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Why are MY tax dollars going to supprt projects like these?

$234,000 for the National Wild Turkey Federation

$150,000 for the Alaska Whaling Commission

$98,000 for the Alaska Sea Otter Commission

$600,000 for the Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program

$400,000 for the Kam Wah Chung & Company Museum

$250,000 for the Stanley Theater in Utica, New York

$500,000 for the West Alabama shrimp aquaculture program

$250,000 for the Daniel Webster Boy Scout Council

$100,000 for the Winchester-Frederick Convention and Visitor Bureau

$100,000 for Toledo for the construction of ice-skating rinks in city parks

$500,000 for the Missouri Soybean Association

The list goes on...


$500,000 for construction of the Sparta Teapot Museum

$250,000 for the National Cattle Congress

How, exactly, are these project benefiting ALL Americans as required by the Constitution Art. I, 8, cl. 1?

Update 2:

Oh, and Philip H, all of these were passed in 2006, under REPUBLICAN leadership. Thanks for playing, though...

Update 3:

And Brutally Honest, yes I vote, and I vote for candidates who know what they Constitutional rights and responsibilities are:

"lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." Art. I, 8, cl. 1.

Items like these do NOT fit those criteria. They are state issues, not federal ones.

Update 4:

John H: love your analysis of the Bill of Rights. If I lived in NC, I might just vote for you (that is high praise coming from me)

Don't agree on the Teapot Museum, though.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that's what's called earmarks, or "pork"

    Politicians spend money recklessly.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think some of the things on this list are actually worth preserving and they are stuffs that no individual would care enough to pay for. That's why they must be supported by government funding. For example, the Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program. Without funding, it will disappear from the face of the earth. So when you go to see Hawaii next time, you will not be able to see the art and culture of Hawaii. These are very small amount when compared with other wasteful programs in Washington. For example, look at this article.

    This is what they call wasteful spending. You are only talking about loose change here.

  • John H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's called "vote buying" and most Congressmen and Senators use this kind of back handed corruption to get re-elected. That's why I always recommend voting against the incumbent.

    BTW Since I am a candidate in North Carolina, I must say that the Teapot Museum is an important national monument, of vital interest to the citizens of the U.S. and the rest of the world. It must be supported at all costs, even to the bankruptcy of the United States.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's loose change compared to 1 Trillion for the military. Most of it is worth the effort, compared to the wars and filters back to local contractors and business, so its not really lost, its just redistributed, helping local economy.

    The real waste is in military spending, spy agencies, anti drug agencies and the FBI

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so that wild turkeys in alaska who are native hawaiian can go to the kam chung muesum and the stanly theater while eating shrimp with boysouts then visit the wichester convention and go ice skating on toledo soybean parks

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yeah by the way, our government ran out of money a while ago and we'll have to borrow to pay for all these great programs. Don't worry, it will only cost prices to rise across the board and someday your kids will have to pay that back. Oh yeah, if you're younger than 40 you can pretty much forget about social security.

    But remember! You're only supposed to blame one party or the other so they can take turns being in charge and being the bad guy. 8 years later we'll have forgotten about all the other party's pork and we can start this again!

  • You forgot to put down how much is going to pay the bankruptcy of the United States which was filed in 1933

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You left out the big portion that is going to wage war in Iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because you live in this country, and presuming you voted, you gave the elected officials the right to spend your (and everybody else's) tax dollars as they saw fit.

    And if you didn't vote, well then, quit your squawking...

    Welcome to democracy.

  • 1 decade ago

    HAY! Nancy Pelosy is in charge of ethics!

    YOU must be wrong!

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