiding citizen has the right to own a firearm---if they are properly trained in its use.

    I also think there is a right for any citizen to use said firearm on anyone who breaks into their homes.

    That right is lost when the suspect is fleeing and no longer posing a threat to the home owner. In other words, if a burglar enters your home througha window, I think you should be able to shoot that burglar. As soon as that burglar retreats from your home, you are not allowed to chase that person. You have protected your "castle"(as the law states) and it is now a police matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Almost all states have a "Castle Doctrine" which states that you can shoot at someone in your home without the need for retreating. It looks like a clean shoot and this is exactly what the 2nd Amendment was created for, besides throwing out a despotic regime as was previously mentioned.

    I carry 24/7 and my gun of choice is a pocket carried S&W model 342PD with the NYPD speer gold dot 2" revolver load. In wintertime, I carry a glock 36, 45acp 3" barreled pistol.

    Speak softly and carry a big boom stick.

    Source(s): Assistant District Attorney - ME
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  • 1 decade ago

    If someone breaks into your home, you have to assume that they are willing to cause harm to you or your loved ones. To not would be stupid. You have no clue how many people are robbed, raped, killed, etc. each year because they CHOSE not to be prepared to defend themselves against criminals.

    Mitigation is the key. You can mitigate the threat of harm to you by making yourself able to engage the threat and neutralize it. No matter what laws are in place to protect you, there is always someone willing to break those laws.

    Let me ask you: What are YOU going to do when two criminals break into your house? Are you going to put your life in the hands on a dispatcher on the other end of your cell phone?

    Source(s): Army MP, Criminology Major
  • 1 decade ago

    Don't let these rare instances of insanity by certain members of our species determine how you will live. If you watch the news you will see these stories, but they are not common.

    In many cases, handguns have resulted in total tragedy: suicide, domestic violence, accidental shootings.

    I know that there are so many 'tough guys' on yahoo answers who think they will take on Mr. Bad Man Burglar themselves.

    Also, they never have to worry about themselves misusing a gun because they are never suicidal or have ideas about hurting others (tough guy army people never feel this way of course). But for some strange reason, so many people use guns to end their lives or loved ones'.

  • dianer
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When I think of the home invasion that killed a woman, two children and severly injured the husband, I'm glad I have a gun. They raped the woman and 11 year old child, then set the house on fire. To bad that poor man wasn't able to shoot the two men that destroyed his family.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally do not own a firearm.but have no problem,whatsoever with responsible citizens,who feel the need to carry one. Everyone has the right to protect their families,when threatened with physical harm.

  • CGIV76
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with a citizen owning a firearm, providing it is handled, and secured properly. One big problem is that there are criminals on the street in possession of stolen firearms that were taken away from citizens who insisted that they deserved to own a firearm.

    Source(s): Me, retired Police Officer
  • 1 decade ago

    I simply love the freedoms we still have, and owning a hand gun is one of them.

    I have a large family, 4 guys alone in this house. We hunt and we love it.

    Lotsa guys, lotsa guns.

    All legal of course.

    I hope I win the big buck contest this year.

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