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What do you think of the current theory that I have about God and religion? See Link.?

It is in my answer to this question on YA. Don't bother too much about the question, just the answer that I came up with.;_ylt=ArKUz...


I know that to "realise" God and "see" him, is beyond a mere conceptualisation, however im attepting to make sense of all the religious mythologies, prophecies, conspiracies, and varying descriptions of the characteristics of God that seem uniform across many religions. And at the same time integrate this with scientific theory and evidence.

Update 2:

The theory that I explained about the universe is not from my own ideas, it was from Sir Roger Penrose, a well respected astrophysicist. I attended a lecture of his.

There are many examples of artifacts that were uncovered which date back far before we thought there was any human life on the planet. See the video if you want my proof of this.

There are so many similarities between ancient mythology, and it seems like there is a missing part of human history that we are either mostly ignorant about, or is being withheld. One example being ancient sumarian culture.

I admit some of it is very far-fetched, but how are we going to learn anything more if we don't think about possibilities that are outside our intellectual comfort zones?

Update 3:

I was afraid to publish this answer, and it does sound arrogant, and perhaps from some people it might be narrow minded. But it is a "currrent" theory, or just a "current thought", how about some feedback so that I can add more, or substitutes for the ideas that I wrote down here on YA?

Update 4:

I'm well aware of the pit-falls of ideas that are linked to various "conspiracy theories" and the psychology that is involved. But I am also aware of the psycology that is involved with scepticism because there is also pride with people whom are not willing to accept, or at least look into the idea that they are being kept out of the loop (so to speak) intentionally by those in power.

Such an information-rich soceity has perhaps given us the idea that there can't possibly be any facts about our soceity, and aspects of it's systems of control that are being witheld from us.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We think the question is "God or no God". But the question really is "God(Singularity) or Involved Creator." No one really cares if a God created the Universe. What they try to prove is does this God or First Mover care about us and interfere with our life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you by any chance getting just a bit arrogant? The trouble is you are asking questions about human constructs and then are not happy with the human constructed answers you get. Equally, all your theorising about nihilism is based on a need to know an answer when you cannot accept one answer, quite rightly because it may well be that there is a different answer for every person, even if some have similarities. God is a construct that has been used by every religion and most philosophies to explain the unexplainable, a highly developed form of anthopomorphism. Fear of the unknown is what drives us to look at explanations that can take away our fear. It is part of our make-up as 'inquisitve apes' and has been the reason we have adapted so well and survived so long. The principles we have developed; love; fidelity; honesty; tolerance et al are all reflections of social integration and aspiration which we have learnt as a race (singular) over thousands of years in order to survive. There is surely, real joy in life and living as well as in helping others; protecting the weak, generally doing good? Why do we have to have a definitive answer to who God is? Can we not simply let people hold their own beliefs in peace and ask them to do the same for us?

    Source(s): life
  • 1 decade ago

    The theory in your anseer sounds like it has taken a lot from writings of sci-fi authors Roger Zelazny (read the "Amber" series) and Isaac Azimov (read "Nightfall").

    The stuff about NASA predicting a magnetic pole shift in 2012 is mistaken - they predict another solar shift in 2012, similar to the one in 2001. That is not an event that is catastrophic for the earth (which flips poles only every hundreds thousand years or so) - so the "2012 connection" with the myths you mention is meaningless.

    IMHO there a lot of holes in this. Sounds fascinating to the para-scientist, and people are often tempted to join into a thinking that is "a secret known only in detail to a few" (your words). Many people want to see themselves as insiders with greater knowledge and understanding than the masses. The pride in us tempts us to latch onto these kinds of theories.

    Sory - you asked for honest opinions.

    Source(s): physicist and also avid sci fi reader.
  • 1 decade ago

    Why not put this into a 360 site blog so your ideas are more accessible to others and open up the discussion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    An excellent Theory would need a large volume, or perhaps a set of volumes to explain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Theory. I don't look to outside sources ( you-tube,etc ) to understand God's Word....I look to the Holy Spirit inside me who guides me into all truths. His Word is Truth and nothing needs to be added to it to make it understandable. You will never find God's perfct will for your life seeking worldly advice or instruction. And we most certainly will never understand God apart from His holy Word.

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