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Mentally abusive enrichment teacher for Math... as the parent- what would you do?

My child started 5th grade in a new school. When he first started, his Math teacher did an assessment test with all the kids, in which my child scored highest. We only found out about it at the open house that the school conducted. e asked the teacher why our son wasn't placed in the enrichment class... in the meantime kids who were placed in the enrichment class were dropping out, because the teacher seems to be mentally abusive. When our son was finally placed in his class, we encouraged our son to at least try. Math is our son's favorite subject ever since he started Kindergarten, but after only four times attending this teacher's class, his enthusiasm for Math is decreasing. Today for example, my son said that he gave his paper to the teacher, but the teacher wouldn't take it. This confused him right there... then the kids started shouting to him that he didn't put down the paper the right away- not the exact way the teacher wants it to be given to him.


My son started this class three weeks after the otehr kids, because obviously the ones who went to this school were given the priority to join. The classroom is very tiny.... this is the reason why my son doesn't know this teacher's hundred rules (he has a rule about how to speak- you can't say yeah- it's yes... or... you can't cough without covering your mouth or... you can't put down your head not even for a second or... my son knew about these ones... bvut not about how to give him the paper- he said he felt so ashamed, because the teaher wouldn't even look at him)... now he told our son to let us write a statement, if we want him to continue in his class by tomorrow. Should I mention to the principal what's going on?

Update 2:

My son started this class three weeks after the other kids, because obviously the ones who went to this school were given the priority to join. The classroom is very tiny.... this is the reason why my son doesn't know this teacher's hundred rules (he has a rule about how to speak- you can't say yeah- it's yes... or... you can't cough without covering your mouth or... you can't put down your head not even for a second or... my son knew about these ones... bvut not about how to give him the paper- he said he felt so ashamed, because the teaher wouldn't even look at him)... now he told our son to let us write a statement, if we want him to continue in his class by tomorrow. Should I mention to the principal what's going on?

Update 3:

My son started this class three weeks after the other kids, because obviously the ones who went to this school were given the priority to join. The classroom is very tiny.... this is the reason why my son doesn't know this teacher's hundred rules (he has a rule about how to speak- you can't say yeah- it's yes... or... you can't cough without covering your mouth or... you can't put down your head not even for a second or... my son knew about these ones... but not about how to give him the paper- he said he felt so ashamed, because the teacher wouldn't even look at him)... now he told our son to let us write a statement, if we want him to continue in his class by tomorrow. Should I mention to the principal what's going on?

Update 4:

oops... sorry, I tried to correct the typos... it posted it again instead

Update 5:

Thanks everyone- for your input. I thought that maybe I was overreacting, but after reading what you guys had to say, I felt empowered to do something about it.I just came back from the school and gave a letter to the principal at the office. I also met my son's classroom teacher and I told her about the steps I decided to take.


Update 6:

Alos thanks a lot to Cassandra... you know, this is my son's first year of school after 3 years of homeschooling. I will homeschool him again after grade 7, but I really want him to experience a regular school beyond first grade class. It is indeed a privilege to have the option to homeschool our kids here in America... and yes I will homeschool my kids again in the future. I'm glad that we seemed to have chosen the perfect curriculum all those three years... and we will choose it again. I wanted my younger one to also experience a regular school- he started Kindergarten this year. Both my kids are very outgoing kids and blossom among other kids... no way I'm gonna let this teacher spoil their year there. No way!!! It's a school well-known to promote parent participation... and other than this teacher- it is very impressive how well organized the school is. For example the principal always stands where everyone has to pass by her to greet everyone in the morning.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My daughter is in a 4th grade honor class and has been chosen to go into a 5th grade math class. This teacher is a disgrace to the profession and you should report his abusive methods to the principle and then if nothing happens to the school board! These enrichment classes are to help our kids excel and thrive, not break them down and make them insecure! I would go in, in person and ask to have a meeting face to face between you, husband, teacher and principle!

    If it doesn't get resolved, change schools!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think talking to the principal and the guidance counselor would be your best option. Call the principal's office, tell them you want to set up a meeting regarding this teacher and his class. During the meeting, stay calm and civil -- don't get into personal attacks (they'll stop listening to you as soon as that happens), outline what've you said here...the rules, etc. Explain how your son loved math, it was his best subject, and how he's now losing interest in both math and school. If the principal refuses to address the issue/problem, then take your problem to the board of education.

    It could be that the kids in the class are deliberately misleading your son about some of the rules just to give him a hard time. It could also be that the teacher does indeed have too strict of rules in his classroom (although I like the fact that he makes them say yes instead of yeah....I hate "yeah" coming out of a kid's mouth). Either way, your son's education is being affected in a negative way and you need to resolve the problem. Perhaps he should be moved back to the regular math class just for this year (since it's his first year there). Let him acclimate to the new school, new kids, etc. before allowing him into advanced classes. But still, you definitely need to address your concerns to the principal's office via a meeting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Contact the principal of the school IMMEDIATELY. If you don't get anywhere with the principal, go to the Board of Education. If your child's enthusiasm for something that he once loved is decreasing, it's what he's NOT telling you that is scary. Ask the principal for a meeting with you, the principal and the teacher. Just tread lightly -- you don't want to piss off a teacher who already seems to be the retaliating type.

    Unfortunately, with tenure, teachers can't really be fired, except in extreme circumstances. How long has this teacher been teaching? How long has this teacher been with the school? Do some research before you go jumping all over the school board -- maybe even meet with the parents of the other kids in this class to see if you can get a better sense of what is going on. Remember that kids have a tendency to exaggerate, but if there is a common thread among the stories, it will be easier to build a case.

    If all else fails, you may have to pull him from that class, get him through the year, and then try again next year with (hopefully) a different enrichment teacher.

  • 1 decade ago

    This teacher sounds like a control freak who should not be with kids this age.

    A question to ask the teacher: Where is my son's copy of the rules for this classroom? Since the rules in this class are obviously different than the rules in the other classes then your son should have been given a copy so he can familiarize himself with these new rules.

    Your son has been in this class a week and the teacher wants a letter from you about why he should stay in it? If you can call him, do so and ask why your son needs a note to stay in the class he was placed in---I would also call the principal and let him/her know you have some concerns about your child and this teacher.

    Don't ask the principal to jump down the teacher's throat---ask if he/she facilitate communication with the teacher.

    Principals prefer that a parent work with the teacher first before complaining to them----if you go to them first or early they see this as saying something about you more than the teacher.

    Talk to your son and document anything out of sorts as best you can before you call anyone.

    Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, by all means let the principal know what's going on. This bird seems more concerned with his role as control freak than in teaching anything. Maybe he doesn't know how to teach and the rules are a smoke screen. Not everyone who earns a degree and a teaching certificate is qualified to be trusted with precious, vulnerable little minds. It's time for the parents, the teacher and the principal to all sit down together and discuss the teacher's philosophy, methods and goals -- and possibly his references.

  • JLee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Thats a little odd-ball to start with let alone with 5th graders!!! I would try and contact the parents of the other students first and see if they will write a letter to the school board or principle and try to get at least get this teacher reprimanded and put on watch....if you cannot do that than at least go to the principle or the school board with your concerns. Theres no guarantee that it will work, but I believe its worth a try. I wouldnt go directly to that teacher if I were you as that usually leads to your child being picked on more so by that teacher. Good luck.....there are many teachers out there that shouldnt be teachers and it sounds like your sons is one of them! A teacher should encourage and praise a gifted child, not degrade and confuse.

    Source(s): mom of 2 boys and 1 girl! 75% of my immediate family works in our local school district so I have heard many success stories regarding bad teachers and parents getting them removed....and it all starts with going to the school board.
  • AV
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ouch. I think that you need to speak to the principal about this... or possibly even that teacher, first. For a teacher to expect a paper to be given to him in a certain way is just completely off the wall on the teacher's part.

    This is not an ideal learning environment for any child.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were you, and I'm not, I would schedule a parent-principal-teacher conference ASAP. This teacher's attitude could permanently turn your son off of math, a subject he is obviously good at. At the same time, I would not pull him out of the class. He will encounter difficult people ... teachers, peers, coworkers and bosses ... throughout his life and needs to learn that quitting is no way to deal with it.

    Is your son learning or withdrawing? I think the answer to that question will answer all your questions.

  • Amy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i would schedule a conference with both the principal and the teacher (include the school counselor if they have one). teachers like this are what ruins a child's enthusiasm for school. yeah i understand each teacher might have different rules but there comes a time where it's extreme.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pull ur son out of that class. Period. Complain to the school board anyway. Wait for next year and hoepfully ull get a better teacher for his math gift. Dont let his love for math die out because of some control freak.

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