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Bearing in mind the importance of free will, why do many Christians oppose equal marriage rights?

Please _don't_ cite anti-homosexual scripture. That's not my question.

All right. The Bible is against homosexuality. Let's take that as a given for the moment. Now, anti-homosexual Christians regularly describe homosexuality as a 'choice'. Christians speak a lot about the importance of 'free will' - of _voluntarily_ heeding God's word.

So to that end, why _would_ a secular government's laws reflect scripture? Would it not be more 'Christian' for a government to allow Christian people the legal right to gay marriage, just so that 'good Christians' could reject that?

What does it please God to know that people refrain from 'sinful' behaviour _because they are forbidden to do it_? Should it not be that Christians were legally _allowed_ to but resisted the temptation?

Isn't that the Christian message?


Geez... asking people _not_ to quote irrelevant scripture... how naively optimistic I am! Unless, Homeland Security, those verses were spoken to a parliamentary representative...

Should it be a crime not to believe in Jesus? Or is _that_ example of "free will" different from the other one?

Update 2:

harry killwater - adultery (to say nothing about divorce) is illegal? Adultery is a perfect example - the Christian church implores its believers not to commit adultery within the confines of "free will" - it's legal, after all, so a good Christian is one who chooses not to commit adultery _despite being legally allowed to do so_.

What would it mean to God if Christians were faithful to their wives merely because it was legally impossible for them not to be?

Update 3:

wyomugs - towards the end of your response, you and i are saying the same thing:

It pleases God that we follow His will NOT because we are FORCED to or FORBIDDEN NOT to, but because it is our WILL to do so.... Christians, by definition, would only desire the kind of marriage which is allowed by God, and that is heterosexual marriage.

In light of that, I am saying, marriage equality should be legal. I don't ask that Christianity accept gay marriage - I ask why in _this_ case sin should be criminalized and not in other cases. I can't see the distinction.

15 Answers

  • csbiup
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm Christian, but the only thing I can control is my own actions. Gays are more than welcome to be together, get married, hold hands in the street and be accepted- even into my home or church because God says that it's not up to me to judge anyone's life or choices but my own. And I'm not even saying that I think homosexuality is a choice. After all, I didn't have a choice in being straight. Just because I'm accepting of people doesn't mean I have to go out and be the same as them or agree with everything they think.

    So, yes. The laws can be whatever government sees fit. I can still choose to act within my interpretation of my religion. The same as my religion can make statements, but I don't have to agree.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all... let us bear in mind that marriage is NOT A RIGHT. It is a priviledge, just as driving a car is not a right but a priviledge.

    Next... "Free will" does not mean VOLUNTARILY heeding God's word. It means we have the choice to accept God's grace or not. Once we accept God's grace/forgiveness, we are "changed" internally and it is then our spirit's desire to follow God's will... because the definition of sin is NOT following God's will... which is expressed to us through His word. What you are saying is that we can chose to follow His will... that is not correct. We HAVE to accept and follow ALL of His will and word, whether or not we LIKE it or not because it is pleasing to Him AND to ourselves. We cannot "pick and chose" God's will or word. It's an "all or nothing" thing.

    As to why a secular government would reflect scripture, you have to realize that America (in particular) is what is referred to as based on the Judeo/Christian ethic. America's laws reflect the ethics by which the Jewish and Christian faiths are based... why? This is what was chosen by our forefathers, AND that we have carried on over nearly 300 years of governing. Therefore, our laws reflect what the Scriptures say is right and wrong.

    Again, marriage is not a right. And, technically, a "good Christian" should not be a practicing homosexual. Any Christian marriage would be one of a man and woman (Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh) for THIS is the marriage which God created and sanctified.

    It pleases God that we follow His will NOT because we are FORCED to or FORBIDDEN NOT to, but because it is our WILL to do so. We WANT to follow God's will because, when we are "born anew" our spirits now ... oh, how to put it... "lean towards" doing what is pleasing to the Lord, and not the other way. That is what is meant by being "born again," or "born of the spirit." It is almost like we are predisposed to doing God's will than going against His will. Yes, we still sin, because we still must deal with the "issues" of the flesh, but it is our internal inclination and WILL to do His will. It is also what leads us to be repentant when we do "stray."

    Again, Christians, by definition, would only desire the kind of marriage which is allowed by God, and that is heterosexual marriage.

    Marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-24; Matthew 19:4-6). Homosexual marriage is a perversion of the institution of marriage and an offense to the God who created marriage. God forbids and condemns homosexuality, so He clearly is opposed to homosexual marriage.

    The "Christian message" is to seek to share the love of God and salvation through Christ with homosexuals. We are to be loving and kind to homosexuals, while at the same time not condoning their sinful lifestyle.

  • Tom
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That's just it, it's not a "secular" government, as if the Judeo-Christian ethic has no bearing on legislation. Of course it does, and always has in the past since our country's establishment over 200 years ago, so why does it need to change now? Don't you believe in what our forefathers promoted in legislation? Have you've ever seen all the depictions via architecture and paintings in federal, state, and local government buildings of religious leaders and scripture? They are there as symbols of what our government principles stand for. The ACLU wants to remove these symbols and revise history. It looks like you are one of their victims. Our forefathers up until the present generation would've never accept anything other than traditional marriage as lawful. You really think they wouldn't have? If you do, I would be glad to give you books and articles on American history that would convince you otherwise. Even Jefferson said that he saw religion as critical to the fabric of culture, governing and education. I guess you never heard that before. Well, why would you I guess with the apparent diet of propaganda that you've been fed in the public school system? Else, why would you ask such unbelievable questions?

  • 1 decade ago

    I have this problem. I have been married and faithful for 22 years and I love my wife very much...but I still lust after hard bodied 25 year olds. Since I have prayed hard for many years about this problem and nothing has changed, God must have made me this way...right? So why do the laws demand that I cannot leave my wife to express my identity without paying out the nose and why will I be judged harshly if I leave my wife and find someone more in tune with my sexual identity?

    You are a reasonable and thoughtful man.

    Do you think that the blindfold test is the cure?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We live in a nation that is set up to allow people to try and get their way by way of argument, persuasion, and showing up on election day. We have just as much right as anyone else to attempt to mold our country the way we see fit. If the other side wins politically than so be it, but we are under no obligation to stop trying in order that someone else can turn society into what we view as a disaster waiting to happen. To summarize: If people are free to try and make gay "marriage" the norm in a free society, we are just as free to try and stop it. Isn't that the only truly fair way?

    Edit: I see some terribly shallow ad hominem answers/arguments from the Non-Christians on this one.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    once you say "equivalent marriage rights" i'm assuming which you're meaning it in direction of gay marriage. i'm getting my practise in this count from The Bible, and The Lord says marriage is for guy and lady. besides your question is moot through fact the rights of distinctive races are thoroughly distinctive that that of the "gay rights" flow. no count how a lot you attempt and parallel the concern. Leviticus 18:22 (New residing Translation) 22 “do no longer practice homosexuality, having intercourse with yet another guy as with a woman. that's a detestable sin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Certain things are an abomination, and are simply offensive to God and man.

    Same sex marriage is one of those things.

    A true homosexual marriage is also impossible, so it would be a lie.

    It would subvert the very purpose God has for his creation, which is to be fruitful and multiply.

    It's also physically disgusting, gross, and seriously disordered ... to say the least.

    And whenever such a thing was permitted in past societies, it signaled that the end of that society was fast approaching.

    Christains are supposed to resist evil, contribute positively to society, and protect it from such abominations.

    Who sold you that load of .... dung?

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the free will to do good or evil .That doesn't make evil right just because it is in my will to do it.

    Lucifer had the free will to continue serving God or rebel and try to take over.He convinced a third of the angels to join him.The other two- thirds of the angels used their free will to do the right thing.

    Just because you have free will to choose ,doesn't make every choice"OK".Just ask Adam and Eve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Asleep in civics again eh? We have a REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF GOVERNMENT.

    We elect representatives to legisalate OUR beliefs.

    Marriage by defintion is between a man and a woman

    Mat 19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made [them] at the beginning made them male and female,

    Mat 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

    Mat 19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Consistency is not their strong suit. You're talking about a group of people who brazenly announce that they want the government to be ruled by the Bible. They want the right to insert themselves into every bedroom in the world to make sure nothing they disapprove of is happening. They don't share your concern for logic and fairness.

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