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How do I REPORT an illegal immagrant?

My stupid "father in law" and mother in law both live with me and my husband,I have 3 kids by my husband ages 7,3,and 2,when they miss behave I ask them nicely to please stop and if they dont,I tend to raise my "Mom voice"and count to 3 out loud to my kids,and my kids then "run to my in-laws" so they can baby them . I DON'T LIKE THAT ONE BIT OKAY !? My in laws are always butting in my personal "mother- child time situations" ,I just got in a verbal argument with my father in law,just a few minutes ago(he's home from work today,because construction work and a rainy day don't mix),but he came out of his room being a nosey azs bastar*,that he is,and tried to let my 3 year old have her way,I told him that he needs to stay out of my buisness,and let me be the mother,he's causing my kids to be un ruly misbehaved children that don't listen to their own mother,and I don't like it,I want him out of here ,my husband and I can pay the bills on our own! How can I deport my inlaws back to Mexico?

26 Answers

  • Alissa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow you are quite the *****. Why can't you ask them to leave instead of trying to get them deported?

  • 1 decade ago

    I can see where you don't like the in-laws stepping in between you and your kids. I wouldn't like being in that situation all the time either.

    However, you need to take care of the real situation here which is them living with you and your husband. Talk to him and together come up with a plan to get them out of your house. If you can't get it together enough to do that then you don't have much chance of winning no matter what else you try to do to them.

    That said, if they are here illegally then the INS is who you need to contact. But you better be damn sure you have your facts straight before you do that. There can be legal repercussions if you're wrongly accusing someone and there damn well will be family repercussions either way.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have them deported how will it affect your relationship with your husband? I'm not familiar with immigration law but if you all of a sudden report them, will your husband also have to be deported or is he a citizen? Will their be some legal ramifications about allowing illegal immigrants to live in your home for as long as they have? Think things through before opening that can of worms.

    Talk to your husband and tell him what you're feeling. These are his parents and the two of you are parents of the 3 kids. You and your husband have to take responsibility for the discipline and raising of your children and his parents have to know they can not interfere with how you raise the kids.

    You and your husband need to come to an agreement on how things should be and you both have to have a conversation with his parents. Explain that their actions are making it difficult not only for you but also for the kids. You're trying to teach the kids and by allowing them to run to Grandma and Grandpa when they don't like Mom's rules the kids will end up being confused. Ask them to not allow the kids to come to them when they are being disciplined. You have to present a united front.

    Keep in mind, grandparents are naturally softer on their grandkids than they were on their own kids. Your in-laws may not be trying to sabotage you. It may be just a natural instinct they have toward the kids. Try to see them as innocent and drop the attitude you have toward them. You're in a difficult situation but seeing them as "nosy a** bast***s" won't help things. If, after having this conversation, they continue to interfere, let them know they will no longer be welcome in your home. Your kids have to come first. And your in-laws have to respect your relationship with the kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to talk to your husband and tell him how you feel. Also, your husband needs to be man enough to confront his parents about what's going on within the household and be honest about it. If nothing works out, then you're going to have to move on with your life without your husband. I understand that you're angry towards your husband's parents, but you're the mother of your children and they have no right to interfere with your parenting skills. If you want to report them as illegal immigrants, then do it. Two wrongs won't make it right because seeking revenge will only make things worse. Good luck to you and hopefully everything will work out for you and your family!

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  • 1 decade ago

    You'd really do that to your inlaws? Yes, it's wrong if they're here illegally, but you did allow them in your home. What needs to be done if they are disrespecting your parenting is one of two things.. sit them down calmly and tell them you appreciate them trying to help, but you have a different way of parenting. If this doesn't work, then maybe it's time for them to get their own place. It wouldn't hurt to get a little support from your husband on this to back you up. Good luck.

  • ZCT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I guess before you can report it, you have to learn to spell it.

    The bottom line is, you don't like your in laws and you don't like how they interact with the kids. So you need to tell your husband, either they go, or they go AND he goes. Having them deported is likely to irreparably harm the relationship with your husband, and one day you will have to explain to your children where their grandparents are.

    But before you jump on the phone and call the INS, consider that right now YOU are breaking the law. You are and have been harboring illegal aliens in your home. You are providing them with the means to hide and break the law. So it is quite possible that you could find yourself in trouble here too.

    So like I said. Time to confront your husband, and tell him how things need to be. No marriage is going to survive that well with long term visits from in laws.

  • Kazama
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can the INS on them and get them out that way. The INS also has a program in place that allows police departments that have joined the program to arrest and hold illegal immigrants. You might want to check with your local police department to see if they are a participant in this program.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to work something out with them. Just calling ins is in many ways just wrong familys don't do that. Do you want your kids to grow up with out grandparents close to them. Just put your foot down.

  • 1 decade ago

    IRS has nothing to do with immigration. u need to call the INS.

    you can find their number online, and also u can use yahoo search and type reporting illegal immigrant and it will tell u what u need to do. and that if u are going to be willing to live with the guilt u r going to feel when u do report them. but since they are pricks, i say do it and do it now.

  • Are you trying to get them shipped back out of spite or because you think it's the right thing to do? And how do you think your husband would feel once he knows that you, his wife, called it in? Think about what you are doing and how it will affect the people around you and not just think about yourself. But I don't support illegal's just....I don't think you are doing it for the right cause and you are just doing it out of spite for your in-laws.

  • 1 decade ago

    No wonder your children don't listen to you. You sound really dumb just by the way you talk. You sound like a big baby yourself. "I ask them nicely to please stop" looks like you don't know how to handle your own children.

    You need to grow up and tell your in-laws to leave your house if you don't like them. (which I'm sure you don't) so you can raise your own children. That's really selfish and bitchy of you to report them to Immigration.

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