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Should Pat Robertson be considered a terrorist for his extremist views?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't remember him cutting off anyones head or calling for a Jihad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not necessarily. Just because one has extremist views, and Pat Robertson does, doesn't mean he is a terrorist. If he uses those views as reason for terrorism than he is a terrorist. Than again, if he uses any views as reason for terrorism he is a terrorist. Not all Muslims are terrorists, not all extreme Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslim nor necessarily extremists, although it helps to be an extremist of some sort. Timothy McVey was not a Muslim nor a particularly Christian person either. He had extreme views in his mind and his act on the Murtha Building in Oklahoma City made him a terrorist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Extreme oppinions do not make a terrorist... only actions... even muslims who hate America are not terrorists, until the start attacking Americans or plotting to attack America.

    So, unless Pat Robertson starts flying 747's into skyscrapers, he is not a terrorist!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago he advocating death to those who don't agree with him? If not...then NO. I'm what "extremist" views are you referring? All I can find about him is that he is against abortion and gay rights. Although not in the majority, I'd hardly call that extremist.


    Correcting Corrector -- wishing and advocating and 2 entirely different words. Would you like a dictionary link? Personally, I think the world WOULD be a whole lot better place without Hugo Chavez too. I wouldn't grieve for either him OR OBL. Just 10 minutes ago someone asked a question on Y/A and then wrote "All Christians should be slaughtered." Is he a terrorist?

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  • Jadis
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Did he cut someone's head off? Send out suicide bombers?

    Then no. Even Pat Robertson has freedom of speech.

    Wild - not trying to be a *****, honestly, but damn - get some help. Most men are wonderful people.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are people currently jailed that have said much less threatening and bonky things. I'd say not his views but the insane way he has chosen to speak of them, suggesting murder of heads of state etc. would certainly qualify him.

    The KKK is classed a terrorist group (but none of them have been arrested for some strange reason) yet they are not as extreme as Robertson in public.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, let's look at it objectively.

    He makes some pretty horrid statements from time to time. But, thus far, no one has really acted on anything he's said. You know, assassinate Chavez, wish for the death of any judge that makes a decision upholding pro-choice views, etc etc etc.

    None of what he says can actually be attributed to anything he's incited, so no.

    I personally love the man. Sunday mornings are such crap. Guys like him and Robert Tilton are my entertainment on Sundays. You people like Survivor and American Idol. I like the Televangelists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At least you're not alone in having no idea what constitutes terrorism. Lot's of company for you here. No worries. School is just around the corner and we'll get a break from the shallow mouth breathers.

  • Aliz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well in some way he is because of his extreme religious point of view.

    He is just as set in his beliefs about religion as the terrorist are in their beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah among a lot of other negative names/labels that I can think of. We would be screwed if that man ever has any real power besides mind power over the weak minded.

  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorism is not a view or belief but the actual targeting and physical force used against civilians to cause terror. So you really have no case.

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