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Who Voted Bush for President?

C'mon, guys. I know someone did...

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Twice and I have no regrets.

    Actually watching the people suffering from BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) go apes because they want him out of office so bad, was worth it alone. Hell If I could I would vote again so I could watch another 4 years of them ripping their hair out screaming like banshees.

  • 1 decade ago

    I voted for Bush, twice and I do not regret it. I would hate to see what this country would be like had Al Gore won, he was a little to far to the left for me. I had no desire to have another traitor running the country (John Kerry) in 2004.

    Allow me to explain why I say another traitor.

    William J. Clinton refused to show up when drafted, made arrangements to join the ROTC and then did not show.

    Protested against the United States and burned the American Flag while in England, is this really treason? maybe not but it is in my opinion

    John Kerry; though he did enlist in the Navy (I respect that)

    when he came back, testified in the Senate about alleged war crimes of killing innocent women and children, this was not only untrue but caused additional torture to the military men the were being held as POW's. Again this may not qualify as treason except in my own opinion.

    Al Gore, enlisted and served in Vietnam, he served his country honorably, there are a lot of people that say yeah but he was a journalist, to me that makes not difference, someone has to let America know what is going on. I give Al Kudo's for his service.

    Bush was a reservist and has been accused of being AWOL

    Much like Clinton he received special consideration, the difference is that he did report to his appointed duty station.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm proud to say that I did, both times. I stand proud of that vote, and of the job President Bush has had before him & the way he has handled it. In spite of those who think they could have done a better job. Takes a good man to stand tall in the face of all of that ~~~~jill

    Source(s): My opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    I would have but I missed being old enough to vote in the last presidential election by 2 weeks. MAN!

    I wanted to sooooooo bad!

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  • carm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I got to tell all of you I live in Canada and I love the USA but there is no way I would have voted for Bush, he is nothing like his father, I read up on him when he first ran for office he sounded good then I found out he bankrupt 2 of his fathers company's ? I knew if he couldn't handle that, he couldn't handle being a president, just be thank full he is not your financial minister. And just so you know, trust me we have some winners over here too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I voted for President Bush and I'm glad I did, in spite of his homophobia, he is an excellent leader. There are more important issues right now than LGBT Rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    I voted twice for electors pledge to the election of George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney. I also met and spoke with both of them on their campaign stops in my area.

  • 1 decade ago

    I cant vote till 2012 election but I am a bush fan! screw lebrals

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I DID! Both times. And I would do it again. Each time he was a better choice than the alternative.

  • 1 decade ago

    I did. He wasn't a great candidate, but I still think he was the lesser of two evils. John Kerry was and is a terrible human being and I'm about 75% sure his wife is the anti-Christ, I just couldn't let her get anywhere near the presidency.

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