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Why is it so many people demand of others, what they refuse to give to others?

I'm gonna take a Swedish stand here (neutral). Why is it so hard to accept that others have beliefs and opinions that differ. Why must proof be demanded, is this not what all the world problems are about. Why, instead of demanding proof of those you don't agree with, don't you give proof that shows them wrong. Is there some kind of big prize for being right?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As far as I am concerned no proof NEEDS to be given either way. As I see it Religion is a main source of security for most people that practice it. It seems that if your beliefs differ from someone Else's than many times that is cause for them to keep their distance from you. In my opinion that is hogwash!! I think that SOME people NEED to defend their religious beliefs as a way of confirming to themselves that they believe THE TRUTH!

    Religion is a personal thing and should not be pushed on others! If anyone reads this and is bothered by it then I THINK that they need to lighten up!

  • 1 decade ago

    I accept the fact that others have beliefs/opinions that differ from mine. Proof must be demanded, otherwise there is nothing there to base a belief on. And as an atheist, the onus is not on me to give proof to show that God does NOT exist. Until some proof of God's existence is shown, REAL PROOF, then one must assume that God does not exist.

  • This sounds like a "selfish" thing that "immature" people do. Now, when the shoe is on the other foot, folk don't understand why they are "expected" to see how worthwhile others are. I wish that all of us in this world will attain that understanding. All of us are of some value, or the Lord wouldn't have put us here. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the God of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. Peace, Love and God Bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you want to convince someone to believe something then the burden is on you to provide proof. the burden does not fall on them to prove you are wrong, because they start out not believing you. you are the one convincing them not the other way around.

    why is it so hard to accept that some people need proof in order to believe in what would otherwise be considered magic. you expect people to believe in something that not only does not have proof but also requires people to believe in the impossible, something that breaks every logical and reasonable rule of science. isn't that proof enough.

    but i have no problem accepting that you have your own beliefs just don't try to push them on me. "shake the dust off your feet. Mark 6:11"

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It fees on usual $17,000 a yr to pay for a little one to visit college in a public atmosphere. If you are paying greater than that during taxes a yr, then sure pass forward and *****. But bear in mind to rely police taxes, firemen taxes, avenue taxes, and many others. Your cash, if you are now not a top earner, does not relatively rely for a lot. Unless you are wealthy, give up complaining. And illegals do pay taxes, now not they all however a few do.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, the definition of right is normal, the definition of normal is majority. So, what is right or not is nothing more than what a majority believes if you want to consider what is right is what is normal. However, if what is right is based on opinion, belief, faith and etc, then we are all right and what others think is not important as we should never be out to impress others, but to impress ourselves by standing for what we think is right!

  • 1 decade ago

    read my questions and answers,

    my one proof is the testimony of the visitation of Jesus. i offer it as an ultimate truth. i saw his glory, i saw an angel, i know there is A God in heaven.

    scripture study has shown me that christians who believe in the trinity are also wrong because of their traditions and mythos. because the mormons and jehova witnesses have a much greater understanding of studying the scriptures, however the mormon prophet joseph smith offered much greater proofs of testimony than i have ever received.

    but despite the revelations in this church there are secret combination also. wickedness in high places exist whereever there is money, power and wealth. and secrets exist that are both criminal and satanic in every religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    many can not think that god made all people differently and gave us all free will to do and believe as we choose and that god loves all of equally.

    so many are blind to that

  • 1 decade ago

    Cuz they are f*cked up!

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