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Catholics ONLY! Did you know?

I have had several of my answers that simply explain the Catholic faith reported for being "against community standards" when they clearly were not.

I appealed, and they were restored.

Don't let them get away with it.

I almost wonder if we should be sure to file complaints against those who ask questions that are so hate filled and have no other purpose than to try and make Catholics look bad.

I don't mean legitimate questions- I am talking about the hate-mongers.



Hoss- I actually put that quote in an answer a couple days ago! :-)

Update 2:

Hey, Catholic told me you needed the computer to do your HOMEWORK.... ;-) Love you, Boo Bear!

Update 3:

OK- Since my daughter answered, too....I'm going to let this one go to a vote!

Don't want to be accused of nepotism, but she still is in 'trouble' for being on Answers when she was supposed to be doing her homework! :-)

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    This question doesn't apply to Catholics only. I too have had several violation notices appear after correcting the ignorant stereotypes of Catholicism on here. I have finally decided that the people who keep posting the same propaganda in the guise of questions do not want to be corrected on their misconceptions of the Catholic faith. They are just using YA to spread their lies.

    I have fought every one- to no avail. Hopefully this last one will turn out differently.

    The good news is that the majority of people see it for what it is and come away from the question with more compassion for the Catholics and disrespect for the people who spew hatred.

    Source(s): Buddhist
  • 1 decade ago

    Although not Catholic, I had to see what was here. Many other faiths have had their violations over turned. I would say to use the block feature. These people are not looking to learn from others. So, blocking will not be seen as a lack of sharing. I would not report since it only seems to give them strength. They actually see it as an attack by a demon and think they must be doing something right. Enjoy your stay and put the fight down it will serve no purpose.

    As a side note when Father K made a little jab at Krishna last week we forgave him as well and would not retaliate in any way other than thumbs downing that answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Much of the hate circulating between religions is based on ignorance. Why accept what you don't know?

    My friend told me a true story the other day.

    Her older brother, married, was the sponsor for his wife who was becoming Catholic at the Easter Vigil Mass. The wifes parents had originally made the decision to skip out on their daughter because they didn't agree with what she was doing.

    Her parents ended up going to the Mass, and afterwards commented on how comforting it was and it wasn't what they had expected. Why? My friend responded with the truth- they had preconcepted notions of what a mass was, assuming we as Catholics worship Mary and the saints. Could they be more inaccurate?

    If people would only take the time to look at our faith, they would see what was in store for them

    Source(s): My amazingly fabulously conservatively catholic mother ;) and a good friend
  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A few of mine have been removed for the same reason, allegedly.

    Whenever I get one of these notices, I contact Yahoo Answers for an explanation as to why my answer violated community guidelines. I have NEVER gotten a response.

    Just keep plugging away with the Answers. Don't let the occasional report get to you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We who are Catholic - or Christian in any group - must recall the apostle Peter who enjoined us to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with humility and respect." (I Peter 3:15). Surely there have been provocative questions in this forum, sometimes mean-spirited. And we ought to reserve the right to have a voice in this discussion, of course, and expose bigotry. But we sometimes must turn the other cheek, take the spitting as Our Lord did, and respond with dignity. They cursed and crucified Him - and we should expect no less. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing." At the same time, we must show the highest regard for those who honestly disagee with us. It is the humane thing to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    The great thing is not only getting your answers restored, but also whoever did the frivolous "reporting" gets lower credibility ... so the next time they play with the "report it" button it's likely to get ignored.

    So may I offer my thanks for the service you've done for us, by your successful appeal?

    As for the rest of it -- reporting the haters -- I wouldn't bother. Someone already said, and I agree, that they only make themselves look bad. Their tactics are completely transparent to anyone who's been on R&S longer than a day or two.

    [Edit] Look, we've been visited by the anti-Catholic thumbs-down fairy! I feel so special ...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should be proud! Some of the best and brightest people who use Yahoo Answers have been reported or have had questions or answers deleted. Freedom of speech forever! (I hope don't mind too much that I'm non-denominational).

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember that when you are persecuted you know Jesus Loves you. But its true that many try to make Catholics look bad because they simply do not know what the Church teaches. Many say the Church teaches this, or that, but if the Church actually believed what they say it does, we wouldn't believe it either. How many times have you heard people say "Catholic believe that Mary is God." Pure crap, but many will believe that catholics believe this. So be of good heart, and keep the faith. "To those who believe, no proof is necessary; to those who do not believe, no proof is possible."

  • 1 decade ago

    So have I - I respond to every single one with complaints.

    "almost wonder if we should be sure to file complaints against those who ask questions that are so hate filled and have no other purpose than to try and make Catholics look bad."

    They aren't really worth our time...

  • 1 decade ago


    I feel compelled to give my opinion. What happens to us in the attacks against our faith is a form of persecution which we are called to accept humbly as one blessed. If it is words and insults our Lord said to turn the other cheek and accept insults as one blessed. He said that the world would hate us as they hated Him.

    We are not to retaliate as this is a form of vengeance which is for God only. It is for us just to love those that persecute us and pray that they learn to love in return. Be an example to the world and preach the light of Christ that dwells within us with words if necessary but with actions always.

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

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