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Blue Dragon xbox 360, Im on the 2nd floor of Nene's Headquarters, My party is 2 weak 2 beat the 4 bots n boss

I have a party of around 27-30 i cannot leave i cannot warp and I'm too weak to beat the 2nd level boss, i have even let the time run out on the bomb collar and thats all it does is run out with a cut sene. Any one else stuck here? Can you help me get out or going without starting all the way over?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wowie you are really far. I am not sure you will find anyone else as far as you are to provide a hint on that. I posted a question asking when I might expect to get the fifth character and no one even replied...if you know I would appreciate it. Congratulations on doing so well, but I regret I am not yet able to offer advice on this.

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