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  • Whichpratt decided to change the name of our beloved Norfolk Broads ??

    Some brain-dead jobsworth has decided to rename Norfolk Broads because it doesn't generate as big a profit as it used to. Has no one advised him there is a recession on at the moment, therefore money is tight, banks are stingier, and staying alive, housed and fed is more important than blowing a months wages on unaffordable holiday breaks, whatever name is given to it?.

    He would be better advised to either open his eyes, or book early for a place in the nearest asylum, or job centre, as he is showing advanced signs of dementure. The person in question must be so out of touch with normality and reality, it defies belief that someone would actually employ such an idiot!, other than another idiot. Sadly there are plenty of both to go around nowadays, usually grossly overpaid,over pensioned, and totally useless to anyone. Come on Cameron you promised us, no more tosspots to be allowed to inflict their fantasies on us any more. You took my vote, now show some payback in appreciation.

    4 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • When will any politician listen to the voters?

    We have had them all promising this and that and delivering buxxxhit on the freedom to vote for or against being ruled by a foreign government. Every politician who could help us englishmen to remain indipendant has denied us the right of a vote. the labour party promised us one along with all the other lies, the tories have now followed the same course, and the libdems are losers from the very start, many of their policies would leave us in a banana republic type of state. I would like to see a re-election now that the truth has started to leak out. the main 3 parties seem to be a collection of the most corrupt and lying individuals ever to claw their way to the top of the sxxxt pile. So no change there, our lads are still dying in combat, the criminals are still overiding justice and getting compensated for being caught by a police force who spend most of there time in the office.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I have collected 1700 points can I transfer them ?

    I have collected these points over the years which are of no value to me. They were gained by helping out younger folks, I wonder if it were possible transfer/sell them for any money, made payable to our young lads in Afghanistan via the British Legion Fund ?. I am not into point gathering for one upmanship, I do it to help others out if at all possible. If it is not allowed I will understand.

    Kind regards, Wisernow.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Brown wants fair elections in Afghanistan IS HE FOR REAL?

    When do WE get to elect this dictator, he is a parasitical unelected money grabber, who thinks only of Scotland, and any other foreign needs needing an instant handout, whilst we English pay the price in cash and lives. Is there no legislation even under the human rights act, where we can get just retribution for this ignorant bigheads dealings?. He even has the cheek to expect to be elected (for the 1st time) when his deadline expires. I wish I were a dog and brown were a tree, there again he would resurface smelling of dodgy dollars with an even higher pension. When god made men, Brown was still on his old planet.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Who profits from the DVLA now its another privatised money spinner???

    BEWARE government PRIVATE agencies are bad for you. The DVLA are conning people out of money by not sending regular reminders to the people who are forced to employ them. Instead they send a few, then when they have your trust they do not send it and wait awhile so that they can fine you £80.00 and rip you off with a further fine, in my case £5.50 for road tax on a vehicle that has not been on the road for over 5 years and is not drivable. They state they are not obliged to send reminders, WHY!!! they con you into trusting them and stab you in the back, its immoral, needless, profiteering. A bit like the principles of Mugabe Brown the man in charge. The sorn need only be filled out once, they know who drives what and whether or not the vehicle is taxed or MOTed, its on their computors by law. Its jobs for the boys and nothing to do with keeping check on motoring. I live in a street with 2 unlicensed drivers who are still on the road after being reported. DVLA answers invited please!!!!

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Politics for real people, living in an unreal world.?

    Politicians pensions state related, no golden handshakes, as in OAP. Fully liable for mistakes/corruption, as in normal everyday citizens. Accountable for their actions, as in lies, spin, hidden truths, (aka Brown and postal voting only applicable to registered severely disabled. Compulsory voting with a fine for default, as in Australia since the 60s and working fine. No citizenship, no vote, no visa? no income tax, no NHS contributions, bye, bye, should have come clean and paid up like we do. No support for illegal immigrant appeals, plain and simple! you are not needed and not welcome, despite what the liberal party says ( its so easy for them to spend someone elses hard earned money). The National(London Benefit Society) lottery, forget the billions ripped off by the perverted artists? society. Rebuild the hospitals and old folks homes, put a real policeman on the beat, look after the firemen and ambulance drivers, get rid of private medical care funded via the NHS. VOTERS!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why does Microsoft still rip us off???

    3 versions of win xp loaded on 1 desktop and 2 laptops in the last 4 years by the (oem) computor suppliers. None have ever worked properly, crashes and virus intrusions, through m.s. rushed programming. The software is very, very biased towards m.s. extras. I pay! I expect! I do not want to be turned off due to replacing a hard drive or upgrading my computors, with their inevitable "warning" we will shut you down if you do not pay four times, for the same item we sell as faulty from the outset, tough luck it was full of flaws when sold, but hey! smile, we have and are still making billions from mugs like you every year. Why can they get away with it? what is the answer?, except totally free linux?, which m.s. have shown an unhealthy interest in lately. The EEC recently fined them millions to no avail, for their crooked operations in Europe. Over here in the U.K. if they sold any other item the way they sell software they would be out of business. Why do they get away with it? tell me.

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • lotto rapist?

    Iorworth Hoare, the lotto rapist, who's elderly victim is trying to claim compensation for his sexual attack on her, 6 years is the legal limit for her claim. As usual she is being denied access to the true law, yet millions are being spent on an unbelievable inquest, on a wealthy titled woman who died 10 years ago, because she happened to belong to the privelaged few. This is despite a previous inquest at the time of her death. Is this real, unbiased, law, or another fob off?.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago

    I raised a point of criticism concerning microsofts rip offs and I was then redirected to sign in again, having signed in prior to posting the question. I only asked if anyone else had been asked to pay again for win 2k, I paid 2 times and now they want me to pay again for a system that bill gates stole from apples inventor Jobes. they have already had to pay mega millions in the E.U. courts for their corrupt trading. However what about their double dealing scam of paying 3 times for the same product?. Any other business would be shut down and fined, how do they get away with it?. I await some interesting answers, maybe Bill gates could get off his *** and tell me why he needs to rip me off again.

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Do you ever think before you vote? or are you one of the lemmings.?

    We all know that sad old England is being dismantled, and the remains sold to the highest bidder. Yet no one does anything about it but moan and carry on voting for the same old b**l s**t thieves. They get their power and position from you, idiots who vote them in blindly for no logical reason other than your mom or dad always voted for them. Get real! they are all in it for the money or power, a grand is all it takes to be a politician. Once voted in, despite all the lies and broken promises you may have made, you have in reality won the lottery. In the real world there are only around 28% of politicians who hold true to the ideals of their beliefs, the rest do not give a damn. You could make the changes if you bothered to get off your a**/couch but find it more convenient to moan about it to your mates down the pub. 2010 England will be no more, it will be a 50/50 mix of aliens and losers. What do you think about that then?, more important what do you intend to do about it? VOTE!

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I was going to ask a question about that sick leader??? of Londons double car tax but I can't get enough time?

    Yahoo does not allow enough space to ask a really inquisitive question. So breifly, why does king whoever, Londons lord mayor/leader???? penalise and mislead visitors up one way streets leading to the retax (thought we had that on our windscreens) zones, we cannot turn round, we have to pass the camera, is this legal?. My son who has covered 400,000 miles in 3 years with no fines, got conned into this situation in London, he did a 'u' turn s.a.p. as you cannot turn in a one way street. BUT president Kens camera's charged him a £50 fine. What sort of a leader with such low moral values of his voters manage to get in control? the man is a disgrace to my father and his brothers, and my neighbours who died through the last war, trying to beat these wretches. Has he no shame? or is he another southern wanabee with no real brain, and even less gratitude to the idiots who elected him. If he wants to sue me, and wins, take it out of my pension I have nothing else I own, except pride & Queen.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My neighbours, one on the left of me, and one on the right of me have no driving license should I report them?

    One has recently arrived from pakistan, does not have any sort of license he drives his brothers car regularly and has bought a car himself now, he says the insurance is too expensive so he has not bothered to insure it. The other neighbour no licence is a total waster who has bought a car had a few driving lessons and now takes his children out in it, no safety seats etc. An accident waiting to happen? what would you do?.

    39 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Polish migrant workers?.?

    Why do people whinge about Polish workers?. I am a semi retired engineer, I have read all the crap about Polish immigrants, yet I now work amongst them and find they are more adaptable and show a willingness to work, unseen since the 70s with our other imported layabouts. The Asians need to be constantly monitored if only for their own safety, the Africans need supervision for everyones safety, yet the Polish workers will do anything that is asked of them, no quibbles. To be quite honest they remind me of my youth, when a man held a job by his willingness to work, if the job didn't appeal to him, he left it to someone else, no big deal in those days. They are everything our mollycoddled brits should be, yet criticise, because they are too lazy or unwilling to put in the effort needed to gain respect as a worker. I cannot blame any employer for utilising their adaptive and unquestioning willingness to work. More the shame on our own home bred, pampered, nitpicking, idle layabouts.

    11 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • W.A.G.R. Australian Railways.?

    Any one out there ever worked at Leighton/Nth fremantle in the 60s, in the railway yards?. Ex shunter/ pilot asking. I knew a lot of old pommies there and wondered if they were still around.

    2 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • Building on Greenbelt land.?

    How about opening up some of Scotlands green belts to the developers, surely our Gordon could not object to that, not when you consider the population per square mile, as opposed to the English equivalent. Lloch Lomand has loads of space around it doing nothing, the developers could squeeze a few thousand high priced dog boxes in there, as they could in John O groats.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • HELP!Botanist preferred answer please?

    I have recently had an infestation of duckweed, the type that looks like clover and grows very rapidly. My pond is a wildlife habitat, i.e. several species of frogs and a few lizards/newts that visit occasionally, and the regular patrols of dragon flies some quite large with exotic markings and coloration. I do not want to use any chemical that will harm them, as I have built this haven in the middle of the Black Country over many years. My only other option is to drain the ponds and start again, which I do not want to do if at all possible, I have tadpoles still awaiting full adulthood, they would have to be sacrificed, which to me is not an option, but if I cant clear the weed then they will all perish anyway i.e. rock and a hard place choice. Any educated replies much appreciated.

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Death of a traitor?

    Is the death of the muslim traitor who planned to kill others at Glasgow poetic justice? I reckon it ought to have been the cowards who conned him with rewards of sex unlimited in heaven? what do you think!.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Death of a traitor?

    Is the death of the muslim traitor who planned to kill others at Glasgow poetic justice? I reckon it ought to have been the cowards who conned him with rewards of sex unlimited in heaven? what do you think!.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • yahoo help line? promises, promises?

    Firefox does NOT work properly in Yahoo!, but when I switch back to I.Explorer ?fine. Done all the recommended b***t from the help line, are they in cahoots with each other? or is it a flaw in the coding. I am fed up of retyping my ..................@ yahoo.......the remember my I.D. simply does not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any real help would be appreciated, as I am about to change my service provider if a real cure cannot be found. I want to change to linux eventually to get out of M.S. stranglehold on free choice o.sys, but every which way I try it, yes you guessed it, everyone seems to have cowed under to the imperial rip off corp'. is there still a free choice, or are we stuck with another rip off from M.S. forever?.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • H.P. Desk jet 3845 cartridge problem.?

    I have a problem, after refilling my cartridge for the first time, on my newish printer. I get an error message saying cartridge is empty, even after the usual prime / clean cycles. I have had 9 H.P. printers in the past and never had this before, having always refilled them myself. Has H.P. followed the Epsom route in chipping the cartridge, to prevent refilling?, if so does anyone have a fix for it?. I will not buy H.P. again as their quality has reached rock bottom with the D.J. 3845, parts have fell off, the carraige keeps jamming, and the paper feed often loads up several sheets at a time, Its a little used printer, sadly now out of warranty, H.P. do not reply to emails, nor do they state in their advertising hype, that the cartridges are crippled if its refilled, so much for recycling by the major companies. Any help would be appreciated, many thanks.

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago