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As a lifelong Conservative I am wondering just who the Republicans have that would make a viable candidate?

I see no one who has a flair to excite the voting public. John McCain? Rudy? Mitt? One trick ponies all. Give me a star that we can all latch on to.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Among all candidates, Dr. Paul is now first in total donations from military personnel and veterans.

    On July 15th, the Federal Election Commission announced the 2nd-quarter fundraising totals for each presidential candidate. In the Republican field, Ron Paul's $2.4 million placed him:

    3rd in total receipts for the quarter

    4th in total receipts to date

    3rd in total current assets (ahead of former front-runner John McCain, and just $800,000 behind Mitt Romney)

    Thus far, 47% of the contributions made to Ron Paul's campaign are donations of under $200 from individuals (John McCain's 17% is the second-highest percentage). This is a telling statistic, as it highlights the fact that most other candidates rely heavily upon donations from corporate interests and political action committees (PACs) (i.e. moneyed, influence-seeking sources who can readily afford to contribute large sums). Since Congressman Paul has always voted against special favors and privileges for anyone, special interests know they have nothing to gain by stuffing Ron Paul's campaign coffers. As one member of my local Meetup group put it on a home-made sign, "Ron Paul is thin because he won't let special interests buy him lunch."

    The candidate who (along with Dennis Kucinich and Bill Richardson in the Democratic column) simply wants the US out of Iraq, no ifs, ands, or buts--no "combat brigades" vs. advisors--got a higher tally of contributions from people who have "military employers" than any other candidate in the race, Republican or Democrat. (Check out Paul "contributions by employer" and scroll down to US Army and US Navy; then compare to McCain, who came in second.) Overall, Paul beat out McCain in military contributions $24,965 to $17,475.

  • pleiss
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You look to symbolize that the Republicans are dropping elections because of the fact of their stance on abortion or help for social, ethical and relatives values. i do no longer think that that's the case. Republican applicants will probably lose as many votes as they earnings each and every time they adjust place on those subject concerns. it incredibly is a wash. on the different hand, if Republicans would govern responsibly and show management at no longer basically slicing taxes and stifling over-regulation, yet slicing spending, slicing government courses and lowering the debt, they'll rather earnings many greater votes than they lose. The Republicans have not been very solid economic conservatives at present; for this reason, a painfully significant element of their very own constituency did no longer difficulty to bypass to the polls over the final 2 national elections. in the event that they return to their fiscally conservative concepts, they'll initiate triumphing returned!

  • lllll
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Mitt Romney is a joke as well as Sam Brownback. There is a person to get really excited about and that is Ron Paul. If people would just look at voting records and listen to what candidates say they would love Ron Paul and sneer at the rest. I am a democrat and I am voting for Ron Paul for president.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is not a republican in the land who could stop the democrats from taking more seats in congress and the white house in the next election. President Bush is single-handedly killing the GOP. He is putting most republican congress people in a very bad position. If they keep backing him, most are in danger of losing their seats in congress. If they stop backing him, the base will call them traitors. What the GOP needs is to get back to basics. Smaller, less intrusive, fiscally responsible, a true conservative agenda. Today the party has been corrupted by social and christian conservatives who want to stick their noses into everything instead of keeping their noses in their own business. It's tough to call for smaller government when you want legislation passed for everything.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Join the rest of your fellow conservatives. Forget about finding viable candidates, and just sit back and bash the democrats.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's really difficult to become excited over any of the candidates from either side.

    I'm placing my bets on Thompson.

  • 1 decade ago

    Excellent Question

    If the republicans could change the law and get Arnold on the ticket, I think he would win, attracting many democrates who are none too thrilled with their current options.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul is the best bet who will shake things up in the Republican arena. That's why the media is afraid to put him in the spotlight for too long.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's no one on the Republican side of the race to get excited about really

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul or Fred Thompson

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