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What are the opinions for both Christians and "atheist" about the

This is something new to me, and has saddened me for the past few hours. I had no idea there was this kind of counter attack to both "Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron's" positive attribution to the ministry of Jesus Christ.

To see the video testimonies on Youtube of people trying to damn themselves to hell is just so...not sure exactly how to respond to this.

22 Answers

  • Jim K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's even worse than you think.

    In the FAQ section, they admit they are targeting children. Then they claim that teaching children our beliefs is tantamount to child abuse. I would ask which is worse child abuse? Teaching salvation or teaching damnation?

    They even admit that once this action is taken, there is no going back.

    I agree with you. It's proper to mourn the loss of these souls. But I suggest you don't focus on it. These are the lost ones. Let's focus our efforts on those that can still be saved.

  • 1 decade ago

    It only gets worse before it gets better. And I really think Kirk Cameron could give a damn less about what others may think outside the circle. (Ditto with the other.)

    Source(s): =) I never heard of
  • 1 decade ago


    THAT's the only way to respond to this.

    It's a little hard to type, as I'm still laughing.

    Thing is, it's nonsense. There ain't no such thing as hell, so these people aren't hurting themselves in any way.

    They're just making a statement about how silly the whole notion of blaspheming is.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm neither Atheist or Christian, but I'll answer anyways. It doesn't matter. The kind of shinanigans people get up to these days are only possible due to copious amounts of excess energy in our society. In 100 years, people won't have time to try to damn, or to redeem themselves. They will be too busy scrounging for food.

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  • Snark
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They aren't trying to damn themselves to hell. They don't believe in hell. It's a declaration of freedom from disgusting concepts like hell, not some way of "going over to the dark side".

    You being sad is the same to me as if you were sad because someone blasphemed the name of Osiris, Zeus, or the Easter Bunny.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I made one. They make you guys think. And FYI: We don't believe in Hell so we weren't trying to damn ourselves.

    And Kirk and Ray are hilarious. We couldn't write satire that good. I hope they keep up the work. That banana video is just awesome.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a Christian, it's definitely something that I would not care to take part in. However, if others choose to do so, it's their right, regardless of what I personally think about it. Truthfully, the more attention that outraged Christians draw to it, the more free advertising and publicity it gets.

  • punch
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well 1st off. We (atheists) do not have a belief in god. So the challenge to us is standing up and saying we are atheists! That's all it really is. We are not trying to damn ourselves to hell, you could only do that if you have a belief in hell. So you understand just a little? No belief in god! It's not that hard.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you think people are "trying to damn themselves to hell"? What if they don't believe in hell? What if hell doesn't exist? Is it possible that these people are saying something intelligent that they believe in, even if it contradicts your own beliefs?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Kirk Cameron's positive attribution" ROFLMAO!

    So it's getting non believers to be brave and come out about it...eesh, the world doesn't really revolve around Christians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh boo hoo. There's no such thing as the Holy Spirity, Jesus, Godzilla, Yahweh, The Gremlins, Karl Rove or the Easter Bunny. Get over it.

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