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What is your personal symbol of HOPE?

Do you have a lucky charm? A lucky outfit? Or just something intangible that represents your hope of goodness? Some examples... a rainbow, a coin, whatever. What is yours?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hope for me is when you know that..God is always matter who you think God is! (the Christian God, the Jewish one, Allah or perhaps someone else) and not only God, it's when you know you're not alone, it's when you know that there is a small place for you in this sinful world where you can just live your life with all the people you love....

    Hope for me is like a small peace of heaven =)

    I don't really have any lucky charm but I know deep inside myself that we are already lucky, we have food at table, luxuries, we have people we love that still are with us, we are healthy..

    Humm..what represents goodness to me...I would say it is my family and my friends, I feel so happy when I am with them, you know...I guess then Love really is divine


    Best of luck to you

    Source(s): My own hope
  • 5 years ago

    Dig deep into your psyche and innermost core of your heart... there you will find the "thing" that pleases you most. It could either be animate or inanimate, material or abstract, something you have seen, or something imagined. And whatever it is that fancies you at this stage of your life --whether singly, or as a combination thereof-- then that object, word, or imagery will translate to symbolize YOU. Hence it's called "personal". Peace be with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sunshine – some how we gets it in our head that our health is directly tied to how much we get?

    Rain – loves sad stories the most

    Snow – is sadder then rain because it is too much and so the emotions must wait for the melt

    Wind – always brings us news from afar, tidings and change

    Dandelion Fluff on the air – prosperity chance fate

    Little critters - bring me messages even as they splat on our windshield

    The moon - always wonders who is looking at it as I am

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I still have my baby blanket.

    I used to have a lucky charm pendant, when I turned 16 I got it tatooed on my ankle so I wouldn't have to worry about losing it. So now it's always with me, but the original is safe in a very hidden place.

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  • 1 decade ago


    My personal symbol of hope is the Pentacle, which I wear in a necklace. I consider myself Wiccan. The Pentacle symbolizes the integration of body and spirit, and the spiritual mastery of the four elements. Part of the ancient pagan beliefs. As a Wiccan, I do not try to convert others to my beliefs. I try to practice the Wiccan rede part of which is " An harm ye none, do what ye will". In other words whatever you believe and worship is fine as long as it doesn't hurt others.

    BTW my symbol of lack of hope is the Muslim Crescent and Star the most intolerant and anti-feminist faith, I despise intolerant religions who not only try to convert others, but are unacceptable of their beliefs.and try to Kill them..... thanks for asking and .........Blessed be......

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately luck and I have an uncanny way of avoiding each other.In fact if it wasn't for bad luck I don't think I'd have any luck at all.I prefer charm ,wit and a good sense of humour.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a lucky seed and everytime I hold it before bed at night and in the morning I thank God for blessing me and keeping myself and my family safe that day.

    I also have pictures hanging everywhere of things I would love to have to remind me of things to strive for.

  • 1 decade ago

    My notebook,where I write my thoughts, is a sign of hope for me. It makes me feel,I don't know, pure maybe? I also like seeing blooming flowers,smiles and clear skies.

    grey_worms I love rain! It seems to wash the world clean...

  • 1 decade ago

    A bird in flight. Makes me feel like I could fly, too, and just soar over all the pain and worry and woe I might be facing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus' cross could be the typical symbol of HOPE for Christians... personally, I would choose that too...

    i would also choose a light beam in darkness... picture it.. a light.. even though is still a sign of hope... there is still light in the darkness.. we just have to find it...

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