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When will any politician listen to the voters?

We have had them all promising this and that and delivering buxxxhit on the freedom to vote for or against being ruled by a foreign government. Every politician who could help us englishmen to remain indipendant has denied us the right of a vote. the labour party promised us one along with all the other lies, the tories have now followed the same course, and the libdems are losers from the very start, many of their policies would leave us in a banana republic type of state. I would like to see a re-election now that the truth has started to leak out. the main 3 parties seem to be a collection of the most corrupt and lying individuals ever to claw their way to the top of the sxxxt pile. So no change there, our lads are still dying in combat, the criminals are still overiding justice and getting compensated for being caught by a police force who spend most of there time in the office.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When they are held to account.

    After all, Blair went against the largest demonstration in British history (over the Iraq war), and what happened at the next election? He was voted back in. As long as people know they are not really going to be punished by the voters, they will continue to do what they want, not what the public wants.

    As to being ruled by a foreign government, the Conservatives have not gone against their promise. Having a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty after it had been passed would have been a pointless waste of money - once it was ratified we couldn't get out of it, no matter what the public wanted. They have promised a referendum on any future transfer of powers, and told the German Chancellor such earlier this week. How is that a broken promise? You have to give people more than two weeks, surely, before you judge them in power?

  • 1 decade ago

    Politicians will start listening to voters at around the same time that they stop whinging about having to give receipts for their expenses.

    I mean .. Heaven forebid they actually have to act the same as the rest of us.

    PS - Maybe it is time you either 1. Stood as an MP, or 2. decided that the best course of action is to move away to another country - The country has spoken, Tories (even with the daft boundary rules) came first, they in turn have followed the rules and are building a new government. Does that make politicians any better than they were under the Labour government ? .. Only time will tell.

    Maybe you should work for the dailly Mail, they love the ideal of jumping up and down over what everyone knows already.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem this election is that most were voting to put Labour out and so they voted for the most likely candidate to do that. Unfortunately the UKIP vote is spread evenly round England so no seats. The Liberals and now the Lib-dems have complained about this fact for years.

    However if the Tories want to win outright at the next election they will have to be more Euroskeptic or the same hung parliament will happen.

  • 4 years ago

    not one of the politicians pay attention to electorate different than while they're campaigning and going around all over the country. Even then, they are actually not fairly listening. they only ruin down what the guy is asserting, concentration on the finest element, and answer that as rapid as they'd so they'd shake greater palms and smile at greater people who they think of would no longer be advantageous in the event that they choose to vote for them or the different individual. it is like exhibiting up on your college professor's small class even nonetheless you're advantageous on the subject of the midterm and intensely final examination. you're thinking, "whats up, if I ensue to each class, and that they are on the verge of failing me or passing me, perhaps they're going to pass me because of fact i replaced into right here each and each class day" (and a few instructors/professors are truthfully like that). besides, I basically choose to comprehend if "honest Abe" replaced into fairly honest approximately each and every little thing or if he lied basically like maximum folk tend to think of all politicians lie?

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  • 1 decade ago

    The election is over. UKIP got 3% of the vote and 0 seats. I suppose we aren't as anti-European as some would have you believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Right her, right now in the UK we have at least 400 of them Go Tory Lib Dem's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When the voters wake up to the stark reality that we have all been flim-flammed, hood-winked, scammed, Chicago thug style.

    Democrats: Wake up to the fact that the Democratic Party that we all knew for years and years is NO LONGER THE SAME PARTY: IT HAS BEEN LITERALLY HYJACKED BY THE WORST MOST UBER-LEFT LIBERAL AMERICA-HATING COMMUNISTS ever witnessed by mankind. My family was Democrats for more than 50 years that I know of, and never have any of us seen anything like what Obama is doing.

    These liberal globalists now have control over our entire Country. Its not specifically democrats or republicans that we need to get rid of: IT IS EITHER PARTY, IF THE CANDIDATE IS A LIBERAL, PERIOD. We need to weed them out from School principals to Mayors to City Councils to Congress, the Senate, the White House. Either that, or we all just lay down and let them take this Nation right out from under us, lose every freedom and right we ever knew and bow down to God only knows what.

    We have to be very careful, though. They are slick and they won't stop. They will lie, cheat, anything necessary to gain power. You will see some of them acting like conservatives just to get into office. Check their voting records. History tells us the future. Every candidate must be scruitinized, vetted and double-checked. Stop listening to idiots on MessNBC or sweet little katie

    Couric. She is about as American as Stalin. CHECK THE CANDIDATES FOR YOURSELF.

    If they voted against your second amendment rights before, they will again. Its just that simple.

    We still know almost nothing about Obama. Everything has been sealed, and he has yet to turn over even the most basic papers proving his right to run for President. He has now spent millions of dollars to keep you from seeing his passports or his true Birth Certificate. One has to wonder what is worth millions of dollars to hide??

    We are going to lose our sovereignty; Obama will sell us down to the very gutter for power. Obama cares about Obama. He could care less whether your kids eat or whether you own a home. He wants to use every heartaching story only to push his own agenda ahead. He wants power and if you look, I mean really look, you will see that he is aquiring so much power that it is literally unprecedented in American history. The founders wrote warnings about the "Obama type" over and over again. Read the Federalist Papers. Read the warnings of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Its like they saw into the future to right now. They pleaded with us to be weary of exactly what Obama is doing. And if you think the economy is getting better because Obama says so, you are only fooling yourselves: OBAMA WANTS OUR ECONOMY TO IMPLODE SO THAT HE CAN HAVE AN EXCUSE TO REPLACE IT WITH A GLOBAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM. THERE GOES ALL YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. WHATS WORSE, THERE GOES YOUR KIDS DREAMS OF A GREAT FUTURE. Remember when America was the light on top of the hill? Obama portrays us like a soup kitchen in some obscure dark corner of hell. And thats exactly what he is going to turn us in to.

    God help us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you want them to listen to all the voters, or just you?

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