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For all those opposed to religion, (myself included), What about it offends you so much?

Who or what has caused you to close your heart and soul off from God's love? I totally agree that religion is not an expression of His love to anyone. It is a 'book of biased rules'. I heard a saying once about 'not throwing the baby out with the bath water.' I wonder how many people are missing out on the greatest experience in this life, because of the narrowmindedness of 'religious teachings'. Everyone needs God. All are invited to know Him personally and directly. As you grow to love Him,through your experience of His genuine love toward you, so does your desire to follow His 'graceful' ways outlined in His "guidebook" the BIBLE. There really is no need for any'one' else to tell you how to live. All His perfect directions are found in The Word of God.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Even when the Lord walked the earth as a man He had issues with the Religious ones. It shows that Who He is and what He was imparting to men and women had nothing to do with Religion. He presented Himself in a simple way. He said.. I am the bread of Life.. I am the Living water... I am the Resurrection and the Life .. I am the Light of the World.... These are things that we need.. We need to eat.. we need to drink.. we need life... we need light to grow...The Lord presented Himself to us in such a lovely way.

    Throughout the centuries religion has come up again and again with all its concepts..its forms and ordinances...all the outward things lacking inward reality has stumbled many into seeing and receiving the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    I just thank the Lord for rescuing so many OUT of religion to be brought into a deep relationship one on one with the Lord. Having the Branch and Vine relationship where we abide in Him and He in us. And not just us only but all the other branches in Christ the Vine.

    No one's human body is an organisation.. but rather its an organism with Life and a Nature.. its senses and functions and purpose.

    In the same way the Body of Christ is NOT a religious organization with " positions" but rather... our Lord's Body on this earth is a Living Organism.. made up of all the genuine believers who called upon the Name of the Lord and believed and received His Life .. the Body Life making us members of HIM. May the Lord draw many more through the simplicity of the gospel. May the simplicity of God not escape us because of our religious minds ... the Lord is not religion.. He said.. he has come that we might have life and have it abundantly... the Letter Kills..Tis the SPirit Who gives LIFE!! and we all need God who is Life!

    Great post sister

    urs in Christ


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a long story. First off, one needs to look at the roots. I'm not talking about some crucifixion 2000 years ago, but before even then. The gods were many, some forgotten, some still give names to our planets, others to the days of the week, and still others to rocket ships. In addition, most if not all Christian holidays and rites are converted from Pagan holidays. So why do we need superstition? For one thing, it's because we know we're going to die and that sucks. If animals knew they were going to die, they'd be beating the tom-toms too, I guarantee it. For another thing, fear is the penultimate persuader. And if you can use fear to your advantage, you can control the world. Allah will punish you, Jehovah will smite you, and hell is not a nice place. I hesitate to call the pope a fear monger because fear of hell is already so ingrained in the minions that he just has to look holy and as a result contraception practices are taboo and unwanted births and starving children are the result. We do not often see the horror of starving children and other consequences of religion-based policies, because the 6:00 o'clock news won't show it. This is but one example of the big picture of religion. Very learned men such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris have explained it much better than I possibly could, but the rampant superstition that predominates this country is palpable and you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

  • 1 decade ago

    I expect no one to convert to my faith.

    I only talk about my belief with people comfortable with the conversation, and then the conversation is usually them telling me about what they believe.

    That said-

    I can't stand someone (anyone) that insists that I have to believe exactly what they believe. I'm certain that no two people believe the same thing. Tammy Fay was the only fundamentalist I've ever heard compare Heaven to Disneyland, but at least she considered it; unlike those that hate Disneyland because they don't actively hate and discriminate against Gay people. My friends come from all faiths. The only people I find hating me right off also say the Bible is the infallible "Truth". It's not their fault though. People feel the urge to convince others that what they believe is absolutely right because it validates their ego and lets them feel stable in a reality everyone should fear for one reason or another.

    Assumptions that make you annoying no matter who you are or what you believe:

    The assumption that you have moral authority to judge others about anything is a BAD assumption.

    The assumption that you can accuse people of intentionally being evil or worshiping Satan because they believe differently is a BAD assumption.

    The assumption that my government would run smoother if people that share your religion inspired moral views were in charge because you are so much more moral than the rest of us is a BAD assumption.

    The assumption that entire groups of people are damned or evil for any reason, sexual orientation, race, sex or country of origin, and any other way you can isolate a population is a BAD assumption.

    The assumption that anyone can be judged because they share a trait with a proven evil person (like Germans are bad because of Hitler) is a BAD assumption.

    The assumption that you have the right to pressure anyone after they have told you they aren't interested in your religion is a BAD assumption.

    The assumption that people who reject your beliefs makes them evil, is a BAD assumption.

    This list could go on and on but just think respect and kindness and you'll have this thing beat, which is better than pushing the issue and getting beat.

    ♥Blessed Be♥


  • 1 decade ago

    First thing I have to do if I become a believer accept a set of rules, customs, and beliefs without questioning them. This will put restrictions in my thinking process. I can not think beyond certain limits because it is forbidden. I have to search answers for all my quires regarding every aspect of my life in a restricted space limited by religion. If you are not able to find or not satisfied with what you get there is nothing you can do about it. No logic or reasoning will work. Blindly hope some help will be there even though there is no reason to believe it.Ultimately it is not the religion that's going to help you but you will be serving for the religion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I cant say that I have been "turned away from God" I still believe in God, But I deplore all forms of religion based mainly in the fact that there has been more evil done "In the name of Jesus" than real good. Religion preaches "love And equality" while simultaniously shunning everything around it's own core beliefs. Basicly saying you should love your Brother unless he of course happens to have a different belief, or is gay, or just dosent see things the way you do.

    Religions are full of hypocrits who refuse to see the world around them as a place of beauty and wonder. They always want to focus on the things that they find unsuitable in the world.

    Source(s): find Your Faith!!! Lose Your Religion!!!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How religion trys to instill fear in us and how black and white it is... ie if you do this you will damned to hell and/or such and such is good or bad. Life is more complicated then that and the real god is all love, so knows nothing of evil. Also no one is perfect, but religion says that some of us are better then others. How any adult could follow such a crock is unfathomable... so I have no sympathy for adults who are religious, but little children are raised on this crap and I don't think it is a healthy for a vulnerable little impressionable being to have to worry about going to hell.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fake people in the religion is what has caused me to close my heart. Girls that study the religion but go out and party and break almost every rule our religion contains. Plus no matter how much ive tried praying "GOD" has not given me a reason to believe and each time i try.......theres nothing i hold on to plus science always keeps me wondering

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you but, I also know that He asks us to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together too! So, I am a little torn on this issue myself!

    The reason I have a hard time with religion is that many think being religious is what gets you to the Father! It is not! Religion is merely the way people choose to "worship" him! Today, too many religions have their own "agendas" and not God's! The teachings are bent to "tickle men's ears"! It has become a business with many pastors today! So, you see, I do have problems with this as well.

    However, it is very important to have a very viable relationship with the Lord God! He is our Creator who woos each one of His creations. But, He wants all to come freely, to Him...thus, free will! He gave us all a choice to accept or reject! I freely accept Him as my Savior and I freely give Him my heart and all talents He has provided for me. In as much, where best to use such a place of worship!

    So, I am driven to use these gifts for His sake. I am just allowing Him to guide me on my way!

    Source(s): It is about relationship, not religion!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fact that it is utterly unreasonable. The claim that everyone needs god is simply silly; no one needs a fiction. Since there is not the slightest evidence that any sort of god even exists, to believe in one is an abandonment of reason -- and turns you into an animal: reason is the only defining characteristic of the human species. As for the bible, it has hundreds of errors, and dozens of internal contradictions, so can not rationally be used as a guide for anything.

    Source(s): Stenger, God - the Failed Hypothesis Burr, Self-contradictions of the Bible. Mills, Atheist Universe Hitchens, God is not great.
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in God and the Bible, but I do not believe in Organized religion.

    The Bible teaches to not pass judgment on others but I have never found a religious group that didn't pass judgment on everyone that didn't believe in their teachings.

    My other problem with religion is that when they quote the Bible, they take pieces of a sentence and put them together to make it mean whatever they want... then say its a quote.

    You can do that with any book! doesn't mean that that's what the sentence really means.

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