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afratta437 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

SOOOO, if global warming is real...?

why didn't the "experts" figure it out when they came up with global cooling in the 70's? the samples of the earth are the same. it should show the same temperature patterns now as then.

makes you wanna say HMMMMM.....


to clarify, how did the "experts" miss by so far?

Update 2:

engraged parrot- sulfates ARE NOT in refrigerants. the only time was with the use of sulpher dioxide. that was very toxic, and phased out in favor of safer CFC's.

aerosols- we no longer have them in the atomsphere?

temps were down from the 40's thru the 70's?

how could that be when during ww2 all that CO2 was released?

pattons third army (not including the rest of the combatants or bburning buildings etc.) was consuming 1 MILLION gallons of gas EVERY DAY.

30 years cooling trend? that's 30% incorrect that the last 100 years have been a warming up.....

global warming has also been around since the start (100 years ago)of the industrial revolution too?

would could that be when man wasn't putting out harldy any CO2?

john- how did temps trend downward if there has been global warming?

nice doublespeak.

what does it matter how old a person is? isn't truth "eternal"?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, the 'experts' couldn't figure out how to make any money from global carbon offsets to sell you see.

    Now, they can blame those of us who have to drive a car to work with the entire thing and allow the UN to globally tax us into oblivion.


  • 1 decade ago

    The "experts" didn't "come up with" global cooling at all. The cooling trend from the 1940's through the early 70's was a simple observational fact. The trend was mostly caused by an increase in aerosol pollutants, such as sulfates used in refrigerants and a slight increase in volcanic activity, which temporarily overwhelmed the CO2's warming signal and resulted in cooling.

    This was taken out of proportion by the media, who reported scientists as having predicted an "imminent ice age", when they hadn't done any such thing. There was never a single peer reviewed article written on the subject, and the idea of another ice age had very little support from the scientific community.

    Of course, global warming theory has been around for well over a century now, so even in the 70's most scientists were aware that humans were affecting the climate.

    To Chris P: You're absolutely right that some points on the planet have warmed much more than others, and some may well have cooled in the short term. But what scientists are looking at is the =long term trend=, which clearly shows warming.

  • armand
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Because you cannot see it. If no one had advised you approximately it you might no longer realize both. These persons are simply utilizing their eyes and head as an alternative of simply listening and believing. Now You (and I) would say they aren't utilizing their head ample, however I contend that a character who certainly not heard of worldwide warming earlier than (OK they're dwelling below a rock, however hypothetically) might certainly not arise with the suggestion themselves. Sure summer time is scorching, however it consistently has been. Sure glaciers are melting, however have you ever ever obvious a glacier? And glaciers melted 2 hundred years in the past earlier than men and women made ample CO2 to change the surroundings by any means. The truth is that worldwide warming is an excessively gradual and really refined and really rough to discover factor. It takes tons of assets, like climate stations in every single place the arena and persons measuring ice percent and stuff like that. And peculiarly it takes LOTS of list maintaining to inform that the quantity of ice on the earth is down from what it used to be 50 or one hundred years in the past. It isn't seen to peer. Not seen in any respect. Not like smog, that turns the sky brown and makes you cough; and no longer like water air pollution that makes the water odor dangerous and makes you in poor health. It is invisible. (EDIT after three thumbs up, so I make an apology if the ones persons difference their minds after studying this) I learn and consider and study. I have learn the specific IPCC record, have you ever? The predictions aren't frightening in any respect. one million or two ft sea degree upward push. one million - 6 deg. C temperature upward push. Farm productiveness *customarily* UP if temperature rises one million - three levels and *customarily* down if it rises extra. It isn't frightening stuff. Not just like the TV or Web that claims 20 foot sea degree upward push, international walking out of water, north pole will soften totally this 12 months, bla bla bla...

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me get this straight. According to EnragedParrot, we had cooling for 30-40 years out of the 100 years the alarmists are always talking about. So we are supposed to believe that the same people who made a mistake about global cooling are now not making a mistake about global warming? And on top of that their data shows warming, cooling, and more warming. Might we be looking at more cooling in a few years?

    Regardless, the fear-mongering, alarmist left has brought us global cooling in the 70's, mass starvation due to population control and AIDS hysteria in the 80's, massive health problems due to the ozone hole in the 90's, and now global warming. What in their track record makes anyone believe they know what they are talking about?

    And for dana1981, climatologists and meteorologists still can't accurately tell me what the weather is going to be like 2 days from now even if the science has matured by 30 years. To say that they now understand everything there is to know about weather and climate is intellectually dishonest.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its a hoax. Full blown hoax. If you look at history since the beginning of time. We have had many many ice ages and eventually they ended and the earth heated up again. They didnt pollute back then! Dinosaurs and cavemen couldnt pollute, they didnt have factories or any of that. If you think about it the earth is constantly changing, the clouds are moving all the time. Maybe the clouds are getting thicker because of moisture from the ocean making the earth heat up. not pollution, thats just a stupid hoax put up by Al Gore to get money and make him a hero to the hippies from the 70's. Point blank.

  • Anders
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    "makes you wanna say HMMMMM....."

    How about Yaaawnn ?

    "the samples of the earth are the same"

    Of course they are the same. Only problem is they didn't have the samples back then.

    Edit. Because they didn't know so much. They have made big process in understanding climate change since then. It also wasn't off. There was a clear trend, also due to human emissions, that showed a reduction,/decline of increase of temperature. It was due to aerosols that blocked of sun light. They implemented the clean air act and the aerosols, and their influence on climate, were reduced.

  • GABY
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Good Question. And why is the temperature data for the USA so different than other parts of the world?



    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes it does make you say HMMMM...

    Are we that nieve? Mother earth has been adjusting and changing the earth for years before we were even around as nuckle draging cavemen. She is a tough ol' lady that will adjust her climate when ever she feels the need to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because that's Horse Cr** made up by people quite recently. Never happened. Following historic data we might have seen temperatures trending downward, but there wasn't any general acceptance of the idea, and temperatures have trended upward, not downward, for all of the last century, and all of this one, with normal variations superimposed on that trend.

    I have no idea how old you are, of course, but I've noticed that on the internet many people speak with great authority talking about things that happened before they were born, especially when addressing people who were adults at the time. I think I've found the mother lode here!

  • 1 decade ago

    To which experts are you referring? Who got it wrong, and who continues to get it wrong?

    Were there thousands of climate scientists in the 1970's who warned of global cooling? NO. That's a myth created by global warming denialists. Here's the evidence:

    There was, perhaps ONE or TWO scientists who warned of global cooling, and even then these "warnings" were quite equivocal. The popular press, not "experts," exaggerated these ideas.

    Today, by contrast, there are THOUSANDS of scientists who are warning of the effects of global warming, while American non-scientist conservative "pundits" downplay the dangers.

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