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Lv 5
55Spud asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Is Global Warming the latest form of terrorism?

Look at the panic so many people are in over global warming. 9/11 didn't cause this much long-term, wide spread panic. It has all the markings of terrorism to me.

Update: least I've substanciated part of my belief that the global warming, sky is falling crowd can't think past their ears.

Terrorism: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

People are TERRIFIED over global warming. Where does all this global warming info come from? Someone who wants us to change. Does it mean change is necessary? No, It means that someone probably stands to make money from it. How will they get us to change so they can fulfill their agenda? By telling us all sorts of things they know we have no way of substanciating ourselves. And because we're like so many sheep, we'll (well, at least some of us) will follow along mindlessly.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Global warming is a secondary effect caused very slowly and gradually by every person in the world by mistake, because they cannot help emitting CO2 every time they light a cooking fire or generate electricity of use a truck to deliver food to a market or drive a car to work.

    Your statement is just deliberate rhetoric designed to get people riled up. That statement itself has more similarities to terrorism than global warming. That is the kind of thing terrorists do. Something deliberate and sudden by one person or small group designed to get people riled up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The panic of terrorism was created by the bush administration they used propaganda to create fear. After they created the fear the had a solution the American public had no choice to back the presidents war on terror if they didn't they weren't patriotic.

    It was a horrible shame what happened on 9/11 but the truth is out and we all know the real truth its even more sinister. 9/11 wasn't exactly pre planned but it was used as

    an aid to create a campaign this campaign has a blind reality the reality is occupation equals control of oil and may bring Peace to the region although it has only created chaos I'm sure in the end the oil will be in our control.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's a difference between concern which you may think is or isn't valid...a concern which leads to cleaner air, and so on, and terrorism which simply leads to panic. I think your statement trivializes both the true terror peole who have been crime victims, terrorism victims and war victims have actually suffered as well as trivializing the negative impact pollution has on one's health. Taking the term global warming out of context to it's true meaning trivializes it and makes it sound irrational. To you a slightly warmer environment might not matter. You might not care if you have hotter drier summers and crazier unpredictable winters. Maybe the effects are so slight where you live it really wouldn't affect you much. And that is probably true weather wise for most people. What you don't get is that when people discuss global warming they aren't just talking about a change in your local weather forecast. They are talking about flooding and storms on the coast and high toxic air and water pollution levels as well. People suffering through the increased hurricanes of global warming or the news that their reproductive organs are mutated and they can't have children, which yes most of us won't experience, will come closer to the sense of terror you describe than people who are afraid of drastic effects and try to make a difference by driving or spraying less. It's not terrorism to be concerned over global warming. It's common sense. Comparing it to terrorism is insensitive to people who have truely suffered terrorism and anything terrifying.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No the terrorists are the jackasses who try to convince other people that a real danger isn't real. Using "free speech" to endanger public safety is a crime in the USA, and that's how those folks should be handled. I pray that soon they will be. The Supreme Court Justice who ruled on this originally put it as

    "Free Speech Does Not Give You The Right To Yell Fire in a Crowded Theatre"

    Before you try to turn this one around, note that the people who are concerned about Global Warming are no danger to you, even if they are wrong. You on the other hand risk the fate of all life on earth if you are wrong. You may be able to make a case that you're worried that their saving the planet might affect your convenience or wallet, but that's pretty insignificant compared to the fate of us all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    So by your definition anything that causes widespread fear is terrorism?

    I guess that makes snakes and spiders terrorists, too. Spiders scare the bajeezus out of me. Forget the war on terror - let's declare a war on spiders!

    "All this global warming info" comes from climate scientists. You need to work on your logic skills, buddy. Stop following along mindlessly and go learn something about global warming.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Global warming denial is a weapon of mass destruction, though. I wonder if the terrorists are behind some of the nonsense copied from denier websites and posted here? Global warming will do more damage to the US than they can dream about.

    The Pentagon is extremely worried about global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are in a panic over global warming? That's a new one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives [1]. Scientists studying global warming have done none of these things. I don't see how you made the connection.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do u think? i get tired of the stupid questions, no offense. but itll definitly destroy us all if we dont stop it. im green, and therefore paying for the rest of the worlds wrongdoings. suckish, isnt it?

  • 1 decade ago


    well at least your thinking....And dam I hope your wrong....

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