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Do you ever think before you vote? or are you one of the lemmings.?

We all know that sad old England is being dismantled, and the remains sold to the highest bidder. Yet no one does anything about it but moan and carry on voting for the same old b**l s**t thieves. They get their power and position from you, idiots who vote them in blindly for no logical reason other than your mom or dad always voted for them. Get real! they are all in it for the money or power, a grand is all it takes to be a politician. Once voted in, despite all the lies and broken promises you may have made, you have in reality won the lottery. In the real world there are only around 28% of politicians who hold true to the ideals of their beliefs, the rest do not give a damn. You could make the changes if you bothered to get off your a**/couch but find it more convenient to moan about it to your mates down the pub. 2010 England will be no more, it will be a 50/50 mix of aliens and losers. What do you think about that then?, more important what do you intend to do about it? VOTE!

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I try to. But right now its just giving me a headache. Who the hell can I vote for? Never Labour under Brown, not Libdem while I am alive and NEVER NEVER David Cameron. There is no main stream party that represents me anymore. I am going to have to look hard at some of the more extremest parties now. But, I will vote. Even if its has to be the BNP as a protest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I always think very very carefully before i have voted.

    I never fail to choose the Criminal Party (sorry that should read as Political - I always get the two confused) that loses and never has a chance of winning an Election.

    Like 100 percent of the rest of the country I had no part whatsoever in boosting the present Prime Sinister (oops - Minister) into his seat of power.

    Therefore the, ummm, people i guess, at Parliament were the ones to do it.

    EVERYONE is aware that nearly all Politicians are corrupt in one way or another.

    Recently one was jailed for fraudulently receiving benefits.

    There were cries for him to resign as he was still being pain as an MP whilst locked up! JUST SACK HIM!!

    We, The People, voted these idiots into power, THEY answer to US not the other way around.

    Exercise your right to vote. You still wont have a say in anything but you'll feel better about yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont moan. I happen to think that, for all its faults, I am lucky to live in this country and not some third world hell hole run by the military where live is cheap and bread is expensive.

    I am not an alien or a loser so it wont be a 50:50 mix

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course, the trouble is that we haven't got a viable party to vote for. Labour is a no-no and the Lib dems are pathetic. The Tories under Cameron seem to be in cohoots with the Green party.They want to tax our holidays, decide which cars we buy and which TVs etc we can use.

    I'm glad I live in North Wales and that Plaid Cymru will romp away with it here again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have voted Republican and Democrat before. Reading and researching these men and women who want to run our country is being a responsible voter. We all have different preferences in life and one canditiate may be more suited to our beliefs than another. That is the American way, we have a right to vote and a right to choose whom we vote for. Relying on Fox News or CNN news for that research is foolhardly. Find out from your own congress people, senators what they think of certain person, what that candidates voting record is, what he says in the debates and determine whom you vote for from that, not from some hyperbole on a news station.

  • lilah
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    there is an outstanding line and human beings get at a loss for words lots. i think of I do have the recommendations-blowing to assert something is a sin. that does no longer mean i'm judging every person or something. Taking a existence is a sin and in case you disagree than we disagree. purely through fact somebody takes a existence does no longer mean i'm judging them, that may not my duty, it truly is God's. some human beings element that Catholics and the Traditions are all incorrect and made up. human beings like your chum who persist with scripture purely have there own Traditions like scripture purely. No the place in scripture does it say or maybe hint in the direction of scripture purely. maximum human beings desire to %. and decision it truly is human nature.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Truth IS what NEEDS to be done is NEVER popular, no matter whom suggests it!!!!!

    If we are going to VOTE, we need a party to VOTE for!

    We need a party that has it's own Nationalism at it's core and stands up for it's British heritage, with-out worrying about being PC!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Shall I vote for you then ?

    You seem to be ranting about politicians in general - everything you've said could be applied to the last Conservative government.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wisernow, I'm taking it way too seriously. I'm hugging a hoody as i type, planning my wedding, and not looking forward to waving farewell to my beloved for equivilalent of national service. Could I also add that you sound stressed big time to-night.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The british are reaping the results of their history and plunder of the world by colonization...I was just is London, what a third world hellhole! Heathrow was like a UN rice feeding r right!

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