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why don't the white folks discipline their kids in public?

Pardon me if you feel like I'm stereotyping but I'm only talking about what I see. I've lived in Texas my whole life and noticed that white people allow their children to run freely in stores, movie theaters, restaurants, etc. while they shop, talk on their phone, talk to others or just ignore them. Even when the kids are in the way of workers and shoppers or are knocking stuff over, making a lot of noise, etc. I NEVER see them reprimanded. Once when my friend worked at a drugstore, she said that a white mom went home and LEFT her kid in the store only to come back an hour later after she realized she forgot her. I know that some cultures don't believe in reprimanding children in front of others and that discipline takes place in the home, however, I don't understand why children are allowed to run amok and be so disruptive and sometimes destructive while mom turns and looks the other way. Even if you don't have an answer...does anyone else know what I mean?

39 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Black, white and other colors aside, this is a really good point about all kids in public. People do spend entirely too much time worried about a thousand other things instead of being good parents. It drives me crazy to see children running the show in public or in peoples homes. It seems as though a lot of parents are afraid that their children might not like them or want to be their kids friends. They will have plenty of friends in their lives but only one or two parents, WAKE UP YOUR KIDS NEED PARENTS!!!! It is their job to test limits their whole lives and it is your job to define those limits every day. You can do this with love and patience but they also need discipline when they push it too far too often. Kids are happier when they know their boundaries because they know you care. Parenting requires above most things simple common sense yet it escapes so many. God bless and good luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Unfortunately, I have experienced a similar situation. My child knows that I am uncomfortable disciplining him in public, so he will push my buttons and make a big scene because he knows I feel like I cannot discipline him in public. However, I asked a councelor who works for DCF. He said you are alowed to span your child as long as it does not leave a mark for more than a minute. So the next time my son decided to knock things down in the grocery store and throw a temper tamtrum, I smacked him on the botttom. It didn't leave a mark, but he knows now that he will behave no matter where we are. If someone disapproves, they are part of the problem in this country. There are times a parent can go to far, but we must discipline our kids or they will walk all over us and grow up thinking they can get away with anything. The fact that you feel bada bout disciplining your child to begin with shows that you are no child abuser. Time out works for some things but sometimes, the child has to get a spanking. I'm sorrry if some people don't approve but what will you do if your child starts running wild through the neighborhood and "time out" doesn't work. I have an 11 year old son and I've only had to spank him 3 times, and those were for serious offences, ie, breaking my neighbors windows. The problem is when someone lightly smacks their child on the bottom and someone decides to call DCF. Yet DCF leaves children with parents who repeatedly abuse their children, after repeated complaints, then the child(ren) end up dead. Sometimes you have to follow your instincts. My parents spanked me and I'm glad they did. They only did it when I really deserved it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like many who have responded already, you must be careful of saying it is white folks who do not discipline their kids, because the way that question is worded smacks of racism. Nowadays kids of ALL colors behave unruly, in part to a lack of courage and self-esteem by the parents to punish their kids, whether verbally or physically, and if the parent tries to discipline, especially physical discipline, they run the risk of having someone call "Child Protective Service" on them for "abuse". This is not abuse--kids need discipline to learn that they will not get everything that they want and to have respect for others. Discipline shows them that they cannot always have their way, I suspect this is why we have a lot of deranged postal workers, school shootings, and overcrowded jail cells because the parents allowed them to unrealistically think that they can do whatever they want and the world WILL NOT let them do that, they get disappointed and subsequently, cannot cope. Also, I think because of the relativism and political correctness in the 90's play a role as well. Though many want to say that there is no right or wrong--just do what you wanna do, that's simply untrue. There MUST be some right and wrong and consequences for actions or else you will have anarchy, and civilized society can only exist when everybody agrees on rules that respect everyone's God-given human rights.

    Source(s): Lynne Truss's book--Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door
  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think its white mothers in particular. I believe and from what I witness, parents just dont reprimand they children in public because basically telling the child to behave doesnt work with them because they are not afraid and rarely listen to their parents and parents are afraid to spank their child for fear of being reported by someone. When I was young if my mother told me to behave in a store I would because I would fear the punishment later that I know I would get. I only had to be told. Our society today is creating a bunch of little monsters that have no control or self discpline because we are told to reason with them instead of teaching them the difference between right and wrong. Then when these children are so out of hand, we are told they have ADD or ADHD and need to be medicated.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm pretty sure I saw this post last night by another poster except it was about hispanics. Word for word the exact same post.

    As for your copied question,they do. I haven't experienced any of what you say in the post,most white children are generally well behaved in public and if they get out of line the parents take control and reprimand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see it all the time and it's not just the whites.

    Back when they rook the Bible out of school and past laws you couldn't spank children , it went crazy.When I was young my Dad busted my butt every time he thought it would do some good. It didn't hurt for long and I always remembered not to do it again!!! I think there is 4 kinds of corporal punishment a spanking, A whipping, A whooping, And a beating!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know you haven't seen me in public then. My son and daughter don't get to run around when we go out to stores and what not. They stand beside me or their Mom. As far as reprimanding them in public, well I'll admit to giving a few free public spanking shows now and again.

    Just because you are in public does not mean you get to turn a blind eye till later, on what happens around them.

    I have seen it done with people of all colors and a lot of Nationalities, so I know its not a white only problem. Its more just a bad parent problem I believe.

  • Lori K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Parents, in general, tend to make exactly the opposite mistakes that their own parents did. We "baby boomers" had extremely controlling parents who believed in strict discipline and punishments....we, as a result...tend to be stressed and overly anal. We don't want to turn out children into "us" so we are overly permissive. (Why do you think we became "hippies"...rebellion, baby!)

    I'm guessing the next generation will remember their own "borderless" childhood and teen years and will be much more strict with their own children.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This question truly reflects how 'white America' feels deep down inside. I've noticed that many didn't even answer the question, instead they turned the tables and made a very racist comment on African Americans and Hispanic. Go back and re-read. We are no further along now then we were 100 years ago. IT'S A SAD SITUATION!

    I am a juvenile corrections officer. 75% of our juvenile population is white. I honestly can't tell you what inmates are worse, the white kids that molest their little brothers and sisters or the minorities that like to rob and steal. I'm just stuck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I seem to see all kids going crazy nowdays but yeah,white people do seem to be more worried about what others think and their kids are a pain to be around.

    My mom had 6 kids and believe me we didn't even get the chance to ask for anything in the store before she cracked us one. If we talked back, it was out to the car now for a whiping.

    We were a "white" family but my mom was raised by her grandmother who was 100% Mohawk Indian.Maybe that is why she didn't take any stuff from us.At least we knew where we stood with our mom, I think kids are confused nowdays and are testing their limits more and more.

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