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God = Time = Sub-atomic Energy?

Religions tend to attribute consciousness, intelligence and coherence and consequently a 'big' God...

But what if God is tiny.



God simply as Energy:

Energy never dies, only changes form.

God manifest as Time:

omnipotent, relentless, the dynamic to everything.

No guiding hand - just a perpetual, dynamic spirit that connects everything - creating, destroying, mutating.

Assume for a moment this is correct - a big ask, I know, but please... just meditate on this idea for a few moments.

How does it feel?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How does it feel? Well, for starters, it would be a much more believable explanation for things than "At one point, God decided he would make something of nothing, for no apparent reason."

    It would make a lot more sense, as the more we learn about sub-atomic particles, the more we define what the meaning of 'life' is.

    We see how silly our human-centric views of the universe(s) have been. Everything is alive. =]

  • 1 decade ago

    there is a huge amount of sceintific research to back this up, almost everything in life is made up of energy. If energy can't be destroyed, only changed, the maybe god is the main power source of this energy and when the body dies, the enery that is us goes back to this power source and changed to something else to make the world go round .possibly reincarnation. The energy that is our memories of past lives are used to create a new born child, which I would suppose would take a huge ammount of energy, more than one person is capable of being, which could be why a woman becomes stressed after giving birth until she is energised again. so if that is the case, there must be so much energy in one person, so much that it actually weighs something, try......21 grams!

  • 1 decade ago

    just fine, as a product of cultural christianity, i have recently shed those beliefs to welcome a more universal thought....and perhaps other thoughts as well. However changing my idea is about God, it doesn't directly change how I behave, what I think is important in life, or how I believe humans should interract.

    I think a lot of religions place human morality and all of its sub-catagories as a strictly God and Satan (fear, evil) battle. That without this, or the idea of a final judgment, that humans wouldn't have any reason to be loving, compassionate, or find a peaceful and intelligent way to live. I think that is a naive idea.

    anyway, i'm rambling and answered more than your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't know that it "feels" at all. the book says that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God...and that all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made...

    so God is sub-atomic energy if he is also his word, because the word is energy...physicists all agree it all started with sound...the big bang, there is no problem with that...the big bang is merely that part of the word of creation that we can decipher in our sound range.

    and who would know what that word sounded like anyway...or how it was may have simply been a big bang...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its weird that ur question is actually an answer already.

    hypothetically: it requires our molecules or sub atomic whatever to vibrate, which can triggered by joy, emotions- That sense of heightened emotions. Some Hindus have learned to maintain that heightened sense. making them one w/ everything else.

    hypothetically: it would require us to be energy to become one w/ god & with everything else, even time. it just has to be...

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like pantheism/deism to me...makes more sense

    If you define god as non-conscious, then by non-conscious you attribute no qualities at all to that 'god', you might as well just call it the Nature/Universe and have done with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It feels as though God is alive.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think thats the big picture that no one really understands or can comprehend.

  • 1 decade ago

    How sad to discover how wrong you are when it is too, too late. How does it feel?

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