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Why doesn't the US stand for justice?

The United States is supporting the longtime dictator of Uzbekistan, Islom Karimov. After shaking hands with Bush and visiting Ground Zero, our government called him a key ally in the war on terror.

This is a man who has abandoned all freedoms, rigged elections for 18 years, and tortures thousands of political prisoners, yet we gave him $500 million in 2002 alone so we could use his country to attack Afghanistan.


Summary with pictures with Bush and at Ground Zero


US State Department:

"Uzbekistan is not a democracy... torture is... routine"

"In 2007 the [United States and Uzbekistan] engaged in discussions exploring ways to advance cooperation and engagement in areas where cooperation has been strong"

Update 2:

I don't see how you can say that it's okay for us to give aid because it's too difficult to invade. Didn't Bush say at his inauguration, "when you stand for liberty, we will stand with you"??

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are absolutely correct in bringing up examples of all the disgusting regimes that we do support when the government feels it in our(or their,as the case may be) interest to do so.

    This is a proven fact in all of our history. But it is no different than what ALL countries and regimes have done throughout the history of the world and will continue to do.

    The list of the bad,really awful, people we have aided and backed with our tax $$$ and LIVES is long and makes for interesting reading.

    Which is what makes the supposition - which for some reason many of us truly believe - that the U.S. is a force for GOOD against a nebulous abstract called EVIL not only laughable but dangerously comical -dangerous to others but also ,and this is more to the point, dangerous to ourselves.

    There is no end in sight. We are constantly being called upon by our governments(this time BUSH,his second inaugural address and his speech to the U.N the other day especially)to carry out a mission to right the wrongs and injustices of the world. It sounds unexceptionable. Only a bad person could object,right?

    No! NO! and again NO! Countries and their governments historically have only one reason for existing -to look after the best interests of their people. Beware the snake charmers who preach that what they are asking you to do,asking you to sacrifice - even unto your life!!- is to save the world,right injustices abroad and bring light to a dark universe. It's all B.S.

    Every time in our history that we have done anything there has always been an ulterior,pragmatic motive and sometimes a pretty shameful one as well as an awful hidden price to pay.

    Those of you who might be tempted to think of WW II as an example of a ¨good and just¨ intervention are probably willfully or innocently ignorant of the true reasons we got into that war and HOW we went to war .

    Our government of the time,the FDR administration, knowingly and criminally sacrificed the lives of thousands of U.S. civilians and servicemen who were deemed expendable so that they could exercise what they believed was the U.S.'s role on the world scene.

    While one can point to the liberation of the death camps in Europe as something positive that came out of our intervention,that in itself, was only a ¨post facto¨(after the fact) result,a by-product,and by no means the reason we entered that war. Soviet troops also liberated as many camps as we did and I don't hear anybody citing that as a reason the USSR got into that war!

    Getting into and ¨winning¨ WW2 had horrible results and after effects that we are still suffering today. We literally allowed millions and millions of Europeans to be enslaved for the next 70 years. Their enslavement -and millions of ensuing deaths and suffering- was the price THEY paid for our becoming a world power and principal actor on the world stage.

    WW2 also made us unleash the most terrible power that man has used against his fellow man -the atom bomb- thus setting a horrific precedent for all countries,friend and foe.

    Our political,economic and military dominance after WW2 allowed us to unilaterally dictate to the weakened European powers the policies to follow in Africa , Asia and the Middle East the results of which affect our lives today -Vietnam and Iraq are only 2 examples of that unwise and naive meddling which has had terrible consequences and has meant the deaths of many of our fellow countrymen, as well as poverty ,disease and political instability in all of those areas.

    I am not saying that we should not be the dominant force in the world or strive to be that force,even less do I suggest that some other super- power would do it better. I am only arguing that we,like ALL other countries, are only motivated to go to war,to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations,to invade,occupy and manage the destinies of nations for reasons that have nothing to do with altruism and love of justice.

    Although there may be no end to the number of individual human beings who act on these laudable priciples,that is never the case of countries or their governments.

    Which is why we should always be vigilant about those demagoguic orators spouting misleading drivel about missions,about being shining beacons to the world,about sacrificing ourselves for others. Our armed forces have a specific task as set out in our constitution: to defend us from attack. Nowhere are they required to be a lethal missionary expeditionary force against the hosts of ´evil¨!!

    The true patriotic American is not he or she who blindly supports these bogus calls to arms against a bogus abstract enemy. Isn't the true patriot the citizen who resists the clarion call of demagoguery and arms himself or herself with common sense,a knowledge history- not myth or legend- and the U.S. constitution?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because US, and by US I do NOT mean the people but the government of US which stands for corporate rule and the very small minority of the very rich. Corporations and the rich are concerned with increasing wealth not fact the saying is, "we ain't in the charity business!" Consequently, issues of social justice which is the corner stone of peace and prosperity receive very little consideration. The media, too, collaborates in keeping people ignorant of what's going on. Any leader who is genuine concerned with the well-being of the people is toppled through the efforts of CIA...for example look into how Pinochet was set up in Chile, and the Iran's beloved prime minister, Mossadegh, was removed from office, etc., etc. Become informed and inform others...learn from Thomas Jefferson who is quoted to have said, "NO PEOPLE CAN BE BOTH IGNORANT AND FREE."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you see, we're trying that in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kosovo and a few other places, and we're getting labeled warmongering ignorant Americans. Apparently, the left has decided it's not our job to do that. But, I guess we can still get bashed for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suppose it's an imperfect solution for an imperfect world. Afterall, liberals support Ahmadinnejad even though he says he wants to wipe Israel off the map. And they don't even have a reason other than this to support him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The US does stand for peace and what ever it takes to maintain our own peace primarily.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with this stance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because doing the right thing is no longer politically correct.

  • 1 decade ago

    US stands for United didn't know that?

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